It’s Date Night.
You’ve sent the kids to Grandma’s. You’ve dimmed the lights. You’ve turned on the Sade. It’s time to practice conceiving another kid!
What to wear, what to wear?
The ladies are probably visualizing a nice Teddy, or maybe a short lace baby doll. It’s cute, or sexy, and it will drive the man in their life wild with anticipation.
Us guys? Well, our choices are far more limited. We’re probably wearing an old pair of track pants, maybe the pair we wore to paint the spare room. After all, we love those pants.
If those pants are dirty, we’ve likely just stripped down to our underwear.
But that’s the problem, isn’t it? There’s nothing sexy about the average man’s underwear. They’re in tatters – holy and stained. Even Sade can’t fix this situation. The mood is blown. There will be no practicing tonight.
Date Night doesn’t have to end this way! And I’m here to help make sure it doesn’t!
Enter the “Date Night Underwear Contest!“
The good people from Saxx Apparel have donated a wonderful prize pack for two lucky readers, and just in time for Father’s Day!
Saxx underwear are guaranteed to salvage Date Night for any couple! These skivvies feature two breathable mesh slings that ‘the boys’ can sit comfortably in all day long. They’re like a Testicle Hammack! They’ll make any man feel as sexy as Brad Pitt or Hugh Jackman… just close your eyes and take your pick.
To win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post and let me know what you and your partner do to enjoy date night.
Let’s keep it clean people! I’m thinking dinner and a movie… not, well… you know…
C’mon, what do you have to lose? Leave a comment, and tell the kids they’ll be staying at Grandma’s for the night!
Good luck!
The deadline for comments is June 17, 2010.
to join!
Click here for
contest Rules and Regulations.
Visit to check out the latest in men’s underwear. To help get your man as comfortable as possible this Father’s Day Saxx is offering you $5.00 off your order.
We go for dinner, a nice walk or a movie, whatever we are in the mood for.
A nice dinner at a quiet place where you can hear each other talk!
we make sure Not to turn the tv on or watch a moviebut try to talk and enjoy each others company usually over a nice meal..either at home or out
A romantic dinner, some wine and music
a nice, romantic dinner, a glass of wine, music and candlelight
My husband and I go out for a lovely dinner ( a place where we won’t take our kids who are picky eaters). Enjoy seafood and ethnic food. We are able to “catch up” with things happening in our lives. We would then head out to a movie or go to a place like Chapters or Indigo and skim through the books.
We go out for classy dinner, and then on to a bar where we can do a little dancing, and then, home to complete the date
Date Night? What’s that?
We used to have a date every night like it was a law before we had a baby, and now I think we have had two in 16 months and even then all we did was talk about the baby.
These days our ‘date nights’ are stealing time to talk, play scrabble or lie in bed together whenever we can.
Sigh…the pre baby days….how long ago that seems….
We usually go out for a drink at a funky bar, spend an hour talking and catching up and then head home, feeling refreshed.
We love to sit outside at our firepit and roast hotdogs and marshmallows with big cups of Mocha Hot Chocolates – yum!
nothing beats a long, relaxing and excellent dinner out. drinks beforehand while getting dressed up is always fun too!
date night is a bottle of wine, good dinner, and snuggling on the couch watching a movie
Comedy shows area favourite pick for us for date night, or a cool concert/musician at a bar somewhere. Date nights are rare but so important. It is about time some undies looked better for men, choices are so limited.
Date night doesn’t happen very ofter being married 20 years. My husband works a lot and when he is home he’s really tired. We might go out once or twice a year. It would be dinner and a movie.
After 26 years of raising children (and now raising grandchildren as I have custody of 2 of them) there’s never been such a thing as Date Night in our house. I catch a mid-day nap when I can (so that I’m not yawning by 8PM) and then impose a very firm bedtime routine upon all the others. It’s the only way to ensure a little “us” time without interruption. Certainly nothing like the “Date Nights” described here, but close enough to keep us going. Hope all of you can find something similar that works.
My husband and I like to go to a local pub for date night,
What the hell is “date night”? We’ve been together for 32 years, married for 26.
Kick the kids out of the house, then try to remember what else to do. I guess we will discuss the first thing that pops up.
