I’ll let you in on a little secret….gaming is NOT just for men. No, ladies, it is not! I am not ashamed to admit that I LOVE to play on our Wii AND our XBox Live. Sure, i don’t play some of the shoot-em-up games or the sports games that my son and my husband like to spend all of their time on play. I love Zelda and Mario Party and MarioKart (chances are if it involves Mario, i’m all over it! heh) and Guitar Hero and Rock Band and I even sing a little High School Musical Karaoke with my 8-year-old.
For this very reason, I am THRILLED to be able to give away this AWESOME AWESOME (did i mention awesome) Mom’s Got Game Mother’s Day package to one of YOU!
Your package (valued at an estimated $275!) includes:
a red wireless controller:

Vision Cam:
Wireless Headset:
Copy of “Lips” (singing game):
and here’s all I need from you…Tell me your all-time favorite video game. I mean, it can go all the way back to the Commodore 64 or the original Nintendo. I don’t care. I don’t judge. I want to know your favorite! I – or one of my trusty side-kicks – will choose a random winner this Sunday, on Mother’s Day!!
Good luck!
(i will try to keep my drooling to a minimum…)
**please note…this prize does NOT include an XBOX 360 console.
***please note…this prize is ONLY open to WOMEN (sorry, men. but you should get the women in your lives to come on and ENTER!)
I used to play Spyro on PS2 all the time!
He was cute plus the game was fun!
My fave game was Contra for nintendo. Especially when playing with unlimited men so that we could conquer it!! That was the only way we could do it!!
Favourite game: Rock Band!
I’ve been hooked to Wii!! I used to play mario for hours
Tank on the Atari
I absolutely love Rock Band! It’s great and my teenage boys love it, too! It makes for a lot of good times and we love alot of the same songs!
My favorite game is Mario Kart.
Flashback time!
My vote would have to be for PacMan.
Any Zelda! I have waited outside of stores the day of release to get my newest Zelda and get home to play it. Definitely need to get a new one out soon…going through withdrawals.
Mine was Donkey Kong Jr. Used to spend all my quarters at the Macs Milk
I love Mario Brothers and Pac Man. My daughter and I have so much fun playing together. I wish I had this when I was a child.
I think my favorite would have to Guitar Hero or Rock Band! Although I don’t actually play when anyone else is home! lol. Not until I get better anyway! I also LOVE The Sims!
When my kids were small, I used to play space invaders with them on the Atari.
My favorite game would have to be choplifter
Wii Sports, it’s interactive and so much fun, I’m always reminding my other half to put his wrist strap on though
I just got an xbox360 but there was a Star Wars game I used to like to play a lot, we spent a lot of hours on it, it was a lot of fun, thanks.
My all time favorite is Tetris!
I loved Mario Kart multi-player fun!
My favorite game would have to be the old school Mario Brothers 3!! Would love to win this for my family!!!
OMG I so would love this
hmmm… Used to be Super Mario in all it’s incarnations, but is now Mario Party up to about 7 – the only game I can totally kid my kids butts at:D
I have always loved Ladybug & Pepper 2 (for the Colecovision). Played them so much, that I burned out the power pack — twice! LOL
I love playing RPGs and puzzle type games, but I think my favourite is Alone In The Dark.
Fav game has been Super mario
my personal fav would have to be the original super mario brothers….i am really enjoying the new nintendo ds handhald console right now though
My favourite game of all time is Super Mario Brothers…
OK I can admit I have never played any Mario games..but I am in love with Spiro the Dragon, that cute little tail and devilish look in his eyes. I got sick while I was at University and my roommate lend me his Sprio game and I have been hooked every since.
halo 3 , it is my stress release
the best game is dance dance revolution because i like to play with my children
My all time favorite was Contra. I still remember the cheat 20 years later. Up Down Up Down B A B A Select Start.
I’m a Newbie at computing and have’nt got into gaming yet, but I will for sure.
The best game ever is Tetris! I still play it on my cell phone.
Ms Pacman of course, since my boyfriend at the time HATED IT. Ha.
I love playing Millioamire for the Nintendo DS. it was great solving all the mysteries.
Hands down, “Bust A Move” is my fav game… of all time!
i love guitar hero, what is better than rocking out to your favorite songs. I may stink at it but i sure do have fun playing and anyway isn’t that what really counts in the end LOL. My favorite guitar hero has to be the Aerosmith edition. What is better than my all time favorite rock band combined with my bad eye hand co-ordination LOL.
