How do we fill our days?
Well, I’ve said it before, but my 10 month old is a going concern. Into everything, crawling and walking (well, stumbling like a drunken sailor, but we’re getting there)- always on the move. We climb the stairs, jump on my bed, chase our cat, eat when forced, go out on mini-trips, kick a bouncy ball, sing some songs, read some books and attempt the occasional nap.
It’s hard to get The Boy to sit still for any amount of time and concentrate one toy. I’ve exhausted myself trying to find something fun for him to play with or do. Sound familiar?
So when the wonderful people at Fisher Price offered to send The Boy one of their newest toys to try out, the Laugh & Learn Peekaboo Cuckoo, I was totally game!
The Boy was napping when it arrived at my house, so I brought it up to his room when he awoke. Truthfully, given my experiences in the past (where he has tossed the toy aside for the packaging), I didn’t hold out much hope. But, lo and behold, these Fisher Price people know what they’re doing because the Laugh & Learn Peekaboo Cuckoo has been a hit!
The entire toy fascinates him. The Boy loves to hit the button on the top to make the Cuckoo bird appear. He loves the songs, the flashes, he even bounces along to the music, and attempts to turn the giant green key on the side. Even when he moves on to something else he is bound to return in an attempt to get the music going again.
What I like about the Laugh & Learn Peekaboo Cuckoo is that it incorporates some learning tools, numbers, letters, time, and opposites, with plain old fun! Turn the key and a mouse appears. Hit the button on the top and a bird appears. I’ve been humming the songs for weeks.
Suffice it to say, we’ve loved this toy and now you have the chance to love it too!!
Thanks to the people at Fisher Price, one lucky member will win a Laugh & Learn Peekaboo Cuckoo by Fisher Price for your little one to enjoy!To Enter: Leave me a comment telling me one thing you do to fill your days/hours with your little one.
Contest closes March 29th, 2010. Remember only UrbanMoms members are eligible to win so don’t forget
to sign in. Not a member yet? Click here
to join!
†See full contest rules
and regulations for details.
PPC Revenge 2.0- I’m grateful for you because of this fantastic written content. You definitely did make my day :
How are the days not filled? Busy busy busy, we are always on the run and ready for fun. One of our favorite things to do is run the woods and play in the ravine behind our home. Lyla 2 loves to find sticks and bugs and loves to get dirty! Raiden 10 months loves to ride in the sling and follow his sister!
i read to my kids
my time is spent watching my 2 year old niece, our day starts with outdoor fun, lunch then a nap as soon as she wakes up it’s OUTSIDE OUTSIDE I want to go outside 🙂 she loves her fisher price horse and her fisher price swing
Everyday, I will put my baby on the little gym that we got for her and she will be kicking and pulling it for a period of time. And then I will train her for tummy time as she is still learning how to roll over.
i would love this for my little one
We make sure we make it to the park everyday and I have two budding artists…so we fill our days with crafts and paints
Some of my fondest memories as a young child were playing with Fisher Price toys.
We are always so busy it seems…lately our 18 month old princess has taken to practicing her jumping – so I sit on the futon on the play room, and she jumps from the top of the craft table to my lap. She loves it and I’ve already noticed her legs getting stronger. My 4 year old, loves cooking and baking, so he’s in charge of helping me with meals.
I feel like I spend most of my day nursing my son 🙂 I let him take naps on me while he nurses so I get to watch the news and cuddle with my son at the same time. It doesn’t get any better than cuddling babies.
I am so busy with my little one, I don’t have a problem “filling our days.” It seems like we don’t have enough hours in the day to do half of the things I would like to do. Some of our favorite activities are reading, finger painting, playing with my son’s toys, nature walks, and digging for worms.
I love to have an “It’s OK” day once in awhile with him. I let him get into the pantry and the pots-and-pans cupboards while I sit on the floor and play with him. We make a lot of noise but we have lots of laughs at the same time! And he learns about sounds, etc. too!
Rocking and cuddling. Lots of tickle games or body massages – for baby, not me!
Talk. I tell him him all the things we will be doing when he gets older and he listens – for now!
Walks. Lots of outdoors when we can.
The boys and I like our trucks and cars. Sound effects are wonderful.
There’s aways time for a snuggle and a story.
Singing, dancing and music are the important things. Then comes meals, diapers, cleaning, and the rest of it.
I sing songs to my baby all day long. He’s just gotten very good at crawling so I chase him on my knees around the floor and he loves it.
We play a lot of cars at my house, with two boys under 3 it’s hard to keep both of their attention on anything, but cars do the trick. Mostly with their road rug or their little people garages but sometimes we get creative and make garages out of blocks or tunnels out of boxes.
We go to the park when it’s nice out, we have library day, play dates with other kids, we bake and we read together.
Meals seem to take up most of the day, then getting washed up, naps and the ever present laundry.
