You may remember that one of my (numerous) 2010 Goals is to work on losing those last 10(ish) pounds of baby weight, also know as Working On My Fitness. As one very astute commenter pointed out, working out is not enough to win this weight loss game. The key is a healthy, balanced eating plan in conjunction with a reasonable, sustainable fitness regime.
I am busy making baby steps toward regaining my pre-baby body and healthy lifestyle by:
- Making dinner at least 6 nights a week, with one vegetarian meal per week
- Working out in my fitness room (aka: cold, damp basement) at least 3 times a week
- Daily outdoor activities with my son (weather permitting)
- Eliminating “thoughtless” snacking
I know that I’m not alone in the fight to regain my pre-baby body and adapt a healthier lifestyle, and the folks at Kellogg’s don’t want you to be alone either. To help you reach your goals, Kellogg’s is giving away THREE fantastic gift baskets full of amazing products to help you reach your healthy living goals in 2010.
Three lucky members will win a gift basket from Kelloggs containing:
- A selection of Special K* products including new Special K* Blueberry cereal and new Special K* Fruit Crisps in Strawberry and Blueberry flavours
- Fitness items including wrist weights and a skipping rope to kick-start physical activity
- A journal to chart progress and keep resolutions on track and help organize your life in general!
order to enter to win, all you have to do is comment!
Post a comment
below and tell me one small step you are taking toward a healthier you in 2010 and you will be entered to win this amazing gift basket.
This contest will end February 9th, 2010. Remember,
only members are eligible to win. Not a member yet? Click
here to join!
Good luck!!
Click here for contest Rules and Regulations.
No sugar, no food after 9, no vino & working out – lots of yoga (lovely) & hard workouts with the DVD (not so lovely)…
I am trying to cut out sugar and eat more fruit & veggies.
I buy a lot of veggies but I tend to find them in the back of my fridge in various stages of ick. I’m making a concentrated effort to eat more of them every day and so far, so good.
I’m trying to drink more plain water this year. I’ve always known that it’s healthy, but was never able to do it. So far I’m doing pretty good!
I am taking a few steps for my health:
1) Take the stairs
2) Use more dried grains/beans
3) Use workout videos (Derailed by dental surgery, but still going to do this!!)
I have been using my Wii fit most days ( I do slip up now and then). It makes exercising fun and on weekends I play the games with my grandkids!
I have to keep telling myself to go to the gym, no matter how tough it may be.
I spend 30 minutes, 5 times a week on the treadmill, and give myself a star every day for doing it. I feel good, knowing that I did my little excercise that day.
Eating healthier and following Food Guide recomendations. Having more raw veggies on the plate. Cutting down on red meat portions. Less sugary foods.
I have started to eat breakfast..not a fan of it but Im working on it…I cut out coffee and went to green tea..and cut out all pop
Doing 2 miles daily on the stationary bike which is located down stairs….evey other day try to get another mile done.
I exercise at least 3 days a week plus am trying to reduce the amount of junk food I eat.
I don’t put sugar in my coffee anymore :o)
doing more walking and trying to eat more fruit (both of which I am enjoying). Thanks!
I am adding more fruits in my daily diet, and have been spending Saturdays and Sundays downhill skiing at our local hill. Fresh air and lots of fun is on the agenda for this winter. This also keeps me away from the fridge!
*Eat home cooked meals.
*Think twice before snacking
*Try and cut out as much refined sugar as possible.
My goal is to hit the gym three times a week – at 6am! I love that I can be home and in the shower by the time my kids wake up – then I have the whole day ahead of me, knowing that I don’t have to try and sneak a visit in!
I have been trying to lose weight since my youngest was born 7 years ago yesterday. Wow how time flies by!!! The hardest weight to lose is the littlest amount. My pre prego weight was only 25 lbs lighter and it’s so hard. I have been trying to excercise more- I do lots of walking, it’s just other excercises I need to do more. I have also been trying to cut out sugars snacks and eating more healthier. I need to change my lifestyle a little too. I need help!!!
I have started using my nordic track again, and I am up to 3 miles now. I also try to eat salad of some sort everyday for my lunch. I have switched to spinach salads, way more nutrients and more flavor. Also, I make up muffins with lots of flax, wheat germ and bran in them for snacks. Still trying to sort out a eating schedule when I am on afternoon shift though. You are up until midnight and always feel like eating.
For my 2010 way to make a change for my health is.. I have found out that I have diabeites..that would explain the mood swings ..being tired all the time feeling slugish and of course the battle to try and loose a few pounds so that when you look in the mirror you can actually like what is looking back at you….so now I have to take injections for insulon have to eat like 6x a day !!!! I was like excuse me !!!!! do you not see a person in front of you that actually needs to eat more meals a day !
I am trying to lose weight not gain ….geesh…but as I sat with my dietican she broke it all down for to understand that the way I was eating …was not good at all..skipping breakfeast and trying to cheat away lunch…maybe have some supper and then bed…what I did not realize was that I was starving my body by not feeding it….so when I did eat something my body would store it as fat… when you eat 6x times a day the body gets what it needs and does not into panic mode….so then eventually it will burn off what you do not need……so my new diabetic diet and my insulin in tow I will try to control my sugar better.. follow the menu plan …and walk to the grocery store rather than drive…..i have parked the car and am now walking to where ever I need to go…the dietican said this would be very helpful for me and the kids to walk rather than drive and we all get our exercise this way!!!! my kids and boyfriend have been very supportive for me and all want to follow the diabetic diet with me !!!!
How cool is that !!!!
I have made a promise no matter the weather I will walk my daughter to school (we live about 10 minutes from her school). It has been easy to keep when the days are nice, but it is hard when super cold. So far so good though!
I bought a Biggest Loser DVD and have been doing it 5 times a week and moving from Level 1 to Level 2 after 12 sessions.