It was an Intellivision game – a treasure hunt with elves and treasure and monsters. I can’t remember the name, but it was the one computer game I was ever good at!
I loved playing Halo with my son. I would get all freaked out by the monsters and run around and hide while my son would shot all the bad guys for me. He would laugh so hard as I practically danced and squirmed around like I was really IN the game. I could never coordinate the buttons enough and my gun would just end up shooting at the ceiling.
It would have to be Donkey Kong, Only game I could really play
now my boys laugh at me when I try to play there system.
In the end we all have a good laugh.
My favorite is Doctor Mario.
I have to say currently my fav game to play is . . .Banjo and Kazzoie nuts and bolts!!
Impossible Mission
I really have to learn how to use these things.
Old school Nintendo! Tetris. Used to dream in tetris blocks!
jwalker8 (at) canada (dot) com
I am a “NEWBIE” player, and not very good at it, but I try.l My son coaches me. We bought him a 360 last Christmas. These prizes are wonderful for our family.
My favorite would have to be Tetris! I could spend hours playing that game!
Mario Kart is the bomb. Now if I could just beat my husband.
My favourite video game of all time is Tetris on any system!
My favorite video games are Super Mario Brothers and Street Fighters for all video game consoles! 🙂
My favorite video game is Wii bowling probably because I enjoy bowling at the local bowling alley too.
I know I can’t win but I have to share. My favourite games of all time are Tetris, Zelda, and now Mario Kart. LOVE!
I still play Tetris on XBOX 360. It actually helps me unwind!
My favorite all time video game would have to be Dr. Mario. I now have it on my Wii to enjoy again like I did 10+ years ago.
my all time fav game is BUBBLE BOGGLE it was on nintendo,i loved the music and the cute characters ! i could play that for hours!
My favorite video game was PaperBoy. We recently downloaded it for the Wii, and it’s just not the same as it was on the Nintendo. But it was one of the first games my mom would let us play! 🙂
I LOVE Little Big Planet, for PS3…It has these cute little sock puppety things that you build structures for them to climb on, swing around on, work their way through dangerous situations. And then watch them get electrocuted or burned to death when you fail.
My favorite game was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I loved the action and the different kicks and spins that you got to choose from.
I had one of my kid’s friends over after school and he told me if I whacked a certain area of the bridge 50 times it would take me to a secret level.
Guess who was dumb enough to fall for that? You got it, me. My kids still make fun of me for that one.
My hubby bought a Nintendo Wii and at first I wasn’t too sure about playing along because I thought watching him do the movements was entertaining enough but when I tried Wii sports I got hooked on ping pong! LOVE IT! It even makes me work up a sweat!
I still love my Zelda games! Awesome!
OK this will show my age for sure but I loved Pac Man!! It was and probably still is my all-time favorite!
My all time favorite video game is Centipede. I know, I know, you are probably saying, “talk about old school”. However, I could play it for hours. I have to say, Guitar Hero runs a close second. Please pick me and make me the coolest mom on the planet. Thanks.
My all time favorite video game is Centipede. I know, I know, you are probably saying, “talk about old school”. However, I could play it for hours. I have to say, Guitar Hero runs a close second. Please pick me and make me the coolest mom on the planet. Thanks.
I love Rock Band because the whole family can play!!
I know it dates me but I still like Atari Asteroids. I used to play it with my kids way back when????
I haven’t played video games for sometime now cause I’m really not that good at them. I leave the games to my teenage son. But I do remember playing this game when we first got out computer way back when. I can’t remember the name of it but it had lots of boxes to jump over and so on and I did enjoy that one. Actually I just saw it posted here; it was Tetris.
I love playing Wii Sport with my kids.
High School Musical because I get to feel like a kid when playing it.
All time favorite game huh? I’d have to say Mario Kart. Nothing is better than getting a big group of friends all in the same room to play and shout at each other.
My favourite all-time game is Frogger! So much fun to play 🙂
I’ve always like the Crash Bandicoot series. It was something I could play for hours.
My favorite game is Sim City 2000.
My favorite game is either pull position (we are talking the good old atari days!!) or Tetris!!!
wow – when i was a kid, we were not fortunate enough to have video games. My friend had Pacman on Atari though, so that had to have been my favorite as a kid. Boy, am i old!
