It’s Dancy-Dance time!
Pea was recently playing with one of her stuffed animals – Brobee, a funky green creation from the TV show Yo Gabba Gabba! Pea sat Brobee down in her plush chair, and was gently feeding him raspberries and giggling to herself. It was a cute scene; one that repeats itself quite often.
As I watched her, I wondered what it would be like if Brobee suddenly came to life, swallowed the raspberry, waved his grotesquely long arms around and asked for another. What would Pea’s reaction be? Glee? Fear? Uncertainty?
Well, thanks to the magic of modern theatre, I’m soon going to have the chance to find out exactly what Pea does when Brobee comes to life.
And thanks to, you could too!
For those who haven’t heard, Yo Gabba Gabba! is coming to Toronto with the very special show called “There’s a Party in My City!” Muno, Toodee, Plex, Foofa and our beloved Brobee will come to life to entertain swarms of screaming children and parents alike. DJ Lance Rock will be there, as will Biz Markie, The Aquabats and the rest of the Yo Gabba Gabba gang. has four tickets to give away to two lucky families. All you need to do is post a comment below letting me know how you think your little one(s) would react if faced with their favourite toy come-to-life.
The show is on Wednesday, March 17th, at 11:00am. To be entered in the draw, you have to post your comment before noon on Tuesday, March 9th. The show takes place at the Elgin Theatre in Toronto.
Good luck, and remember, listening and dancing to Yo Gabba Gabba! is AWESOME!
Remember only UrbanMoms members are eligible to win so don’t forget to sign in. Not a member yet? Click here to join!
Click here for contest Rules and Regulations.
Both my kids would love to see Yo GabbaGabba live on stage…i can just see their faces light up as they come on stage and getting up to spin around and dance. my daughter would be popping her head and my son likes to wiggle and shake LOL
hoping hoping ! cartwheels!!!! she would do cartwheels!
My son would love it.
I am sure my son 3.5 would love to see the show, but how too keep him sitting would be the biggest problem. The up close and personal may be a little frightening. Not sure how he would react
After the initial shock my 3.5 year old daughter would ask to have a dance party with them and she might even display some of her acquired beat boxing skills…and my 1.5 year old son would immediately begin displaying his dancing skills – he’s got rhythm for sure and already knows how to keep the beat!
Thanks for this contest…I have to admit I’m looking forward to the show almost as much as my kids π
So I don’t have a daughter but I have a delightful niece that would LOVE to go see the show! Well I say LOVE but her initial reaction would be scared because there are lots of people. But once she sees the other kids, she would be THRILLED – hey anytime is play time when others are around! Once the show starts her reaction would most likely be in awe and just point… once the shock wore off her butt would start to wiggle and dance. Now if Brobee came up to her she may be in fear considering he is probably 5.5ft taller and bigger then she is… then again I may win tickets to the early showing which means my niece’s reaction would be oblivious cause that’s her naptime…
My daughter is still young enough that it wouldn’t freak her out too much. I think a few yrs from now it will be harder to take her to a live show.
I think they would want to have one of their very own. I actually had this problem when my 2 (now 3 and a half year old son) met Elmo. He cried all the way home because he wanted to bring Elmo home to play with. It was a difficult situation but was quickly forgotten like most problems.
My neice would love to see them live! It would be awesome to see her face!
My daughter would lo to go and I would love to see her face !!!
My just-turned-four year old daughter would stare incredulously and then giggle and laugh with total abandon…. wow! THAT WOULD BE great!!!!!
My kids would love to see them live. For some reason my son especially loves this show and he’s constantly singing and dancing with it! I don’t understand it, but it’s cute to see my kids enjoying it, and getting up and moving.
If my almost 3 year old saw the YGG gang live he would seriously go nuts! He’s always dancing along to the show -doesn’t sit down even for a minute.
I’m sure he would look forward to seeing Brobee the most and tell him all about the party in his tummy! And I heard Biz Markee is coming as well -Aydan loves Biz’s beat of the day -I’m raising alittle beat boxer!
my neice would scream! She loves the show!
YO you kidding me?!!! A live YO GABBA GABBA show for our kids is equivalent to a rock concert for adults! π
My kids and I have never seen this show, because we don’t have cable, but knowing my kids, they would have such a blast. They are the perfect ages, 1.5 and 2.5, and so outgoing and happy, and they just have fun no matter what they do. We have been housebound for a year, and this would be the most exciting thing they’ve ever done!