My added step in life to reducing my weight is to ensure that I have my 8 glasses of water everyday. I also package my veggie snacks in the morning so it is easier to just grab and go as opposed to then washing and packaging.
I just had a baby in November, and I’m adjusting to the new life of parenting. I’m trying to balance taking care of the baby during the day, and exercising at night. So far so good!
I make sure our family goes for a walk everyday, no matter how cold it is, we bundle up & walk about 1km to the Timmies & treat ourselves to a coffee (black) for the adults & the kids will get a timbit each.
I bought a wii fit and am starting to work out winow. I need to build up my cardio work out and burn some unwanted pounds!
I’m tracking my weight after doing a quick session on the WiiFit. Water is also big on my list – I’m trying to drink 8 glasses a day:)
I try to do an hour on the treadmill every night!
I bought my daughter an eliptical machine,workout Dvds, and weights because she wanted to tone for summer. She likes to do things with Mom so she guilts me into exercising with her. I like to do what I can to keep her happy so i feel good about doing something with her and I feel better about myself when I exercise. After investing money in the equipment it motivates me to make use of it
I am trying to keep my blood sugar level by eating 3 meals and 1 snack in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. I also go for a walk after lunch.
I am trying to do some type of exercise every day.
I drink plenty of water
when I walk
I started keeping a notebook on the counter and when I ate anything or had a coffee or glass of water, I wrote it down. It doesn’t take long to see a bad pattern of eating “just because” or finishing the bit on the kids plate. The most important thing a (thinner) friend told me was to “not be your childs garbage can”. Once she had started realizing that she was finishing the leftovers, she rarely had a weight problem.
Good ol’ Cabbage soup! I make a pot every weekend and take it to work for lunch every day. Great way to get in all those veggie servings and it is really nutritious and filling. I change the variety of veggies every week and eat varying types of crackers with it to avoid boredom! Comfort food!
My small step was to get the EA sports Active for the Wii. I have been out of town so I haven’t used it yet but now that I am back I will be breaking it out and seeing if it helps to get some of the weight off!
I have quit smoking to be healthier in 2010 and am trying to lose the weight i have gained over the last 3 pregnancies ( have had 3 babies is under 3 years) babies born 2007, 2009, 2010 so trying tobe a healthier me for them….have already lost 29lbs some of which is due to childbirth.
My small step to losing weight has been taking the stars instead of the elevator.
Did you know that climbing just two flights of stairs everyday could result a loss of 2.7kg or 6lbs per year. Six flights a day could help you trim nearly 18 lbs. Why Weight?!
I have to agree with Sarah’s baby steps to regaining her pre-baby body. The only difference is I wouldn’t be adding any vegan meals and I have 2 sons instead of one. I have to make major changes to my lifestyle otherwise my weight is going to spiral out of control and I’m afraid that my children will follow in my footsteps.
On new years day my husband and I both weighed in. We were the largest we have been since we were married 5 1/2yrs ago. We have started calorie counting, and portion control for the new year diet. We have also added salad to nearly every dinner meal. I have also eliminated food after 8pm. And we are both using the treadmill that was gathering dust in the corner. To date, I have lost 11lbs, the husband has lost 10lb. We are both looking to lose at least another 10-15lbs to reach our goals and we look forward to doing that in order to set an example for our 3 yr son and my 10 yr old stepdaughter.
Christmas 2008 at our staff party, a photo was taken of me and when I saw it, I was absolutely horrified. I thought I looked good that night – in reality, I looked awful, puffy and unhealthy and fat. I resolved to lose weight that day and started on my treadmill. I also started not only watching what I ate but how much I was eating. Portion control has been hard (I love my pasta!) but I am doing it. I drink a huge glass of water with my meals so that I get in at least 6-8 cups a day. I am losing weight slowly but I know it will stay off that way. I also started reading books by Jorge Cruise and Jillian Michaels for more ways to stay fit. I use the Wii Fit and am looking into starting Tai Chi. I have lost more than 30 lbs and I feel so much better about myself. I have to say that cardio and strength training and proper eating have contributed so much to my weight loss. It really is a lifestyle change but I am glad I saw that photo – it has led me to get fit and now I can keep up with my two kids! 🙂 I am determined to get into a 2 piece bathing suit this summer so I can go swimming with my kids and not be so self-conscious about my body. Thank you for the opportunity to win more weight loss help – I currently eat Special K Satisfaction for breakfast so this would be great to win!
I like to walk (as fast as I can) 5 km a day along the river. It’s great exercise and gives me time to process a lot of stuff at the same time!
I have joined weight watchers to help with those extra pounds, which has helped me look at labels and realize portion control. I have also picked up on using my WII I bought a boxing disc and it is an awesome workout.
I am trying to reduce the times we hit the fast food chains each week. We eat out much to often and it is usually due to lazyness on my part at lunchtime and lack of meal planning at dinner!
I have been trying to read labels more, which makes me more consious of what I have been eating. Too much sugar, fructose, trans fat, etc. It’s time consuming but it really helps you make better choices. I am trying to plan my meals better and make a shopping list too so that I am not tempted to buy something quick.
Well two of my “babies” are getting married this year and I want to lose the last 5 pounds of “baby weight” so I can look great as the mother of the grooms. I am trying to only eat healthy snacks especially in the evening. One of the snacks I enjoy in the evening is cereal!
I am writing it all down. So I can see right there in black and white. Instead of wondering, why there was no loss this week? I can see, oh, maybe it had something to do with that batch of brownies and the zero exercise this week. Sounds obvious but when you know that you have to go “record” it you may be more inclined to omit that donut and go for a walk instead. At least it looks good on paper!