Date night? What’s that? …(with a 10 month old and a 3.5 year old, it hasn’t been easy lately to GET a date night!) But, I’ve made some plans for me and hubby to get out of the house for a few hours for Father’s Day, and will take him to The Keg Steakhouse for his very favourite, Surf & Turf! π We even live close enough that we can cab over and back so that we can even enjoy a nice bottle of wine! Woot! I am sooo excited for next weekend for sure!
(…and having some sexy underthings would just totally ensure a great time is had by everyone later that evening!!… *wink wink*….!)
date night–an evening at our favourite folk club for some live music and maybe a dance around the floor.
It doesn’t really matter what we do as long as we both like or love the activity and enjoy eac other’s company.
We go to concerts or a bar.
I’ve recently begun dating again, after being divorced for 10 years. I’ve waited until my daughter reached a point where she’d understand. She is now 18 and pretty much on her own.
I’m dating a MUCH (lol) younger guy now (5 years my junior).
Our perfect date night is just curling up together and reading to each other. It could be anything from Stuart McLean to a cook book!
The best date night is going to a concert. Otherwise we go out for a long dinner or a movie.
We make paella, stuffed with seafood, and open a bottle of zinfadel!
We have lobster and wine for dinner. Then watch a movie.
Date night – does popping out to Tim Hortons for lattes qualify??
Date night for us is a concert or theatre & then dessert.
for my date nights out with my guy we like to go out somewhere nice that we both love to go then go to a movie that we both have been dying to see then come home and cuddle……
dinner, movie, spa at home:), hotel visit
Date nights are usually a movie after kids go to bed we have grandparents that don’t want to be around, their too much into themselves.
we have date night regularly…a walk to Timmy’s for a coffee, a walk around the mall…just time spent together
Date nights are dinner out at our favourite restaurant.
We like to spend a quiet night at home with Chinese food and a movie.
Our big Date night once or twice a year consists of dropping the kiddies of at Grandmas and heading out for a romantic w/e at a nice hotel. Complete with child free dinners, romantic walks and sleeping in!
Date nights are non-existent in my house : )
Date night is pizza and a movie – our favourite things to do.
Date night in my house is usually a time for experimenting. He’s a chef so he likes to cook the foods that the kids wont eat for me when we get time alone. We take some time in the few days before to think of things that we havent done before together , in public and private and try to do at least one or 2 of those things. Its a good way for us to do things together and try new things at the same time Or if we just want to just spend quiet time then its a quiet meal for 2 in our fav restaurant or take out and a fireside picnic, conversation and a movie. We just enjoy the time we get to spend together sans children since it doesnt happen often.
We don’t have “date nights” but on Friday and Saturday night we enjoy a movie while cuddling on the couch…it’s fun and convenient π
Date night for us is usually dinner and a movie, some times a show and gambling at a casino.
Date nights 9of late) have been Thai dinner followed by the Opera although next one is giong to have to be a dinner and movie night
Date night for us is taking a long walk on the beach followed by dinner.
out in the boat fishing….you never know what you will catch…!!
Date night is a rarity in this household. When we do have a few hours, it’s usually snuggling on the couch to watch something other than treehouse.
After almost 20 years of not having any date nights, we have recently started doing something special every Friday night…like an auction or indoor mini putt or golf…something we both enjoy…while we’re still young (I just entered my forties).
Date night is normally dropping the kids off at my brothers and going for dinner at a restaurant or a nice quiet dinner at home and then it just continues from there…..
We like to go have chicken wings followed by a game of bowling. If we start early enough, we can get home, put the kids to sleep and enjoy a nice movie in bed
We have just stated our date nights again. We went to a restaurant that we enjoy and then went to enjoy the casino. We ended up ahead so it went towards our dinner – bonus!
It may sound lame but on date night we like to catch up on TV together. We put the kids to bed early and let the marathon TV-watching begin!
oh !! what are you’s all talkin about nite ..don’t know what date nite is all about son won’t stay with his grandparents ..he always wants to stay with me ..mommy little boy (SPOIL ) if we try to plan something ..he sure knows what were doing ..won’t go to bed …by the time i finally get him off hubby is sound to sleep on the couch .. so thats the kind of date nite i get ..just hope soon things will change ..need those sexy undies ..never knows what could happen !!!
