This week’s People Magazine is baby crazy. First – we’re introduced to Jessica Simpson and her pro-football, business student, purse-carrying fiance’s new baby Maxwell. She’s adorable. $800,000 worth of adorable. I’m waiting to hear what charity she donates it to – like Brad and Angelina did. Waiting….still waiting.
I don’t get this fascination with celebrity baby photos. It bugs the snot out of me. I loved how David Beckham tweeted a photo out of their daughter Harper. It’s done. No paps following them around trying to get the picture. No outlandish amount of money exchanged. A proud dad tweeting out a picture of his daughter for his fans. This makes sense to me.
Speaking of sense. Apparently Biggest Loser trainer, Jillian Michaels, finally had some sense knocked into her. Sure it took her having two children added to her family in a week to reverse her stance that new mom’s need to find time to look after themselves. Michaels adopted a child from Haiti and her partner delivered their birth child at the same time. I haven’t heard that she retracted her statement about wanting to adopt because she couldn’t ‘handle doing that to my body’. Let’s hope she goes easy on her partner as she recovers and doesn’t pull stuff like this….
…because honestly, I’d say a new mom may have more rage than a beefed up fitness trainer??? I know I could have kicked her ass at two months post-partum if she tried this crap – saggy belly, leaking boobs and all.
Jillian MIcheals is gay?????