I am like Sarah trying to lose the baby fat and so I use my elliptical trainer bike and Wii to help me into shape. Of course, I’m eating balanced but smaller portions of well-balanced meals.
I try to eat healthier, and by doing this I try to buy fresh produce, and meats, and only shop on the outside of the grocery store. I walk my min pin everyday and use my Wii to exercise at home.
I am trying to cut down the sugar in my diet. I’ve read that sugar is one of the biggest roadblocks in trying to lose weight.
It sounds so obvious but I have been having breakfast. In the past I’d skip it because mornings I’d just be so busy with getting the kids to school on time and I’d neglect eating, which meant that a couple of hours later I’d be ravenous. Having breakfast, even something small, has made a huge difference for me!
I am trying to eat less junk food at work – I am taking almonds and yogourt for morning and afternoon snacks.
I have endeavoured to not eat out so much (once a week), walk as much as possible or climb stairs instead of taking the elevator and drink tonnes of water. Thanks!
I am eating better and drinking lots of water
I started running
I am trying to stop eating what is left on the kids plates. This is a very bad habit that I have gotten in. I’m sure I’ve added weight because of this.
i try not to eat too late, eat more fruit and veg. , we also started eating all together at the table (used to be the couch)
I am parking further away from work and the mall, the extra walking is great and it is a goal of mine to fit in more walking during my busy day!
In 2010 I am trying to move a lot more and eat a lot less. Also having a positive attitude in 2010.
I am making small steps to live healthier. I made the switch from regular pop to diet. I stopped using sugar and now use sweetener. I began to eat a small breakfast in the morning. I would never eat anything and was putting on weight and feeling sluggish. I feel better now that I have fuel for my engine.
I drink more water by adding crystal light to it. And I exercise 4 days a week.
I resolve to rejoin the gym and exercise at least 3 times a week.
My small step is to take daily walks with my wife.
One small step that I am taking is that I joined the local college gym and have been walking on the treadmill and using the eliptical. I’m building up a little extra each day I go. It was a challenge to actually get up the nerve to go as I am not a small gal. I go during the day when it’s not very busy and the cost was a lot less because it’s a college.
I take lunch to work, and am limiting my consumption of coke once a week.
My New Year resolution was to offer my family a healthier food menu. Additionally for myself I am logging my food intake in a food journal. It is a fantastic tool and keeps track of your nutrition intake. It really keeps me motivated and I am no longer indulging on sweets every day!
eat more fruits and veggies
I eat salads and the best way to make it interesting is to add nuts and fruits to the salad.
I am starting to work out to help my back.
When I watch TV, I get up and walk around each commercial. And I don’t eat after supper.
It’s a very small step but when I walk the dog, I am encouraging (forcing!) myself to walk further even when I don’t want to.
Take the stairs at work instead of using the elevator. A lot more vegetables and whole grains.
Raw foods and the treadmill is my date every evening for at least 30 minutes!
I am trying to speed walk when i take my dogs out for a walk (it’s making a difference!) and meal plan, so I don’t end up throwing chicken fingers and fries in the oven, or ordering take out all the time. The meal planning is actually working out quite well – I plan & shop once a week, I think that’s key (trying to do more than a week a time as I did before was disasterous!)
I power walk for one hour every day and have been for over four years now. Rain, snow or shine I’m out there. The only thing that stops me is lightning!
i use the stairs at work
I am trying to stop eating snacks all afternoon.
My small step is not stopping at Tim’s on the way to work….I bring my breakfast with me…which includes 1 slice whole wheat bread & egg white omlette, a yogurt, a banana and i make a cup of tea…it keeps me going until at least 11…and i’m not starving…
My small step is to go for an hour walk every day!
My small step is to go for an hour walk every day!
I always park far away from the mall or grocery store so that I get those extra steps in a day.
climb the stairs from the basement to the upperlevel two times in a row every morning before work…no stopping
Im trying to cut back on my sugar, salt and fat intake. As well as exercising atlast 3 times a week.
One small step for me is that I joined a recreational soccer team with my husband to get some more exercise. I also plan to go for a brisk walk 2-3 times a week to get my exercise level up. Thanks for the great giveaway
Always taking the stairs, parking at the far end of the parking lot at work and drinking at least 2 litres of water a day.
For the past few years, I’ve been in the habit of exercising so that is no problem and I do eat healthy for the most part.
But this year a couple of things I’m working on is drinking more water and not waiting until I’m thirsty.
I’ve always been a high energy/cardio type of exerciser and never ever found time to stretch. As I’m getting older I’m finding my lack of stretching and chronic tightness is catching up with me. So this year I’ve incorporated stretching into my routine by attending a Fusion class which is combo of pilates, yoga and core.
For me stretching only happens when it’s part of a class, and I’m aware of that.
And although attending this slower paced Fusion class is a big departure from the norm for me, I can feel it working and that is a good thing.
I’ve taken small steps to improve my eating habits by drinking at least 2 litres of water and eating at least 25 g of fibre every day. As well, I recently ordered a Canada’ Food Guide chart which I look at every day to ensure I am eating the required food groups. I have also started a food journal so I can keep track of the specific foods and calories I consume daily. I have found that while it’s a chore to do every day, I have paid more attention to the foods I eat if I didn’t get enough of a specific group during the day. So, I ensure that I eat the foods that I still have a deficit for the rest of the day. It seems to be working, but slowly. I feel good about myself and feel more energetic every day.
In order to be healthier I have learned not to feel guilty about taking time to exercise. I read somewhere that happy moms raise happy kids. So the next time you feel guilty about taking care of yourself…don’t! When you take care of yourself you are doing it for your kids too.
I am trying to walk more. Even on these cold days when we don’t want to be outside. I find it refreshing and a wakeup and time to talk with my Husband and enjoy eachothers time with a walk.
Also trying to drink more water to help keep my body hydrated.