As a newlywed date night is still almost every night. We still love the nights that our daughter ‘has plans’ with friends, but we cherish each other all the time. The perfect date night though would include finishing one of our rock gardens, a cool shower, nice dinner and then a dvd in bed on the laptop!
Date nights…my signicant other and I have been looking so forward to the nights when we can get out and enjoy some quiet time all to ourselves again. We took a wonderful trip together finally this year and spent so much quality time together we realized that we really do still like each other. Oh what a wonderful idea to find something sexy underneath the wrapping too…yummmy.
My husband and I like to go on a picnic.
Sometimes we go for coffee and chat, other times it will be a trip to the local casino and then wings and a drink after.
Ahhh date night-time to spend with hubby alone……go to the movies,go to Mc Donalds for a coffee and muffin (saves money and is still a good time out),go to drive in movies or go on a day trip.
A nice date night for me and my husband consists of taking our fly fishing rods and trying out a little bit of moonlight fishing on the lake. Floating around in a canoe whilst the light fades away is so romantic.
Since we have no grandparents around to leave the kids with, our dates usually involve putting the kids down for the night, then escaping to our newly-renovated backyard oasis for a fire, wine, and cheese.
After nearly 25 years of marriage my husband’s idea is clean but holy underwear to sit around on the couch in. Gotta love him!
My husband and I haven’t had a REAL date night (Where the child spent 2 days at the grandparent’s house) since about 4 or 5 months ago. There’s only one set of actively involved grandparents so it’s a rarity for us to get any “US” time. Besides, my in-laws seem like the busiest people on earth since they retired (go figure π hee hee) so scheduling a visit to Nana and Grampa’s has to pretty much be months in advance. Since my son was born (almost 2 years ago) my husband and I have had 3 evenings to ourselves… The last one being on mother’s day… For my Mother’s day present… The three of us spent the weekend at the grandparent’s house and they looked after him while we went out for the evening. My husband took me to dinner and we went to see Ironman 2… So for Father’s day it’ll be dinner and then… The A-Team! Woohoo! (We love the funny action movies.) But I’m sure Saxx’s Date-Night Underwear will be one of the welcome bonuses to the evening π
We usually tuck in the kids at bedtime, lock the door, have a few drinks and watch a movie on TV or just chat and listen to music. A couple hours one-on-one makes a big difference to our relationship!
My hubby and i had our very 1st date at The Keg and it was an amazing time!
A couple times a year my husband & I have the kids stay over at their Grandmother’s house for the night and we go to a hotel downtown. After we check in I usually take a nap, and he strolls around town, and then we go out to supper, and walk around the city. The next morning we always head to the farmers market. It is nice to spend time alone.
On date night my husband and I take the chance to actually get out and enjoy a restaurant or bar that we can’t normally go to with kids. There we can enjoy more sophisticated food & drinks that we can’t regularly. The time away doesn’t happen often but is really nice to spend the quality time together.
We have 2 busy boys, so my husband and I don’t get date nights very often. When we DO finally get to escape (“FREEEE-DOMMMM!” I yell as we run out the door), we usually head out for a romantic, peaceful and relaxing dinner. Then we go to a movie and enjoy every glorious moment of it as we hold hands and kiss periodically throughout. It’s almost like date nights happen so rarely, we’re like two giddy teens!
Our date night is all about FUN! Theatre,movie,concert or dinner as long as we are having a good time enjoying each other’s company.
hi, our date night usually involves going out for dinner- just the 2 of us! and then a nice walk after dinner holding hands, simple I know but it is just nice to spend some time together without our wonderful kids….Thanks
one of my favorite date night activities are heading over to st Augustine florida old town the oldest town in America and I live only a 1/2 hour from there . anyways it has such a great atmosphere with the old graveyard and old buildings . we usually take one of the romantic carriage tours even though we have done this a ton of times its still very romantic and than we go over to Scarlet O’Hara’s and listen to some music and have a few drinks . than we go for dinner at one of the nice restaurants there and if Im really lucky we will have a room at one of the haunted bed and breakfasts there . st augustine is literally crawling with ghosts and it makes for a romantic evening being in a spooky yet safe environment . with fine food and tons of old town charm
My husband and I drop the little one off at the grandparents and like to go for dinner and a movie. It’s hard to get for dinner with a 1 year old!
