Wow. If this story doesn’t scream MOVIE OF THE WEEK…what does?
Aging model
Billionaire businessman
Successful actress
Both have children by the billionaire. One a result of a few fun weeks. One from a marriage.
One child is lavished with everything – why not – her dad is a beyond wealthy.
One child is not living in the poverty zone. But his mother, who famously said she wouldn’t get out of bed for less than $10,000 is looking for some money. SOME money? Rumour is she’s looking for $46,000 a MONTH. Chew on that for a minute.
Wow. This is all being battled out in a New York courtroom where all sorts of accusations are flying about. So sad. It’s a big case of ‘he said, she said.’ It’s a train wreck that I keep riding.
Why? I think I want to be brought over to Team Evangelista. But it ain’t happening. Do I agree that he should be paying for guards? I do – if her son wasn’t the son of Pinault, she wouldn’t need them. Do I think he should be paying for her TWO New York apartments? One that is used for playdates? No.
I also think I’m paying attention trying to figure out how this dude gets these woman. I’m sure he’s an awesome conversationalist. Oh and if he worked at The Gap instead of owned Gucci, I’m sure they’d be loving him. Right?? For sure??
What is really sad is that the two kids will one day have to read all this stuff that’s come out over the last few days. It was ugly. Apparently they’ve settled it now….out of court. Too bad they couldn’t do that before it got to this.
But while we’re at it??? Want to hear the biggest celeb child support payments?????
1. Charlie Sheen pays $55k a month!
2. Nas pays Kelis $51k a month – that’s a whole lot of milkshakes.
3. Martin Brodeur’s ex-wife gets $132k a year. That’s a score.
4. Britney Spears pays k-fed $20k a month. It does go both ways!
5. Russell Simmons pays Kimora Lee $40k a month. And NOW she dates Djimon Honsou…not too shabby….
What do you think of this crazy amounts????
Aye Captain :=)
They are only crazy amounts to us, the “little” people. They are likely percentage based on income not just an arbitrary number pulled out of a hat.
so nuts. and so weird??! wonder if those half-siblings will ever have a relationship with each other
Where have I been?! Had no idea they were with the same man…wow, I must google more now!