I love to cook wonderful meals and the result is now my husband has Gout!
looks like we have to cut out a lot from my menu and eat more veges,water less meat
This new menu will be good for both of us.
I am concentrating on not grabbing a bite of this or that while I’m in the kitchen. I can stop at one cookie, but I want to make sure I’m really hungry (and that I realize I’m eating a cookie as opposed to a more healthier choice)
I’ve started making fresh juices at home and I’m trying to eat more raw fruits and vegetables every day.
I am exercising at least 3 times a week. I am eating more whole wheat and fruits.
I exercise and walk daily and eat healthy
I’m trying to exercise 2-3 times a week
I have made huge improvements in my eating habits. I avoid junk food and snack items like chips and pop but now and them I do like a chocolate or two as a treat. Not eating well landed me in the hospital for over three months, four years ago. Since then I eat more fruits and vegetables and am careful to meet my nutritional requirements daily.
I also started walking every day to pick up my mail at the roadside box. This takes me about 45 minutes and with the arrival of Spring, I plan on increasing the lenght of my daily outing. I am healthier and feel so much better!
My small step, well it could be a big step. I do water workout 2 times a week and do the treadmill at least 4 times a week. I would say I eat healthy meals but I love my chips and chocolate. So my small step is I give up chocolate and reduce the amount of chips I eat.
I find that the spare tire around the middle to be the most difficult to get rid of. I find that eating a balanced meal with less carbs and fats helps, but the one thing that really gets rid of those extra pounds is drinking 8 glasses of water a day.
I am eating more veggies and smaller portions of other food
I am drinking a full bottle of water with lunch and dinner
I stopped drinking dark sodas and limit myself to the occassional diet drink (my new fave is Orange pop and have with my light butter popcorn when I watch the Bachelor!!) and I also eliminated candy, choc…and watching my portion sizes.
I am only eating sweets 2 evenings per week instead of 7.
Since the 1st of Jan I have stopped drinking coffee, limited my sugar intake, I try to eat healthy (no chips, candy, chocolate etc) I have started to exercise using our Wii and I am eating more protein and less carbs.
i try not to eat late at night i am tryin to eat more which is very hard as i was only eating one meal a day slowly i am now up to 3 with snacks and little portions less junk and eating out and no more pepsi which is very hard but i know i can do it just gotta keep my mind clear and go for my goal
I’ve gotten hooked on junk food over the past two months, thanks to the cold, dreary weather. So I would like to start cutting down on my junk-food intake, particularly the salty and fatty foods, and try to take a brisk, 30-minute walk twice weekly, to start. We have had very little snow in Toronto so far this year (YAY!!!), and it has often been mild outside, so I should have no reason not to start taking my health more seriously with a smart diet and fitness program. Oh, I also have three free yoga classes coming to me… February should be an exciting month!
To eat better and to try and exercise at least 3 times a week
Well My small step is actually an amazing step, according to my specialist. In 2005 I came down with a rare disease that paralyzed me and landed me in the hospital for over 6 months.
Because of this I have had to learn to walk all over again but am happy to say I can walk without the aid of a cane or walker short distances so to encourage myself I reward myself, such as okay walk 1 house further today and u can order flowers I try to push myself this way as I am limited to my exercises but walking is nice and peaceful, winter is hard with the ice so I try indoor mall walking just have to be careful with the slippery floors.
But this is how I plan to become healthier, and I feel great.
I have started to work out at a local gym and am watching what I eat.
I have begun having a healthy breakfast regularly to kick-start my day off right.
Joined a Boot Camp!!
I’m trying to walk as much as I can and leave the car at home. Plus, I’m cooking more meals from scratch using fresh, local ingredients.
Walking and water are the 2 things I am going to try to get lots of. I gained 10lbs over the holidays and need to get it off.
Well I’ve started leaving alot of things out like salad dressing, butter, salt and when I stop for my morning coffee I get milk & sweetner 🙂 I found a list of negative calorie foods and when I’m looking for a snack just for the sake of eating I pick them then if I “pig out” it’s not so bad 🙂 good luck ladies your all beautiful!!
My baby step is to eat better adding more fiber plus no matter how tired I am to get off my butt and go on my walker for at least 30 minutes.
To keep parking as far away as possible at malls and to take stairs all the time.
to bring one towel up from the basement (laundry room) to the second floor at a time when I feel lazy
to be my inspiration to my kids to exercise and be healthy
I’ve been working on losing my baby weight from 2 kids. I just kept adding more pounds rather than losing them. My 2nd child is now 2 and finally I’ve started losing the weight. I’m down 48 lbs and still some to go. I’m just trying to be more active and eat healthier. I don’t keep junk food in the house and it seems to have been good for the entire household. Everyone is eating more fruit & veg. I’ve realized this is a lifestyle change and not a diet, finally!!!!
I’m cooking for my family so I know what goes into every meal and I can reduce the fat content and ensure they get a balanced meal.
I’ve been paying alot more attention to what I eat than ever before. I actually take the time to read the nutritional labels prior to putting something into my shopping cart. It takes extra time at the grocery store, but so worth your time. I eat more fruit and vegetables and I eat complex carbs because they keep you filled up for a much longer period of time. I still love sweets, but I minimize them and when I do eat sweets, I try to make it a little less painful by eating something that will also give you some nutrition, or at the very least eat a 100 calorie snack that are now so easy to find. I also make sure I get out for a walk daily, no matter how cold it is. Little changes add up to a big difference!
I have chronic pain, but I am determind to move more this year, even if its just walking a few more steps or doing an extra chore around the house.
I am also cutting down on my sugar consumption and upping the fresh veggies in our diets! We are eating less red meat and more fish, especially salmon!