The last time my little guys had a little taste of live theatre was a sigh of relief. We were a bit nervous because we thought we would be chasing them around the venue the entire time, however they were glued in their seats. If they saw Yo Gabba Gabba, I’m sure they’d be bustin to move this time around!
My 5 year old son has a Talking Plex, and it makes him dance and stay on the move…so for him to see a real Plex, his face would just light up π
My 18 month old daughter dances with Yo Gabba Gabba on most weekdays too!!
Harry, my 4 year old, loves Yo Gabba Gabba… in fact he dances when it’s on. But not just dance, he tries to break dance ~ including a back spin and a freeze. He is so cute and funny because he is so uncoordianted, but bless him, he tries. If he gets the chance to see DJ Lance and the crew, he would definitely be cutting up the floor with his “wicked good moves.”
I’m as hooked as my daughter, so I know I would take a million pictures, with a goofy smile on my face and red cheeks. I think my daughter would be so excited to “break it down” with her favourite characters from her favourite show. But she’d probably only like them close enough for a high five, I doubt she’d hug them-she protects her personal space with world renowned toddler ferocity:)
My son would be so ecstatic and look at me with huge unbelieving eyes, and then he would giggle hysterically with excitement. He saw Toopy & Binoo this fall and when the show was over he started crying because he was upset that it ended. He really loves seeing his favourite characters come to life!
My 15 month old just started saying “gabba gabba” and whenever she sees the show on tv, she points, smiles and says “gabba gabba” and then starts to dance. I think her proclamation would be much more enthusiastic if she were to meet them in person.
My son would just have the goofiest grin on his face and so would Mom!
My youngest daughter, age 2.5 years, would run and give them each an ENORMOUS bear hug and never let go. Security would be walking her off the stage. She is a little ham and would want to be part of the cast. She loves all of them and is so full of love and energy. She would be dancing like crazy, after having to be convinced to let go of the hug and she would be singing non-stop as well. My oldest, age 4, would be also pose and dance but more subdued. Nonetheless, they would both be so happy to have this dream come true.
My four year old TRIPLETs would be over the moon if they had the chance to see them! They have not seen a live stage show before and sometimes with my older daughter and triplets…I feel like “There’s a Party in My House”!
My daughter loves Yo Gabba Gabba as do I, DJ Lance is pretty cool although his outfit may be a little too tight! When my daughter has come across any type of real life character/toy that she likes she tends to get excited and scared at the same time. She appreciates them and likes to watch them while keeping her distance a little.
My son, Russell (2), would probably be very excited to see the Yo GABBA GABBA gang live. Unfortunately for Russell, his mom (me) is an old school rap fan and would be standing on my chair, while wearing my white shelltops, screaming “GO BIZ! GO BIZ! GO GO GO BIZ!”
Whaaaaat? Listen, it is in my MOM CONTRACT, that a mom is entitled to embarrass her children at least 10 times in their lives.
In all honesty though, I know that Russell would be rockin’ out along with the crew.
…even though he only has one signature move…… the butt wiggle.
The boys would LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi There,
My son Kevin and my daughter Lorena will be very happy to see the:
“Yo Gabba Gabba” In concert.
They both love the show. It’s so entertaining for the kids.
And they learn a lot. Its not only fun but a great way to learn many things that little ones needs to learn.
My son Kevin mimics the “Yo Gabba Gabbas” and he start singing and dancing.
Well! We hope we win! Thank you for posting this great Contest for the kids!
yes Corby– I would be copping a t-shirt for sure!
I would love to win these tickets for my 15 month old Grandson. I just know he would be enthralled. Doesn’t matter where he is is the house, when this show comes on he makes a B-line for the TV. Stands in front and dances. You cannot get his attention at all. It is the cutest thing.
I think Ania would be a little hesitant and first but start dancing and singing along. She has the dancing Brobee toy and dances with him all the time.
PS – if I were to go I would buy myself a t-shirt! The show is meant for parents I am convinced!
My daughter would be incredibly shy. She has never liked the life like characters, whether Disney, Canada’s Wonderland….none of them. My son on the other hand would probably rip off his shirt and start dancing with Brobee! Flailing arms, fast moving hips – he would LOVE it!
I just asked my 3 year old what he would think if his Brobee became real and his eyes bugged right out of head!
If my Brobee became real I would tell him about the song I wrote and ask him if he wanted some pizza!
lol—-at least he’d be hospitable π
I think my kids would literally flip or at least pull off a busted somersault or headspin —-my boys are huge Gabba fans and they love DJ Lance the Biz—-they are beatbox fanatics.