My newest little one is 6 months old. She LOVES music of any kind, so we have our own dance party in the living room. We put on some music that’s fun to sing and dance to, and dance like no one is looking :). She gets a real kick out of dancing with mommy and it gives me a great way to get in a mini work-out.
fisher price is a must for all
We get outside everyday for a walk or just to play around the yard. Fresh air rejeuvenates us both. There is nothing better than laughing and giggles. Silly songs keep us entertained when we come home.
My little 22 month old and I love blow bubbles outside when the weather is nice and listen to daddy read stories to us before bedtime. We also love to each snacks ALL day long!
We wake up in the morning and we go downstairs. We sometimes read a book or watch a movie together. I put her in the stroller and we will sometimes go for a healthy breakfast. Then I take out my baby girl and she walks with me and holds my hand while I push her stroller. We sing and I tell her stories.
We then go into some stores and buy some healthy treats. We may buy a picture book or get some bubbles. I take her to the park and we run around and blow bubbles or look at our books.
My baby will be two in April. She loves teddy bear tea parties with her older sister and spending time outside. She is alot of fun!
My 9 month old loves talking, screaming pushing buttons… on the phone. So we use the speaker phone to call her very patient grandparents on a regular basis and they are thrilled to hear from her.
My 9 month old loves talking, screaming, pressing buttons… on the phone. We use the speaker phone and phone her patient grandparents. They love to hear from her on a regular basis.
well my little one is just 21 months ,but we love to play and he loves to help his mom clean! He tries to help me swiffer and vaccumm and put the dishes away!
If its warm we play in the backyard ,and if not we jus play in his room with his many many toys!!WE like to watch cartoons together too!
And take trips to the grocery store!
the day jus flies by when your busy!
I have 3, three and under (3yr old twins and a 2yr old) and their favourite pasttime is playing musical band. One takes the keyboard, one takes the guitar and the third one takes the drums. Plus they split up all the toys in the Parents BeBop Band set. Then they proceed to make as much musical noise as possible while singing at the top of their lungs. They have so much fun! We got them their own recorders for Easter so that should up the noise factor a bit too! LOL
He loves to go for walks in the stroller, with our dog & any silly game we can think up.
Also reading id a great passtime
My little girl is now 9 weeks old how did that happen
She likes singing the best, being cuddled & now blowing on her belly
Our little boy is just 6 months old so most of our time is spent playing Peek a boo & making silly noises & reading
With my four year old and 20 mth old, I try to include them in the l’il things around the house… like helping to set/clear the table, washing and rinsing, loading the dishwasher, or I give them their own spray bottles (one each, of course!) filled with water and dish cloths and they help to clean the kitchen table, coffee table and eventually the game moves to spraying the walls and their toys.
I even make a game out of folding clean laundry (where I take the fresh clothes from the dryer and dump it on them on the couch) and then they help me separate it in to piles of “mine”, “my brother’s”, “mommy” or “daddy”…. I can’t wait until they’re dexterous enough to help fold it!
Taking a walk to the Library.
We spend lots of time reading. My daughter loves stories, either the ‘real’ written ones or the ones I make up for her. We can spend time enjoying the outdoors as we walk to the library to find the perfect book.
We go outside as much as possible. In our yard we have a sand table, a small slide and my daughter has a small spade and fork so she can help with the yard work and find worms to scare Mommy!
To keep my guy busy, I’ve made chocolate pudding, rolled out a plastic table cloth on the floor, got a BBQ brush, paper and watched a very inquisitive boy manipulate the textures.
We try to get outdoors as much as possible. We usually go to the park for a swing then head to the local fruit market. We usually snack on fruit all the way home!
Books, books, and more books. They can be entertaining, educational, and provide hours of fun. The pop-up and picture books are a favorite of the youngest children and sticker books and colouring books are favorites for preschoolers. It seems that each child has their one favorite book no matter how many they have read to them.
What I need is more hours in the day! Our day is always filled with fun, books and learning. My son loves to be active and I try to get him involved in everything I do, whether that means he “cleans” out a cupboard while I make dinner or that we “dance” to clean the floors. Everything is fun with a little one around!
Our days are filled with playing ‘chase’ with everyone, including the pup, spinning until mommy gets dizzy, books, cars, puzzles, a show or two, visiting others, and if it can be productive (sort of), tidying the house and possibly getting a hot meal made occasionally.
The clock looks to be something to check out for the littlest one. Thanks for the info!
I am a sahm of 2 precious little boys Patrick and Mason ages 1 and 4, they are such a blessing and a handful at the same time! It can be so difficult to keep 2 wild little boys busy but I do my best! I love to play pretend with them they love to act like they are the grown ups! When we wake up the boys help fix ME breakfast (Its a little mixture of reverse phsycology but it works they eat every bit of it) they mix the pancake mix and crack the eggs. When breakfast is done they love to pick up the dishes and drop them in the sink. They take such pride in making the “important” decisions of the morning like wht they should wear for the day. I allow them to pick a story off the shelf and we read for a while and act out the stories tht is the most fun! And thier little imaginations go to work it really is pricless to see there little faces light up. After tht is lunch and then some time to play outside. Patrick takes out his bug catching set and goes on a safari and Mason tags along. It is precious. Then inside for snack and soon Dinner and then off to bed!
