Let’s face it. Celebs have many perks which we make us all envious. They get free designer clothes, access to the best restaurants and clubs, personal trainers, chefs and invitations to galas where they mingle with other famous people. That’s all great, sure, but one perk I always wish I could have access to is being photographed by a famous photographer. Jennifer Hudson gets to live that dream.
She posed for acclaimed celebrity photographer (and my idol) Annie Leibovitz. And not just in any regular photo, but as “Princess Tiana” the bright and resourceful princess from ‘The Princess and the Frog.’
The image was unveiled today by Disney Parks and shows a luminscent Hudson in the latest installment of the Disney’s Dream Portrait series. Sweet!
This newest ‘Disney Dream Portrait’ from Leibovitz was commissioned by Disney Parks. It’s all part of their ongoing celebrity advertising campaign which debuted back in 2007. Hudson joins past celebrities such as Taylor Swift (Rapunzel) and Russell Brand (Captain Hook) who also posed for Leibovitz’ lens.
The images in the series are always accompanied by a quote. The portrait featuring Hudson is entitled “Where you always follow your heart.” . It will appear in upcoming issues of Vanity Fair, O – The Oprah Magazine, and People.
Lucky lady.
JHud looks amazing!