True Story- I gave my Myles a drinking box today-less then an hour ago and it started making this annoying squeaky/sippy noise and he comes over to me and was like
“listen to this Mom, I’m gonna use it in my beatbox!”
My son has met mascots of products before and he was very suspicious of them. I am sure he would feel that he was in the tv in a dream. No doubt he would make the most of it by having as much fun as he could.
Not only would my kids be excited but so would my husband and I! We never attended live shows when we were young so to experience such events with our children bring much joy and pleasure for us as a family!
I think my daughter would be thrilled! Her daycare brought a clown in a couple of weeks ago and she wasn’t the least bit scared, which was a relief since at her age (almost three) she’s at a prime time to be afraid of clowns. We love Yo Gabba Gabba — it would be great to see them in concert.
It would probably be just like the other concert we went to last year. Z would look at me a dozen times and say “this is the best concert ever mommy”. No matter what we do or how many times we do it, it’s amazing how excited our kids are about everything!!!
DJ Lance rocks! Such an adorable show.
My son would probably hug them! I have already seen that in action! Very cute!
I think my son would have a ball (he would be scared at first but I think would love seeing the characters come to life).
Both my boys (almost 1 and 3) have no fear when it comes to live characters. They smile invitingly and love them as their own kind lol. This contest would brighten my little ones day especially because it is 13 days before his first birthday and this is his fffffaavvorite show!! I have to witness the party in my tummy song everyday lol.
My Daughter Danica would be super excited, as long as they didn’t come too close!! LOL
My daughter Alex would be so exited to go. It would be her first live show and I think she is ready….as everyone else said she would probably be a little freaked out at first but then would party hard!
My kids would love it and would rock to the beat.
My son would squeal and then run away, peak behind something and then run towards them. It would be a very loud joyful experience that would make me smile as much as him.
If my one year old’s favourite toy came to life she probably wouldn’t even notice, she would likely think its normal and just keep playing.
My two and a half year old would love to see her favourite toy come to life. It is a baby she calls Toyota….don’t ask why thats a whole other story. That baby goes everywhere with us. She won’t take the doll to daycare though since she is convinced one of the other kids will hurt Toyota so we have to bring her in the truck but Toyota comes “to work with mommy so that mommy can take care of her while Evva is at school” Just don’t tell her I leave the baby in the truck all day.
Both of my daughters love Yo Gabba Gabba, they are very into music and they think DJ Lance is great! Evva likes his “orange hair and costume” (his hat and glasses)
My daughter loves those funny creatures!
my son right now is at the age where he notices bright colour and music. when he watches this show it almost as if he is in a trance. he normally squeals for joy and laughs at them. if he were to see them live, i think he may be a bit caught off guard with the though “OMG there real!! told you mom!” lol. then be over joyed with excitement to actually see them closer than ever before.
My son would LOVE to see his favourite character live in action. I’m sure he would first stare and then scream with joy! I hope I find out ;o)
my daughter would go crazy for this…when sshe watchs them she tries to copy them i think if we were to see them live shed try to be on stage with them following every move what a great give away
I think my kids would be terrified at first π but then I think they would want them to dance with them!
My daughter loves this show…so do I! We would both love to go…DJ Lance is the coolest lol!! My daughter would probably dance the whole time like she does at home.
I think my boys would be really excited… the oldest (almost 5) was all over Santa this year, which is a change from his past years of sheer terror… the younger one (almost 2) will probably feed off his older brother’s energy, but will cautiously watch from afar and won’t approach them… and the l’il one on the way will likely thump inside my belly, happily along to the music.
My kids would love it!
My daughter is a huge fan of Yo Gaba Gaba. It is a pretty cute show for kids. My daughter hasn’t seen anything live yet, so she would just be so overwhelmed by the situation. Overwhelmed by happiness.
I’m not entering the contest because I wouldn’t be able to get to T.O for it, however I wanted to comment. My daughter loves these weirdos! What are they???
I think if my daughter saw them in real life, her reaction would be half excitement and half FEAR – especially if she saw them up close LOL. Jeez they scare ME!! π
the boys would love to see Yo Gabba Gabba come to life. They talk in there own langauge to each other and when Yo Gabba Gabba comes on they seem to get so entralled with the going ons. I think the younger one would be the more agressive to visit with the stage.
My son would love them as is…ok as long as they were moving and singing. My daughter would probably make strange at first, she seems to be at that stage right now. I think she would be okay after a while though.
After they got finished being scared (kind of like Santa) they would love to see their favourite toy come to life. If they didn’t have to get real close to them (ie. Stage distance) I think they might even skip over the scared stage!