I love my new WII, I have always played video games with my kids and will play them until I am old and grey! They are awesome I even have an original nintendo too! (:
Old school Nintendo – Dr. Mario!!! It was kind of like Tetris, but with colours. Really gave you the “tetris-itis” problem of seeing squares after if you played too long. And BTW, I wanna win this for me – NO sharing with the boy 🙂
I loved Zelda, and am currently being beat by a 7 year old in every game running – from Guitar Hero to (*sob*) tetrus style games!
I have to admit that I’m still a sucker for Pac Man!! I was probably about 13 when I first started playing it. I borrowed my friend’s hand held game and my fingers were sore an hour later!
I love Tetris. On any system. Love it. Although I recently was bored and picked up my sons Mario Party and found it quite addicting too. But favorite has to be tetris.
My favourite game is Jak and Daxter. We got it for my 6 year old, but now I’M hooked! I even dream about snagging precursor orbs!
It is hard to pick my all time favorite. I loved playing all the Zelda games and I guess my favorite one would be Zelda: A Link to the Past
I love the Zelda games for nintendo. I remember playing with my brother…well he played and I worked the maps and clues!
I don’t really know what I’m doing when my boys give me a turn with the Nintendo DS Star Wars The Complete Saga but I just love the flipping lego guys:-)
for me it would be a tie between the Super Mario and Crash Bandicoot
My favourite game is Tetris.
Commodore 64- “Below the root”
I love Wii Fit and Wii play so I can play tennis indoors on rainy days.
I just love Tomb Raider because I’d like to be a brave adventuress like Lara Croft !
Mario Kart
My favorite game is Perfect Dark not the one for the 360 it’s not as fun as the one for the N64.
I like FPS’s some RPG’s etc…
More women could have fun gaming if they tried.
For me Perfect Dark was awsome I was pregnant and didn’t have much to do so I started playing it.
That game started me off I now LOVE video games.
My all time favorite game is Duck Hunt. My brother was a pro at every game out there and I remember beating him once at Duck Hunt and that day I still remember him saying, “you’re not bad.” I have never been able to beat him at any other game or even again at Duck Hunt, but I felt really close to him that day.
I love Crash Team Racing… oh and of course Duck Hunt! That dog makes me laugh every time.
OK. I’m giving away my age here.
My hubby and I competed with Frogger.
We loved our Commodore 64.
My favourite game was a small hand held Nintendo Game &Watch one called Parachute. It came out in 1981. It had little parachutists that would jump out of a plane, and get caught on a tree limb. You had to get the guy in the rowboat to catch them before they went into the shark infested water. It was not in colour and the rowboat could only be in one of three positions.
I always liked PacMan – it’s fun and simple – just like me!!
My favourite game is ZELDA -A LINK TO THE PAST. It took me forever to figure out that game and I needed lots of help too. It was very challenging.
My favourite video game of all time has to be “Discworld” based on the novels of the same name by Terry Pratchett. Eric Idle of “Monty Python” fame does the voice of the main character “Rincewind”, and the dialogue is very tongue-in-cheek funny. If you left the game running for any length of time to go do something else, when you came back you were greeted by “Rincewind” tapping on the computer screen calling out “Helllooooooo…. is anybody out theeerrrrreeeee ??????”.
No question. My all time favorite game is/was Nintendo Mario Bros. Maybe it was because it was the only game I played. But who cares? I loved it!! And I rocked it!!
My favourite is the old style Pacman or Pacmiss.
Ok, this will out my age; here I go…..
PONG is my all time fav video game!! lol
tetris, I love fitting the pieces together
My favourite all-time video game right now is the lego ones I have been know to stay up past midnight playing the star wars one
when i was in my 20’s before i had kids i was a serious ZELDA JUNKIE back with the old nintendo , but i would really like to try some of the newer games , i always like car racing games too , maybe even get rockin with guitar heroes like my kids LOL
I spent most of a summer and all of my money trying to conquer pacman – oops I think I just dated myself!