I’m trying to get on my elliptical at least 3 times a week & I’m trying to snack on fruit instead of sugary treats!
i am trying to add more fruits and vegetables into my and my families diet, some times things get so hectic that it seems like there is no time to make the healthy food, so i am making a concerted effort to make the time to cook healthier and not just take the easy way out grabbing what it fastest
I go for power walks with my iPod shuffle & golden retreiver for 45 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week, and then walks with my husband after dinner as many nights as possible. I feel so much better for it!
I drink 8 glasses of water every day, try not to eat anything after 8pm, and park far away (in the parking lot) from any store I go to.
I yry to walk more often and eat more fruit and veggies.
I try to walk more,eat more raw veggies and fruit every day.
Instead of sitting at home waiting for winter to be over and eating, I’m spending way more time at the gym and Cross Country Skiing.
I’ve cut way back on sugars, switched to whole grains, and try to eat a lot more vegetables and fruit. I’m keeping an eye on fibre to make sure I’m getting enough. And finally, I’ve taken the leap and started exercising!
I am trying to get (and stay) in shape and get stronger by walking everyday and taking my young daughter with me in her stroller. We both get out for an adventure everyday!
The key to success is to build positive habits which contribute to my fitness and health goals. I plan my food purchases and menus for exciting, healthy meals at the beginning of each week. Three days a week, I am committed to a 30 minute run. After a month, it all fits seamlessly into my lifestyle, because it is a habit now.
I would love to luse some of my fat
At work, I get up from my chair and walk over to speak with people, instead of calling or emailing. It’s amazing how many extra steps you can take in 8 hours!
I have been trying to do as much walking as possible. Whether it’s at work – to go around the long way to get out the door or just parking a little further away from the office. I find I’m so busy that any chance I can for exercise is good. I am on the 13th floor at work – but I sometimes get off the elevator 2 or 3 floors below and walk up. Once I’m in better shape – I’ll try to get off 5 or 6 floors earlier etc. Every little bit counts.
I have started using my Wii Fit Plus game everyday…or at least I really try too. I know, it does not replace the gym or anything like that…but with 4 children, it is certainly better than sitting on the couch after they all go to bed. And, I have to admit, it’s pretty fun to play too!
I work out religiously everyday, every day…no fail. Makes me feel great!!
I have had a very stressful 2 years at work and have totally gotten away from my usual exercose regime. Still exercise, just not at night anymore. Spend way too much time on the computer. Plan to get back to my usual regime.
My small step is being truly aware of what I am eating. When, how, why, the amount and what its impact is on my body.
ever morning I get on the treadmill if only for 15 minutes and then in the afternoon if I am home I go again on the treadmill for 25-45 minutes while watching general hospital
Less stress, balanced meals with fruit and vegies, less meat and bread, 8 hours sleep, exercise daily, drink lots of water and have my daily glass of milk, cut coffee out.
Well this is just a sore subject for me, I have become immobile in the last year and put on about 80 lbs!! I cut down on what i ate but tended to eat more fattening things and cannot wear it off. So i cut out the ice cappicino’s and chips and i’m reaching for fruit and trying to exercise as much as i can. I drink water all day long and it’s very slow due to lack of exercise but i just keep pluging away and hopefully i get to my goal.
exercising 3 times a week and eating at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies every day!
last year January 13 .. i decided i need to lose some weight ..i finally eat my first breakfast in 20 years .. i cut out eating things that contain sodium .. started to eat lots of salads .. only put healthy things in my salad lots of meat .. i always cook with mrs.dash ..cut out all my junk food .. bars , potatoe chips and soft drinks .. regular coke was my weakness .. drank 6 to 8 cans a day .. from jan 13 to sept 13 i lost 90 lbs .. i walk most every day 5 kms . somedays i have to use my treadmill accord to the weather ..every nite i do my set ups .. i still need to lose about another 20 pounds or more for my age and height was hard and still is ..but how i keep going was ..either friday or saturday nite i would treat myself to one meal ..chinese or deep fried chicken etc. then i would work hard all week again ..waiting for my treat next week again .. i make sure i drink 2 liters of water a day was very hard at first ..never drink water ..some days i had to mix it with crystal light .. i didn’t want to drink water that way finally i decided i would gradually get away from it ..just put a little bit in the water ..just enough to color it ..all it is mind over matter … now year later ..i don’t use crystal light any more i buy Russell stovers chocolates with no sugar in them when i need a piece of chocolate now .. i eat one of them .. i try not to eat them all time ..but we are all human i’m still plunging away with my diet .. healthy eating and lots of exercise .
I’m eating more vegetables and less starchy foods.
I have stopped eating after 6:30pm. I am trying to drink more water and eat more fruits and veggies as snacks.
My husband and I are both trying to loose weight. We have been making an effort to go to the gym and workout. I do most of the cooking so I have been making sure are meals are low in fat, lots of veggies, and small portions. We don’t eat after 9pm, and no chips, pop and chocolate during the week. I have also been trying cut out the sugary cereals in the morning.
I am in the process of organizing a walking club (women only, sorry guys!) at work. It’s a great way for someone at any fitness level to add a simple yet proven routine to their lifestyle and at the same time get out with the girls and chat!
i get up at 4;00 am monday to friday to workout before my family wakes up
I take my daughter for a bike ride after dinner and we have been trying to eat more veggies.
I walk every morning for one hour and lift 10lb barbells to work my bi-cepts and tri-cepts after my walk.
I am trying really hard to eat several small meals throughout the day and make wise choices each time.
I love to run. Running is my OUT! I walk out my front door and lose myself in the music and the rythm of my breath. I find running a way of making myself happier, as a mom and as a woman.