My husband and I haven’t been doing a lot of date nights lately – I have some major health issues that make going out a real challenge (I’m often fatigued to the point of three naps a day). What he does for me instead is plan date nights at home.
Sometimes he’ll prepare popcorn and a milkshake for me and then we’ll watch a movie. Other times, it’s homemade pizza, and then a boardgame after. It really doesn’t matter what he does…it’s the fact that he does it so we can enjoy “date time” despite any obstacles.
He’s a keeper for sure!!!
My husband and I don’t necessarily agree on the perfect date night. Leaving our daughter with her grandmother overnight and gong out to dinner at a nice restaurant is my version of the perfect date night. My husband would probably prefer a quiet night at home with pizza and a movie. Either way, it’s nice to have time alone together. This month we’re going to Las Vegas alone for the first time without our daughter. Now that’s my idea of a perfect date!
We pick up some fresh seafood and veggies and cook up a storm, along with cold drinks and jazzy music for the atmosphere. We would go out to the deck and star gaze and take a stroll along the beach. Next, dessert.
I sit him down at the kitchen table and cook supper in a teddy. Somehow, dinner always seems to get burned….. π
Date night doesn’t happen as often as it should, but when it does we usually have a nice dinner, either at home , we love to cook together, or out, and then perhaps a movie. The best part is if the kids are with grandparents and we get to sleep in the next day!!
We take a drive in my husband’s vintage Mustang.
Going out to eat at a favorite restuarant than just finding something fun to do around town.
Our dates always involve dinner. Because of my work i sometimes stay a night or 2 in a hotel. My husband comes along and we make a weekend out of it. Before we had kids every wednesday in the summer we went to wonderland. We had a season’s pass and he had every wednesday off. I would get home from work at 10:30am and off we would go. It was the best summer we ever had. This month we are going to wonderland with another couple and leaving all our kids at home for a whole date day together!!! The 4 of us are beyond excited π
My hubby and me love to pick a gourmet recipe, open a few bottles of wine and create a fantastic meal together.
After dinner who knows…the possiblities are endless.
Date night is pretty tame… leave the kiddies with my parents and then see a movie. The kids are a bit too young to leave for an evening of a movie AND dinner, so we indulge and get the biggest, buttery-est bag of popcorn (each!) and wash it down with pop (which is taboo in our house, as we try to set good examples for the kids) and lose ourselves in the latest blockbuster flick.
We go out to a movie and sometimes have dinner before or after the movie depending on amount of time we have.
Date night???? It is usually going to a activity with our Son! Hockey or ????? I guess it would be a nice supper and a bottle of wine.
On date night We do the basics dinner then a movie. I do remember once though we went and go KFC and did a picnic in the park followed by a long walk. That was one of my favorite date nights.
I know, we’re boring, but the hubby and I love dinner and a movie for our date nights. Because we’re on a tight budget I use Airmiles and promos for gift cards for Earls and the theater so we don’t break the bank and can still afford a sitter.
Date night? what the heck is that?
We have a 19month old son, and have JUST found a babysitter, however, she has only been used for when we are at work and dont have daycare, in fact, we were just discussing the other day that we have never ever EVER even gone to the movie theatre together (it’s been 5 years!).
I think this has inspired me to get the babysitter and go out for a good old fashioned dinner and movie night on fathers day…. Can I send you a sample of his undies?? ugh. deplorable, your column is spot on when you described the average mans underwear!
It’s just so NOT attractive! Now to see what’s playing… i’m so out of the outside worlds loop! Thank you for the inspiration for his fathers day gift!
Wow, dinner and a movie seems to be the norm (it is for us, too). We really should do something different for a change! One thing we do (which maybe isn’t so much of a date exactly) is go to the gym together a few times a week, if we can. It’s not particularly romantic but it is nice to do something together π
Oh my DH would love to win these, we saw these underwear on “The Dragons Den”!!
ON our RARE date nights, we like to leave the kids with a sitter, go out for a nice dinner, and then end the evening with a coffee and a stroll in the park or by the water…
For date night my husband and I like to walk to a local restaurant, enjoy a nice dinner and maybe grab a bottle of wine on the way home.
Date night looks to be the theme is dinner and a movie…..however for us, usually it’s a night in catching up on our PVR recordings! A little wine and hopefully the ‘kids’ (really cat and dog!) go to sleep and leave us alone for a little bit!
