Well BOTB is heating up. This week’s pair was just eliminated – and if you read the message boards…this was not a popular vote off. Violetta and Cale got the boot. I’m with the public on this one. Makes no sense to me. But that is what Battle of the Blades so much fun! You just have no idea what’s going to come on the Monday night.
I’m watching on my couch until the performance finale on November 13th. It’s awesome…but just not the same.
So…do you and your family want to come with me? I have a family pack of four tickets to give away to the performance finale! You can’t even buy these tickets yet!
All you need to do to enter is leave a comment below and tell me who your favourite figure skater (or pairs team) of all time is and why. I’ll start it off. For me – it’s Ekaterina Gordeeva. I loved her as a pair with her husband Sergei Grinkov – they were so beautiful to watch. To see her lose him at such a young age and survive and flourish. Well it makes me misty.
So who is yours???
Contest closes November 9th.
Click here for Contest Rules and Regulations.
UrbanMoms.ca members are eligible to win so don’t forget to sign-in. Not a member yet? Click here to join.
Kurt Browning
My favourite is David Pelletier and Jamie Sale
I have to say my favorite right now is Patrick Chan, he is very good I enjoy watching him.
While I do agree with the comments here, I have to say that Patrick Chan is my current skater to watch and I would say that becuase he has helped to change sport so much. I loved skating in the old days when it was all about landing jumps and skating a clean program (elvis was one of the best at this, I loved him) however Patrick has raised the bar for figure skaters, because of him skaters have to have the complete package to even dream of winning, it is no longer just about going out and landing all of your jumps. The footwork in between and the artistic sequences make skating even more beautiful to watch, while I know a few skaters have help to raise this bar, I believe the Patrick really has taken us there. I think that this is very encourging for our sport. Skaters coming up in the ranks nowadays will have a lot more work to do thanks to Patrick, and I think this only helps raise the difficulty and credibility of our sport.
My favourite pairs team of all time is easy to choose. I absolutely love Jamie Sale and David Pelletier. They showed incredible poise and grace when they were announced as silver medal winners when it was clear to the entire world that they deserved to win the gold. Even during the process of having the judges decision examined and the resulting inquiry, they never had a negative thing to say. They allowed their performance to speak for itself. It must have taken an incredible amount of self control for them to not say anything or to let any bitterness show. I admire them for that. Allowing the Russian team to share in the gold medal was another show of grace from them. Even though they are no longer a romantic couple, they are still the best pairs couple EVER.
Always loved Jamie Salé and David Pelletier and of course Elvis Stojko. I still remember him landing the quad like it was yesterday!!
I always liked Nancy Kerigan ..I think because I felt bad for her !!
My favourite skater was Elvis Stojko because he brought a whole new level to the sport.
My favorite skater would have to be Dorothy Hamill ‘cos she made the bowl cut haircut cool! teeheehee
It would be great if Tessa would win – hometown favourite!
I loved watching Kurt Browning as a child so he’s probably my all-time favourite! However, Canada has had many amazing skaters so I definitely followed the next generation with Bourne & Kratz, Sale & Pelletier, and Virtue & Moir being personal favourites!
My favorite figure skater is Katarina Witt 🙂
I agree with Ircig, so many great choices of wonderful Canadian skaters. I would have to say for me, however, it’s the team of Sale and Pelletier. A classy young team who work extremely hard to make it all look so incredibly easy.
How to choose? I love everyone that’s been mentioned. Sale & Pelletier, Bourne & Kraatz, Virtue & Moir, Kurt Browning, Elvis Stojko … but top of the pack has got to be Gordeeva and Grinkov. Art, romance, tragedy, courage. I loved Katia and Val Bure last year in BOTB. Figure skating … what a gift to the world!
Josée Chouinard…so cute and bubbly, and you can’t help but smile when you watch her!
kratz and bourne
Elvis Stojko – he’s so MASCULINE!!!!!!!!
Love him!
For me it was Dorothy Hamill. She was the first figure skater I ever really watched in the Olympics and she was real good.
I loved watching Jamie Sale and David Pelltier.
My favorite skating pairs were Shae-Lynn Bourne and Victor Kraatz, loved watching them!
My favourite pairs will always be Shae-Lynn Bourne and Victor Kraatz.
My favorite figure skater of all time is my 7 yr. old daughter Audra. She has been skating for our local figure skating club for the past 3 yrs. We have seen her improve so much over the past years. She went from being a shy, timid skater to a real fluent, confident skater. She especially enjoys the end of the season carnival where all the kids dress up in costume, there is are strobe lights, and loud music. She loves being “famous” for a week-end.
Audra is definately OUR favorite skater of all time!!!!
My favourite of all time would have to be Elizabeth Manley! Watching her final performance at the Calgary Olympics made me cry knowing she came from behind and triumphed!
My favorite Canadian skaters will always be Elvis Stojko and Kurt Browning.
tessa virtue & scott moir……they were just so darn cute together!
It was G&G for me as well. I’ve always thought she was so beautiful.
I remember crying when he died and I saw her skate solo when she came to Toronto with Stars on Ice (I even got a pic of Daria and Katia’s mother).
I also really enjoyed watching Brasseur and Eisler.
And you can’t beat the class that Sale and Pelletier showed in 2002.
It’s funny – Sunday night I predicted Tanith/Boyd and Cale/Violetta as the final 2.