After my first child (3 years ago), I took up running with my sister-in-law as a way of losing my baby weight (I had gained 67lbs during my pregancy). It worked, and we trained very hard to run a couple of half marathons throughout that year. It was very rewarding! I later got pregnant with my daughter (who is now 9 months) and immediately (ok, ok 8 weeks later) began to run again. I was able to shed most of the baby weight this time too, except around the tummy area…I feel that has forever changed, for the worse! It is my true problem area! No matter how much running I do, that area is still flabby and stretched 🙁
Anyway, to my point…Running gets me out of the house, it only takes an hour (from start to finish) I don’t have to get into my car and drive anywhere, it doesn’t cost me that much (except a good pair of runners and maybe some warm clothing in the winter), and most importantly, it is time that I am spending on ME!
I have given up eating after 7pm, and started jogging 3 times a week. It is a small step for me as I have 2 wee ones at home so time is always limited.
Trying to cut out the junk I got into the habit of eating over the holidays! Eat real food if I’m hungry, rather then chocolate (for example).
Man it’s really tough. I leave for work at 6:15 am and don’t get home until 6 pm each day. Doesn’t leave much time for exercising. But I am trying to watch what I eat. This prize could give me an extra boost.
As much as I don’t want to exercise I’m trying to do so. I’m trying to do more walking and using my glider while I’m watching TV.
I am trying to eat fruit as my snack through the day. Each morning I cut up an apple, and peel a orange so that they are ready and easy to grab when I need a boost instead of reaching for a cookie.
I have decided to walk, walk, walk anywhere that I can that’s not too far.
Walking is healthy, helps lose weight and is definitely heart-healthy!
I have lost several pounds so far, and I just started after New Years.
My plan is to make better choices at meals. For instance, I’ve been replacing my regular bowl of cereal in the morning with higher-fibre steel cut oats.
And I need to start using the gym membership I pay for !
I have stopped keeping junk food in the house and have cut up veggies on hadn.
Myself and coffee mates make a point to walk down and up the stairs for coffee, we’re doing 9 floors!
The one small step I’ve adopted this year is to read food labels more faithfully to eliminate products with excess sugar, fat, and salt.
2010 brought on my post baby resolution! On october 25th i was blessed with a beautifull baby boy.. And since then i had made plans to lose the weight.
A daily serving of Specail K vanilla almond for breakfast along with a fruit and my glorious coffee. A mid-morning snack f a handfull of nuts. A fibre and protien packed lunch. A curves bar for mid afternoon snack and a full serving of salad along with my dinner has helped wuite a bit.
3 days a week I walk the treadmill, 30 minute sessions and 20 minutes cardio daily in my room using different techniques from the different websites.
It amazing how much all this effort can infulence our bodies and help us restore our selves to pre-baby bodies!!!
I feel like I love the healthyness i’ve turned towards… Wish me luck in sticking to it!! It’s hectic with a little one!!
I’m making sure that I walk at least 30min a day and no eating after 7pm. I figure that small simple changes are the easiest to live with!
I have a goal that I am working towards. I am building up how long/far I run. My goal is 52 minutes (my age) and I am up to 44 minutes now!
I have incorporated fitness into my lifestyle. I am trying to exercise every other day for at least 20 minutes.
I have lost 5.5 lbs in almost 2 weeks, I love the new special K “satisfacation” cereal. Keeps me full longer. Good Luck everyone
I am trying to exercise more and eat healthier. Less sugar and pop!
I am trying to avoid snacking and to exercise. I have also added more soup to our menu to avoid eating heavy meals.
I do not have an appetite through the day, can’t even think of food. Then I eat way too much for supper or in the evening. I do not know how this started but I am trying to have a small snack with juice and water. Its difficult to get it down, but I have to keep trying.
I’m going to walk more, taking the stairs instead of escalators or elevators, and descending one station before mine for an extra walk wen the weather is nice!
I am a night and evening eater. No appetite during the day. I do not know how that all started but I cannot even think of food during the day. I am trying very hard, a little at a time to have a tiny something to eat, and drink a little juice and water. It is very slowly working.
When I eat at night I eat too much. I have to put a stop to this.
I run every chance I get. May not be every day not that it is so cold but I do plan to start 5 days running weeks soon. I love running!
I never take the elevator…always the stairs and have started going for after dinner walks.
I walk everywhere in my small town. Even in minus 50, I’ll walk to the post office to get the mail!
I cook with a lot of fiber-like beans,veges… At least once I make soup and home-made bread to go with it. And I skate!
I am eating breakfast daily….In the past i would skip breakfast then be starving and snacking. My whole day would be thrown off because I would not be eating proper meals etc. I feel better eating breakfast even if its just fruit or cereal
I am trying really hard not to eat so much processed food. Most veggies and fruits and real food. SO hard to do with two little kids, a business to run and not a lot of time.
I am making sure that I eat. I often do not feel hungry and forget to eat.
Well so far have lost 50 lbs and have 20 to go (:
I cut out sugar, cheese, potatos and alot of other things from my diet what I have been following is simular to a Medatranian diet the first month is tough because you crave the foods you miss after that its not bad and you are never hungry at the 6 monthmark you can have some of the forbidden foods and you will be suprised that you have lost the taste for them, well now its back to my diet its not really a diet its a way of life (:
i am drinking more water and staying away from pop and juices
i love reading about other peoples struggles an d goals.Im in a contstant stuggle with exersise and diet…and willpower and committment.Im getting outside and walking my dog trice a day and watching my diet by really watching my snacks and calories…meals are a big part of my daily family life and its really hard to stick with a healther smaller meal but im trying!
My small step is doing a workout DVD at home with a friend (not together, mind you — she does it at her house and I do it at mine) and holding each other accountable is helping me stick to it. Which isn’t always easy to do with two little ones under two, as many moms know. We’re two weeks in without one day missed. I’m proud of myself! I’m proud of us.
One step I am taking towards a healthier me is to go on my treadmill every day to keep my weight in check.