Also looks like these could replace the ever attractive sleep pants!!
We go for a drive in my husband’s vintage Mustang.
We havent really had a date night yet tho we did just manage to go out for dinner with some friends, something we havent done since before our 1st little one came along π
We are going on a date tonight and it only took a little convincing!
We usually go out for dinner at one of our favourite restaurants and then we will have a short walk at the park afterwards. Then we will watch a rental movie at home and have cozy talks
Date night starts with a phone call from my hubby. After 26 years, he still asks me if I would like to have a date. None of this “What do you want to do stuff/”.
He usually takes me out to dinner at a fine restaurant, allowing me to get all fancied up, and then we might go parking, or bring our cameras and take night shots of the city.
Of course that usually means we go somewhere quite to talk, and hold hands.
We usually go for dinner and a movie. Then when we get back home we pamper each other
For our date nights– we usually go to the market and get a bunch of fresh ingredients and cook a nice dinner together. Then we have a drink out on our terrace. Then we’ll snuggle on the couch and put on a movie. Inexpensive and intimate!
Our date nights usually mean going out for a nice supper, and I’m more than happy with that! To not have to cut up anyone’s food, constantly get up for something I forgot, clean up messes…..ah, bliss!
We will usually go for a nice dinner (without kids!) and rent some movies and buy a bottle of wine.
it has been so long we went on a date night but if we do we just watch a movie and eat in a restaurant.
Never had a date night because kids and work always took precedence, but we are hoping to start scheduling them on a regular basis.
We don’t have anybody where we live to leave the kids at, so date night is usually a Saturday night. We put the kids to bed, a card game or board game with a nice bottle of wine or dessert coffee, a little conversation, and where ever the night might take us. π
We sometimes try to cook stuff from Jamie Oliver’s cookbooks – we like to cook together, drink a little wine, relax. I guess date night is more of NOT doing anything – that’s the point, right? We reconnect over Jamie’s pollo alla cacciatora, or grilled mushroom risotto. We take our time, use good fresh ingredients, and enjoy a really great dinner with some nice music. Date night is usually Thursday night, when the kids are gone, so it is really peaceful. But the fun is in the leadup to the date night, right? Gets you really excited just thinking about spending some alone time together…
What we do for date night varies, dinner and bowling, going to the zoo, BBQ, whatever makes us enjoy each other’s company even more.
Date night for us is the weekend, when we needn’t worry about having to get up early in the morning. Be it a Friday or Saturday night, we often order in/take out with the kids, and once dessert has been eaten too, the kids are shortly on their way to slumberland and Mom and Dad can finally unwind, have a glass of wine, and watch a good movie. We don’t have to go out to have a date night, but if we do go out (which isn’t too often) we have the inlaws watch the kids for us while we go out to a restaurant and maybe see a movie at the theatre afterwards. Life is nice, not terribly exciting compared to when we were younger (and without kids), but we’re very content. : )
For date nights we usually go out for a nice dinner and a movie, it’s a LOT easier that our kids are older though, as we don’t have to worry about babysitters etc. Those Saxx sound very appealing π
When we are lucky enough to have a date night, we usually get some nice steaks for the barbie, a bottle of bubbly and enjoy some great conversation and maybe a movie. I love date nights!
We usually leave our son with my dad and we go out to dinner and then a long evening walk. It’s great to have that focused time to ourselves.
we do not get to drop our daughter off at grandmas because she is too far away so we have to try for a night when my husband is home(he is on the road a lot of the time) and when our daughter is at a sleep over. when we are lucky enough to get that we like to go out for a nice dinner then a romantic movie.then we go home,snuggle up in bed and ….can not tell the rest on here.
Our date nights started as dinner and a movie but we found we enjoyed dinner out by ourself so much we just stay for hours at the resturant.
Date night for us is dropping the kiddies off at gradma’s house then going for a ride on our motorcycle …through the country…just the two of us…wind in our hair….it brings us together like nothing else
Thinking about some of our date nights and romantic they were not — for example the 1st time we had a date night was talking all about our precious little one….as years went on the more tired we got so eventually we had a few date nights that we actually had our parents look after the kids while we went back home to SLEEP! Times have changed as the kids got bigger, so now our date nights consist of going out for dinner, perhaps a walk and or a movie…..Love the time to re-connect.
