Holly Madison, former Playboy Playmate and Girls Next Door alum, wants the world to know that her 2-year-old daughter Rainbow Rotella will not ever have anything to do with Hugh Hefner, Playboy or the infamous mansion.
“There are others who have brought their babies to the mansions after they were born, but it’s not something I would do,” Madison explains.
When asked if she would be okay with Rainbow posing for Playboy, Madison responded like we would hope most parents would: with common sense and love for her child.
“I would not be okay with it,” she told Yahoo Parenting. “When she is an adult, she will be able to do what she wants, but from day one I’ve tried to raise her to know she has value, her body parts have value, and she doesn’t have to do something cheap or tawdry to get attention. If she wanted to [be a Bunny]—and God forbid she did—I would tell her my whole experience with it and I’d be honest that it wasn’t what I thought it would be.”
Madison also spoke about how her parenting abilities seem to be under constant scrutiny because of her past.
“I get a lot of judgment for my past,” Madison shared. “When you are young and from a small town and seduced by fame and glamour, you let a lot of your values slide.”
But Madison realizes that the judgement she faces is felt by most parents at some point in their lives.
“I think every mom feels judged these days. Somewhere along the line, parenting got really competitive.” Where is the judgement the worst for her? Instagram, of all places. “I get a lot of it on Instagram. I can’t post any picture of my daughter without someone commenting that I’m not being a good mom.”
Madison says she tries to steer clear of the mom-on-mom judgement and makes sure that she never adds to it in any way: “With my friends, unless they ask for advice, I try to stay out of it. The second I had Rainbow my mommy instincts kicked in, and the thing that annoyed me more than anything is when people gave me advice that was unsolicited.”
I ma just kidding I don’t really care
That is not something a parent should do with a child in it so don’t do it again