My favourite all time video game was and still is Super Mario Brothers. I hear that familar tune and it just makes me smile. I spent countless hours dodging Kuppa Truppa and saving the princess. Always a blast. Thanks for sharing the video game memories! Keep on playing…
My ultimate favourite game was Street Fighter III at the arcade. It was a great feeling when you could beat the boys and they just coming with their quarters for their chance to play against a girl. LOL I miss those days…
Okay, I’m lame and can’t master even the most simple children’s video games. BUT, I love Sonic the Hedgehog from Sega Genesis. Cute blue hedgehog and his buddy the fox (what was his name?) always died when I played the game but they remained true to me and returned evermore for punishment until I had to return the game to the video store. Since the demise of Sega, I’ve searched high and low for an online version but nothing compares to the original. Gimmie cute, cartoon-y video game characters any day over the blood, guts and gore of most of today’s games!
Ms. Pac Man or Pac-Man. Love it still to this day and when I see it on a ferry, I have to play it.
My favourite video game is Super Mario 3. I have lots of fun memories playing that with my family.
Definetly Duck Hunt
I rememebr that it was a pretty big deal to have a Nintendo with one of those orange plasic “guns” that you used to shoot the clays or the ducks with. Hours of fun!
Oh yes, and remember you could stand as close as possible to the TV and “cheat”
My all-time favourite video game has to be “Pac-man” from since I was a kid! Now, I’m pretty impressed with Dance Revolution on the XBox!
I love Rockband!! It’s so great for parties too!
My all time favorite video game is crash bandicoot,,,(LOL don’t know if I spelled that right).. I remember limiting myself any time I played,,Like I could play for a couple hours if I got my housework done first,,or I had to stop playing until dinner was done then I could resume playing once kids were all tucked into bed..
My favourite game was for the PC called Humans. You had to coordinate little cave man people and their tools to release the princess. I like games with a bit of strategy involved.
My all time favourite game is Tetris – I could play that for hours!
I must admit I love video games. I can remember playing pac-man and astroids. Then can Super Mario on my Nintendo. Now I love Mario Cart and Mario Galaxy. I also love My Wii Fit becuase of it I have lost 25lbs in the last year. All games are good and help to get rid of that crazy stree we feel each and every day. Go Gamers!!
I really, really love Pacman. It is my fav. I remember plugging in quarters to play. Now I can play playstation. It is a great game.
House of the Dead for the Wii. As a mom it is nice to have an outlet for anger and shooting zombies meets the requirements. Also if you have any power you could get them to bring back Toe Jam and Earl.
Ok well i love alot of the old games but my favorite is by far Guitar Hero I play with me 11 year old son he plays guitar and i play drums i never played an instrument but i am pretty good on lol we are saving up to get anthoer guitar for his sister and than we will have a band oh did i metion i am also vocals 🙂
Holy Freebie Batman! You have a million comments today! I am torn between Zelda on Nintendo 64 and good old Miss Pac Man(played on my Apple 2C computer back in the 80’s). I agree…it’s not just for boys!
Wow! This is soooo exciting. What a fantastic contest. I love video games. My fav is Brain Academy. I play it on my DS everyday. Sadly I don’t think it’s making me any smarter. But who cares, it’s fun!
I am terrible at these games but I have to I love Donkey Kong
My favorite video game is Super Mario or Beautiful Katimari. Who doesn’t love rolling the entire world up??
I can’t remember the name of the game but it was for the first Gameboy that came out. You were a mover that had to rearrange boxes to clear a path. This actually gave me skills I needed shortly after to work on newsletters in desktop publishing 🙂
I still love astroids, lol yes its going way back but its a blast! I remember when I got my arteri system my hands got blister on them from playing so much!
I actually do still get to play this game and often beat my twelve year old son at at which is still amazed at!
I would be thrilled to win this for sure!
This will give away my age big time, but I love asteroids 🙂
My all time favorite, spent all my time in the arcade playing, and all my quarters………….CENTIPEDE. Loved that game
I’m a fan of Sim City and games like that. I like the series of Tycoon, like Zoo Tycoon or Airport Tycoon.
Super Mario all the way, and how long ago was that, lol. The kids all think I’m crazy. BTW I hope “Maya” wins this contest, it sure sounds like she needs a pick me up-but good luck to all. Think positive!
Ooh… my favortie game of all time would have to be Super MARIO 3. I couldnt get enough of it as a kid. I was known as the ultimate Mario Warrior back in my elementary school days.
I need to play mario again!
No sense in entering this contest- as I NEVER win anything! EVER!