Date night for us is usually a nice dinner followed by a movie
What perfect timing! My hubby just asked me out on a date yesterday – I was THRILLED- , the evening before Fathers Day we’re going to see a live play (I LOVE live theatre) and have dinner out! And our daughter is going to her Brother/Sister In Laws House house for a sleepover. This is a rare treat to go out together in our house with all our volunteer, work and school activities. And hubby is picking up the tab!!
We just had our first date night since the birth of our 3rd mini me! My husband was so thoughtful… he brought me to my local nail spot with a two travel mugs full of my favourite strawberry wine. We sat side by side in our vibrating chairs, enjoying our libations, each others company, and a foot massage.
An added bonus… the romance was not scathed by his claws later!
What a good guy.
Date Night? Wow i think our last date night was well before our son was born 2 yrs ago. I think it is well overdue. LOL
Date-night for us is one hour of quiet when the kids go to bed. Sad…but true.
Date nights are few and far between but when we get the opportunity we tend to invite another couple out for supper and double-date and then move on to a movie by ourselves and drinks after. π
Date night for us (ideally) is dinner and a concert (and it’s much preferable in smaller, more intimate venue). THere’s nothing like some great live music to get us in the mood…
Of course, this only happens about once every six months. The concert, that is. π
Spend time together and share stories of our week. The one thing we require is a little session we have where we say 10 nice things about each other! π
Wine, cheese, candles, the fireplace and quiet!! It makes for a great date night!!
My hubby and I often take off for a night in Niagara Falls. We go for nice dinner, visit the casino and spend the night away from the kids and dog. Don’t do this as often as we like, but try at least a couple of times a year.
Date night? What’s that? π Seriously, though, with a breastfeeding baby at home, date night is usually a quick drink at the bar on those rare nights every few months when my mom is visiting and can babysit!
Date night for me and my hubby is probably pretty boring to most but we love it. It calls for order in – getting extremely comfortable on the couch, waiting for our 22 yr old son to download an interesting movie to his X-Box. We then move all his equipment into the living room – he sits on the other couch and we enjoy good food and a good movie. We love it!
Dinner at our favorite restaurant and a drive-in movie.
The first thing we do is turn off Max and Ruby. Our date nights sometimes occur while the kids are napping…because by the time they are both in bed..we are exhausted π recently, we went away for the first time since the kids have come was nice to be together. We treasure any time we have alone and yet we love our time as a whole family.
Date night for us is a nice candlelite dinner “AFTER” the kids are tucked in bed.
Well our date night is usually a movie in bed after the kids have gone to bed, but last week he did take me a another city for a night just for us π
We take a drive to our favorite seafood restaurant by the ocean. After dinner we take a walk on the beach.
Our date night is actually a date afternoon and involves a hike in the woods. There is nothing like fresh air, nature and exercise to make you feel good.
Our date night usually consists of: movies & munchies on the couch ( since we had our daughter )
Or we like to go to the Drive-in, I love it there in the summer time it’s the best place to be and we love the privacy of our own car π I love the drive in, we had our first date there and this summer will be our 3rd year together so I’m going to surprise him and take him back there.
Date night, what’s that?!? LOL Being with the family is just fine with me and I wouldn’t have it any other way…btw, my hubby’s got the nicest legs and would look fantastin in Saxx, and if we win, I PROMISE to post pix!! LOL ;D
Date night is usually a dinner and sometimes a movie. We try different restaurants – hubby has been exploring “organic restaurants” – so sometimes the trip there is actually longer than the meal. No matter, long car rides gives us plenty of time to talk.
If it helps, my husband runs off the same FOUR pairs of underwear a week. ( Oh, and yes they are cleaned! LOL ) but they’re thin, and horrible looking, and to be honest – they could possibly almost be skirts now haha.
A typical date night for us is the drive – in, we love the privacy of our own car π and the fact that you can sneak in good snacks for the movie! We love the summer air, and hearing the other people laugh – and the crickets as background noise isn’t too bad either! We had our first date there, two years ago – three this summer & I plan on taking him back there for our three year anniversary.