More veggies and fruits, walking to places close-by.
I have STOPPED going to Starbucks! For some this does not sound like a huge deal, but I am a teacher and a skinny vanilla latte and a pumpkin scone make my life a lot easier…so it has been almost 3 weeks, I have saved 30ish dollars each week and 2 pounds per week as well…so as my pocketbook grows bit by bit , my butt shrinks bit by bit…:)
Lots of fruits & vegetables and daily walks through the park.
I am determined to find the time for me! I have a treadmill in the basement and I have resolved to work out at least 3 times per week as well as I have been purchasing the 100 calorie packs of snacks. Much better than the larger bags of chips I have been purchasing from the snack machine at work.
I have switched to brown rice, whole wheat everthing-breads,buns,pizza,wraps. No more white bread or rice of any kind. I recently have lost 25 lbs and want to keep it off. I regularly do Wii Fit and Wii Active for excercise.
I purchased a Wii Fit and EA Sports Active for the Wii. I LOVE my workout routines that I use with the EA Sports Active 30 day challenge. So far I am down 5 pounds since Jan. 1st!
I am also paying more attention to portion size.
The biggest thing I am doing is being more accountable to others about my weight lose. I am posting updates on my blog and am participating in the Blog Your Weight Away Challenge on Team Black. It is like a The Biggest Loser Challenge with teams competing against each other.
My first Blog Your Weight Away Challenge post is up! Check it out and follow along and comment on your progress as we go along!
I am going to aquafit two times a week. They have the classes very early in the morning so that you can get in, work out, and be back home before most people are up and going. It fits my schedule and I like the other women who take the class with me (helps to keep me motivated).
I am going to aquafit two times a week, early. The classes are set up so that you can get in, work out, and get out and back home before most people are going. It fits my schedule and I like the other women who participate in the class (helps to keep me motivated).
I am doing alot to lose those last 3 baby pounds and hopefully 10 more. I’ve started a more rigorous workout program and drinking more water. I’ve also opted for a more natural eating style with more fruits, vegetables and chicken.
I stopped ordering gravy for my fries
well i have started doing more ab workouts ,at least once a week,and cutting out a lot of the sugar in my diet,and more water!! 🙂
I miss going to the goodlife bodyflow classes (since we moved, there’s no nearby gym), but I’ve been working on making my diet healthier – adding lots more water and cutting out eggs. We do get out for a daily walk but we ought to do more!
Small steps, but steps nonetheless!
I’m helping my daughter with her local paper route….that gets me out twice a week. I’ve also received a Wii for Christmas….I’m still trying to set it up (along with the board) to do yoga daily.
I’ve downloaded guided meditation podcasts for my ipod to help me de-stress. I’ve also downloaded motivational podcasts to keep me inspired and informed.
I’ve started incorporating vegetables into my meals, and have taken the time to sit down to a good breakfast everyday (instead of skipping it or only having a coffee).
I drink lots of water and green tea, but most importantly I have started working out with the help of my wii, 5 days a week for 30 minutes a day. I always do it in the morning after the kids are off to school. I put my youngest in his high chair with some healthy snacks and a drink and he watches mommy work out with “Maya”. It’s perfect! Now only if I can control my late afternoon snacking……
I am tryin my best to cut out most sweets, i.e. Chocolate and candy. Big time cravings I have, will be hard but I can do it.
I make sure that my family eats well, they get their fruit, veggies, vitamins & they eat their 3 meals a day & snacks….but I haven’t been for me, so that is my goal for 2010 to put myself on track to being healthier. As a family we have decided that treats are only for weekends & as easy as it is to order it, we can use the 45 minutes to an hour to make it ourselves. Also being more active, walks through the park, swimming, family soccer games:):):)
now that both girls are in school i don’t have my afternoon nap/walk with the stroller any more. that gave me an excuse to get out and now that it’s not there, i don’t go. gotta get back on that track soon!
These are truly ‘small’ steps. I am trying to drink more water (other than in my coffee) and eat more salads. Since I live alone, I tend to throw away more lettuce than I eat, so my aim is to eat more lettuce than I throw away, and also to eat breakfast and maybe lunch.
This is the year for me even though I am pretty sure that I have said that before too many times. I got pretty sick at the beginning of the year and because of the, I lost a bit of weight. Yes, not the proper way but once I saw some weight drop, I felt pretty good. It gave me the kick in the pants to keep going. So what I have done, well I have started eating cereal for breakfast instead of my usual Tim’s bagel. I am brown-bagging my lunch and have committed to preparing a super at least 5 times a week. Small steps but that’s all it takes. So far, the results are in my favour. I hope to not fall off the wagon and be done a good 50 lbs by whenever it takes.
Cutting out sweets and exercising !I so want to fit into my nice clothes this summer!Eating too many carbs in winter and that’s the reason why I’m packing the pounds and that’s why I need to nip it in the butt soon!
When I’m not in the mood for exercise and coming up with a million other things that “need” to be done instead, I stick an up-beat exercise video in and before I know it I’m joining in. It’s hard to resist the music and watching those fit people working out, having fun and looking hot do a lot for my motivation. My favorite videos right now are Tae Bo and Hip Hop Abs.
I have cleaned out the candy cupboard (yup we used to have an entire cupboard in the pantry for candies) and am now only purchasing treats for the kids that they can consume right away. If you don’t finish it, toss it! No more collecting candies because Mama’s will power isn’t very strong yet! Still working on that one….
I was diagnosed with Diabetes type 2 last May along with high cholesterol. Since then, on the advice of my dietician, I have been eating a healthier diet lots of veggies and fruits (limited to 3/day), following Canada’s Food guide and including LOTS OF FIBRE. I am only able to do moderate exercise due to several foot surgeries, however have been able to achieve a weight loss of 40 lbs to date that I have also been able to keep off.