Oh man this is the ultimate thread for showing my age lmao I LOVED playing Frogger with my mom lol We would get a bottle of wine and sit there and laugh and play for hours!! Mom passed away two years ago now but the memories of those times are etched in my heart forever. Now that my son is an XBox live addict I love playing Halo with him or Guitar Hero. I’d give my eye teeth for this prize as we lost most of his gaming accessories in our move to take care of my mom before she passed. Good luck to everyone on this contest!
My favorite game still is Mario Bros for Nintendo. This is a awesome prize package and thank you for the contest.
I admit to playing the occasional game on my PC… I happen to enjoy Bejeweled. It’s fun. And I’m great at earning points/badges online. It’s a superb boredom buster on the occasional nights when I can’t sleep. And it’s pretty. I think I must be a crow because I’m attracted to the ‘shiny’ graphics of the game!
Growing up, Pac Man was definitely my game. Now, I have to admit I love Guitar Hero. Even mom’s can rock!
My all-time favourite video game was Chopper Command for the Atari 2600. I played it when I was 12! I must have spent thousands of hours shooting at enemy bomber jets.
My personal favorite even to this day is PacMan! I loved that game so much I would sneak into the living room and play it when my parents were sleeping!
Zelda. Every since Zelda came out for the original Nintendo, I have been hooked. I spent hours and hours playing this. Everytime I got a system upgrade I always brought the Zelda to accompany it. Sometimes vice versa. If Zelda came on on a game system, I had to buy the game system so I could play the game. Zelda all the way! Hyrule rules!
I love Super Mario Brothers of course and all the various Zelda games.
I love to play Mario 64 and Zelda on our old nintendo 64
also I do enjoy singstar
hope to win xbox360 swag
Dr Mario
I loved River Raid by Atari when I was growing up – every time we would visit my cousins, I’d sit in their spare bedroom and play for hours!
Wii bowling is my favorite. I also love the Wii golf. I think it is great exercise, and I am so good, I am beating my kids at it now.
my favorite game would be resident evil
I am a huge fan of video games. (I have my own DS, so I can watch soaps and play at the same time) Mario 64 and Zelda: Ocarina of time would tie for 1st. I just can’t choose between them.
I am kind of giving my age away when I say that my favourite video game was pac man! It was a blast back in the 80s!
My favorite game is Super Mario Brothers. My son got this game for his DS and I totally took over his game. I got super hooked that I couldn’t put it down until I finally captured the Princess : )
My all time favorite is pacman, but since one of my kids talked me into playing Halo with them, I’m hooked!
Hmmm…it’d have to be either MarioKart, or Donkey Kong….on the old nintendo, not the newfangled 3d thing. I feel so old.
The Galaga game! LOVED IT!!!!!!
Impossible Mission. I LOVED that game when I was a kid; I played it all the time. I loved starting a new game and hearing the evil computer voice say, “Another visitor! Stay a while…stay FOREVER!”
Super Contra for the original Nintendo. I still remember the code for 30 men.
up up down down left right left right b a b a start
Pacman!! My cousin had a mini single console thing… remember those? Was so jealous he always had the good stuff. I could use this cause I have two boys and no video games!! So uncool.
My favorite of all time is definitely Mario Kart on N64! Such a fun game. 😉
Definitely Frogger! Loved that game on the good o’l Commodore 64
Zelda, is by far, my favourite video game. I played for hours at a time!! It used to be Pitfall on Atari- back in the day.
LOVE LOVE LOVE Donkey Kong!! For a new game I would go for Mario Kart.
Pac-Man on Atari!!!! I remember fighting with my brother to play that game.
My favorite was the super nintendo and the super mario brothers game!
I have adored many video games through the years, but Frogger for the Atari was my first true love!
I would have to say MarioParty, or MarioKart (I’m with you on this one, Jen!). And, I have to admit, I have been known to drum, strum and sing a tune or two on Guitar Hero World Tour, although mostly to hang out with my 12 year old:)
Sim City!
As the only female member of my house, I am proud to say I can kick their collective butts in most games! I absolutely love wii bowling, wii fit and I am a little ashamed to say I heart Lego Indiana Jones on xbox360. As a throwback, who doesn’t love Ms Pacman!!
I haven’t played a video game in so long! I think the last one I played was Super Mario Brothers on Nintnedo! It was most likely the only video game I played. LOL A new system would be really cool!
Nintendo GameBoy circa 1990 with Super Mario Bros. – the only video game on earth that can hold my attention for more than five minutes.