Date night may happen more often if Hubby was wearing a pair of those!! HAHAHA! Our date nights, however rare, are usually spent at our favorite sushi joint with a little sake. It is such a rare treat that we really value these times to remember that we are more than just roommates!
We go for a drive in my husband’s vintage Mustang.
I really want to win this prize pack. Hubby needs new underwear. Why? Not becasue his are old and grotty, but becasue since Jan 1 he’s lost 30 lbs, and the underwear that used to look hot on him, now droop and sag, not so sexy!
Date night used to be a dinner & a movie. All we would do is eat. Now date night is yoga and a light dinner after. Much healthier and feels much better, plus yoga makes you much more limber for other activities π
we dont get to many date nights alone as our kids are usually here so sometimes we like to sneek away and go for long walks with the dog and when we come home and everyones in bed we have some romatic time behind closed doors …in july which i am very excited about we will finally have a weekend alone as the kids are going camping with nana and papa i have the whole weekend planned of locked doors and phones off..
Dinner with wine, followed by coffee and talking
Our kids are grown now so our date nights are more frequent. A lot of the time its not about dinner and and event its just about us. We like to go for drives and since we live so close to “the country” a scenic drive is just a few minutes away.
Time together is important, my parents and inlaws insisted we take at least one weekend away every year when the kids were small so we didn’t lose the romantic connection and most importantly had more than just the kids in common when it was time for them to leave the nest.
it worked.
Instead of having date nights, we have date lunches while the kids are at school.
If the weather is nice we will pick up some healthy food at a gourmet store and take it to the park for a picnic.
Sometimes, if we are feeling crazy we go for chinese buffet. Food is ALWAYS a huge part of our dating routine.
My wife and I go out to the theater for date night.
gotta find a new partner first. then can make date night plans. rofl
What is date night? We didn’t have date nights when we were dating. Hahaha!
We enjoy taking our time eating at a nice Italian or Greek restaurant with a glass of wine and a visit to a book store afterwards before resuming family duties.
I’ll tell you what we shouldn’t do… think about the cost of sending kiddo to University! Ouch… That puts a damper on the evening! LOL
If the weather is nice while the kids are at Grandma’s, we like to take a cab downtown and have a drink and an appetizer in each of a few different bars and restaurants. We get to try some new places and foods and we always feel relaxed and refreshed.
first we send the kids to grandma and grandpa’s house. We usually plan to go for dinner and maybe a movie but to be honest we rarely end up leaving the house! We just try to enjoy each other as much as we can before the kids come home!
We usually go to the movies and have dinner at a restaurant.
Ditto what Sara said!
So it’s just a testicle hammock? Not a full on banana hammock?
These look like very nice underpants…wish I was eligible to win.
Anyhoo – we dump the kids off at Gramma and Grampa’s for a sleepover because any good date night needs a good morning-after-sleep-in.
That’s almost the best part. (almost)
We go to the movies and than to a cozy bar for a glass of wine.
okay – so it wasn’t enough that you’ve given me the ‘otter’ thing but now the teste hammock.
My hubby and I generally cook a special supper together and then curl up together on the couch and watch a couple of movies with popcorn included. And then…
Date night… um, what is that again? It’s been sooo long since we had a date night… If I remember correctly, I think our last date was to see a super hero movie at the theater. Not very romantic lol. Those “Testicle Hammacks” might help out though π YUM π
For date night we enjoy a good restaurant and a movie.
We leave the kids with their grandparents, and go to a nice restaurant, enjoy each other’s company, and we can act like we did back when we were dating! Recently we had one at a sleepover party, and the other was at grandma’s so we had rented a room downtown Toronto, and walked to a Restaurant in yorkville, and then walked up and down Yonge St. It was something we hadn’t done before, and we really had a good time.
i remember our very first date night….i was 8 months pregnant with our 2nd child. it was our oldest daughter’s first sleepover at the grandparents. we had a great dinner out and a nice walk (or waddle at that point) and i was looking forward to a full night’s rest as our 1st was still waking up through the night.
at 3:00 that morning the raccoon fight started in the tree out front and continued on for 2 hours! nothing would get them out of that tree!
unfortunately, date nights are few and far between but dinner and a walk is usually our thing. and we went into a bookstore one night! by ourselves! with no kids! and looked at books WE liked! i don’t know if chapters would appreciate us all dressed up in saxx stuff tho’…..