My recommendation is invest in a Wii Fit. Initial investment is a bit high if you don’t have the Wii, however much cheaper than an annual gym membership, can be done in the comfort of your own home, and the kids like to participate too. Walk everywhere you go if possible and reduce sugar and fatty foods, switch to margarine and lots of veggies and fibre. Seems to work for me anyway and I am aiming to lose another 40-60 lbs this year. If I reach that goal, I will be satisfied with my life.
I am cooking almost exclusively from scratch and trying to incorporate more vegetables and whole grains. I’m also working on my addiction to sodas, drinking more decaffinated teas and fruit juice.
I have started doing a 20 min circuit training, almost daily. The changes have been amazing so far, and I also bring my lunch to work. Trying to stay away from McD’s.
I am going to try to eat more whole grains and more fruit and veggies this year.
Every morning I fill up a 2 litre jug with water (the equivalent of 8 cups) and endeavour to consume it all by the end of the day. Also, if I’m feeling snacky, in between a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner, I opt for something healthy and natural (almonds, fruit, veggies, raisins). I’m not seeing the results of my efforts as fast as I would like but I didn’t put the weight on overnight either. Good luck everyone!
My small step feels really big: putting myself first. Yoga before cleaning. Breakfast before driving to school. Healthy snack before making dinner. All the other stuff will get done but if it’s comes first then me-stuff doesn’t happen. It’s hard but it’s just a matter of changing my thinking.
I’m working on boosting my metabolism by drinking herbal teas, such as oolong, drinking water throughout the day (not ice cold) and getting more fiber. Also walking on the treadmill more lately.
I’m using a pedometre and trying to hit my 10 000 steps per day. I’m also trying to eat healthier foods in smaller portions more frequently through out the day. Here’s hoping that every little bit helps!
I have also started to take the time to eat meals during the day. I used to notice that at the end of the day I hadn’t eaten anything then ate too much late at night when I am just sitting. I also try to exercise 3 times a week and with walking most days am hoping these steps will start adding up to a more healthier and happier me.
I have started back at school which is a step to becoming a healthier me. One reason is that by doing something I love I am more relaxed but also since the courses I am taking are based on Alternative healing I am learning how to be healthier every day.
I pulled out my planner and pencilled in my workout days so I don’t forget them and book something else into the same time schedule. Working out with my friends has turned out to be a fun experience. We spend so much time chatting, giggling and making fun of each other as we take aquafit and zumba that we don’t even feel like we are exercising!
I eat smaller meals throughout the day; trying to make most of them natural or organic snacks. Always start the day with a healthy breakfast, so that dinner is doesn’t have to be so big.
I have started to eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat.
I am trying to eat healthier and portion my food instead of gorging.
I am also working out more to tone my body and benefit by the cardio workout.
My office has a free gym in the building so I am scheduling my workout at lunch time … I add it to my calendar like a meeting so I have no reason not go to 🙂
I go for a walk every evening with my husband a great way to get caught up.
Whenever I drive to the mall, I park as far away as possible and walk
I agree with the baby steps.
I have been writing everthing I eat. Once I get that under control, I will start to add in the fitness.
I also have found that finding a weight loss support group online is helpful since you can bounce off eachtoher, the good and the bad.
I am making the time in my busy day to workout – the office has free gym in the building so I am making a point to schedule (on my calendar) a workout 5 days a week so I have no excuse not to go
My kids started running and doing situps since the New Year. This has motivated me . I am walking to work most of the time intead of driving the six blocks from my house. I am feeling better for it!
Walking more and eating more veggies is a good start for me 🙂
This week I have started a fitness program at the gym at my work (one benefit of working at College, free access to gym). I work out with a student personal trainer (For $75 for the semester I get once a week training with a student and I mark them on how they are doing) once a week and than go 2 more times during the week and work out by myself. Thanks for the chance to win, I still need to work on eating a little healthier : )
I have started taking a multi vitiman. I have found that since I started taking them I have had more energy. I have also started a ball class, and I do the videos at home with my little guys.
I have built exercise into my day every day so now I have no excuse. I also drink a TON of water.
My small step is eating. Yes, sounds weird! Most days go by and when hubby comes home and asks me about my day, I realize I forgot to eat lunch. And breakfast. And suddenly my splitting headache and feeling faint makes sense. So…my goal has been to eat when I feed the babe. When I prepare her meals, I take a little bit longer and prepare my own and then we eat together. And it makes me take my time (instead of inhalling it while I’m chasing after the babe) because she will only allow me so many bites before she demands some in return!
Well 2010 has arrived and I am still checking my reflection in the mirror, dissatisfied with what is looking back at me.
I want the fat to magically melt off somehow. I have tried wishing it away, talking it away and when that didn’t work I joined my local gym.
For anyone who has not taken this step it can be a scary place. The trainers are nice and friendly and I believe they truly do want to help, my trainer told me to eat 5 times a day and include regular exercise and activity.
Sure this will help and I would go to the gym for a run on the treadmill or use the cycle if I was fit and no one looked at me. I cant exercise with an audience I’m embarrassed about the way I look.
Now I’m back at square one and very determined to get fit. I decided to make small yet life changing steps toward reaching my goal.
My first step was to become aware of my eating habits and use portion control.
My second step was to join a beginners pilates class with ladies my own age and not young thin girls who would giggle and laugh at me when they saw me.
My third step was to drink more water even though I hate it so.
It has been 3 weeks and I do feel better, have more energy to get through my day. Some day soon I will stand in front of the mirror and smile at the reflection looking back at me with the same smile, a smile of approval.
I am trying to not eat after 8pm. Bed is usually around 11.30pm. Cutting back on sugar and exercising 3 or more days per week.