I still get a Mario craving every now and then. Love the original and the 3rd one about equally.
I love Guitar Hero and Rock Band, but my all time favourite was Parasite Eve. It was the first video game I bought for just me.
This package would be great!
My favorite video game of all time is Zelda. Love Zelda.
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I am a little ashamed to admit this … my favourite video game is Bejewelled. (which, I know, started as a computer game but it’s on one of my husband’s XBOX 360 arcade games and I play it all the time. Which leads to confusion when all his buddies see his user id online and try to talk to him and it’s just me.)
I want this!!
~favorite games~ Wii – Guitar hero and bowling. Wii fit.. hoola hoop and step aerobics.
Original nintendo ~ super mario bros.
Atari ~ Pac-Man and Frogger.
Has to be the Katamari Games. Katamari Damcy, We love Katamari and now, Beautiful Katamari. Check it out on Youtube, it’s craaazzzyyyy fun! Also, you can punch in ‘Katamari’ on Photobucket or the like, and see crrrraaaazzyyy fans dressed up as the characters. It’s awesome!
Super Mario Bros hands-down! When I realized my 5 year old had it for his DS I became addicted….again….
i use to play Kirby’s Avalanche. loved it. went all the way and saved the princess. of course the house looked like a bomb went off during this phase.
My favorite game would have to be singstar.
My current favorite game is Mario Kart WIIIIII! (said in my head, just like they do on the game…)
I love being baby Peach. I never win…but I still love being baby Peach!
I love playing with my boys and flying all over the couch, because who can judge a curve like me?!
Anyway…great give-a-way!!
X to the O
Frogger!!! Oh the good ol’ days of Frogger!
Probably Lolo for the original Nintendo. I’m working on downloading it for our Wii. Next I will be donning a sweat head band and some leg warmers (those are coming back in style, right?).
Astrosmash, on the Intellivision, hands down. Oh, how I loved the Intellivision. (It was a real console, I swear! the Betamax to Atari’s VHS.)
Wii Fit. Specifically, the soccer heading game. can’t. stop. playing. must. beat. high. score.
Mario Kart for Wii. I suck at it, but I LOVE it. One day I will figure it out!
mario, for my gameboy, way back when
My 4 year-old has the Disney Pixar Cars game on PS2. It is the cutest game and no, I NEVER play it without him. I swear.
I loved Pong and Pacman and now love Wii bowling with my 4 year old!
loving rock band lately! Great giveaway!
Lovin the High School Music 3 Sing It!
Mario Kart ALL THE WAY baby!!
(man i SOOOOO wanna win this!)
all time fav? just one… eeek…. um I’d have to say the original Super Mario, though Guitar Hero makes me a rock star, but then I have a secret fetish for Super Monkey Ball. WAIT, no – it’s River Raid on the original woodpaneled Atari system.
(pick me)(please)
I’m loving the Rock Band and Wii bowling for sure but my all time favorite is PACMAN!
Definitely the original Mario Kart. We still play it with big groups of friends!
My favorite game is still the first video game I ever played, when I was 10 years old….Duck Hunt! To this day I am slightly amused and slightly horrified that the video game that came with a new Nintendo was a game that involved shooting ducks. Who even shoots ducks anyway?
I’m loving on Rock Band recently!
Pacman, man. How’s that for kickin’ it old school? 🙂
I remember when we first got an Atari back in the day. Do you remember Pong? And then when PacMan came out? Good times, good times.
hi Ali i am almost ashamed to admit that even though i have teens in my house we have no game system here.but we have friends who do and i love DDR is that what the dance one is called and my teen daughter loves kingdom hearts
MarioCart ALL the way! And I was always Yoshi.
Growing up, it was Space Invaders on the old school Atari. I LOVED playing that with the old school graphics. These days, I could literally forego work and food to play Guitar Hero for hours.
favorite video game is Rock band. I love the interactiveness of it.
I love Super Mario Brothers (from the first Nintendo), though i never was able to crack the final castle…something to aspire to…
I love Bust a Move for PS2….my sister, mom, & i played over 100 games in one sitting…
So I have always been awful at video games (no hand eye coordination) so my fave would be tetris because I was actually decent at it.
Lesse… fav of all time? Totally Pitfall, for the ATARI.
My favorite video game has to be Super Mario Brothers. I stink at it – but I still love it. My five year old won’t let me play because he says I will just get killed. He’s right.