We go to music and signing for babies classes!
I take him to the park!
We read lots of books and sing lots of songs, while dancing of course!
Walking and more walking. Get the baby to see as much of the outdoors as possible.
We play alot…my ds loves to be chased right now 🙂
We go to the park to watch the squirrels and other kids play
we do a lot of crafts. My daughter loves crafts and so do I!
I put my 4 year old to work 😉 He entertains the baby while I cook and clean. When all else fails I link toys onto his excersaucer.
Yowzer! I have the same little one. He’s always on the go, rarely naps longer than 20 minutes and loses intrest in things quickly. Lately we have been filling our days with long walks in the nice weather, morning swims at the Y and a nursery rhyme group once a week!
We love to play pass, and he is great at throwing me the ball!!
When I spend my day with my little nephew which I adore deeply we like spending time with the big lego blocks, we stack them all-day,we take a break once in a while of course.Thank You.
My little guy is only 3 months old, so he spends alot of time sleeping still. When he is awake i put him in his high chair and he watches what i do in the kitchen. He likes to be part of the action.
We have BIG lego and at 2 she loves to play with them. We build things and then she gets to take them all apart. Some days her sister isn’t all that happy when she breaks the “castle” she has built before daddy gets home to see it
It is getting nicer outside so we try and spend a little bit of time after daycare playing a little bit before the rush of supper. today it was hockey, yesterday sand box.
We always go for walks on nice days. My 3 year old tries to help entertain the baby :O)
I fill my days with as much playtime as possible… We read books together, play down on the floor, walk around the block, sing songs and listen to music – anything that keeps her laughing and content.
One thing i do to fill my days/hours with my little one is by taking him to the park almost daily when the weather’s nice!
Hi There, well it’s all about variety in our busy household. We love to fill our days with singing, dancing, reading stories, playing with our pet dog, baking and learning our numbers and letters. Did I mention this is typically all done while playing dress up too!
Thanks for the great contest!
Now that I’m back at work (boo!), my husband spends his days with our one-year-old daughter. He plays what he calls “baby boot camp” games, where he sets up obstacles for her to crawl over and under, encourages cruising by using blueberries to get her to the other end of the couch, and gets her up walking with her Fisher Price shopping cart as often as he can. After lunch, they usually take a 1-3 hour walk around the neibhourhood, picking up groceries, petting dogs, and hitting the swings at the park. All in all, she is having a great time with her Dad!
We walk to the post office to get the mail every day, rain or shine! It’s a great way to get some guaranteed fresh air and exercise!
As I’m back at work (boo!) my husband spends his days with our 1-year-old daughter by playing “baby boot camp” games. He sets up obstacles for her to crawl over and under, uses blueberries to encourage her to cruise more, and uses her Fisher Price grocery cart to get her walking. Then they usually go for a good 2-hour walk in the afternoons, now that it’s nice out. She’s having a great time with her Daddy!
We get out to the park every single day. There’s always so much to do and see there … look at the trees and leaves, see the ducks and geese, play in the playground, just run down the path. He loves it.
My son and I just love to fill our days by learning. Every day is an adventure as I teach him how to count and sing and he also teaches me a thing or two about how he like’s things HIS way or no way! BUT, thats kids xD gotta love em!
I like to fill our days with books. Whether reading at home or a visit to the local Early Years or Library, books play an important role in our day. Sometimes Mommy even gets a chance to read an adult book or magazine at night!
To fill our days my daughter and I would go shopping together or go for a walk outside. I sometimes take her to our local early years centre where she get to play with other kids. We also sing and dance when we watch treehouse like yo gabba gabba.
We sing and dance together!
Lots of stories, and outside time are almost daily
Dont have little ones but nephews are close, I teach them arts and crafts and also how to play cards with there counting and alaphet
We spend our time playing outside and making crafts together!
We love to go to the park to play and watch the big kids 🙂
My kids love to go outside and splash in the puddles in the spring, color some pictures, and play with toys. We also love to read books together.
Well now that I am a gramma I do not have to fill as many days; but when my boys were younger their favorite pastime was scavenger hunts; or as they called them treasure hunts, we would make a list of things to find then head out for our daily walk , I have now started this with my grandaughter
We pack a bag of “to go” snacks and explore our own neighbourhood. This gets us out of the house, meeting the neighbours and enjoying a little vitamin “D”. No additional cost involved and the kid(s) love the Mommy time.
I love to read with Crystal, it is great to see her face light up with all the stories and she gets so excited, so reading is one of the greatest highlights, and I always make sure I take her for a walk and have play time and it is as much fun for me as it is for her, I find it a great bonding time for us, I like find any way that she will learn and have fun doing it, so I found this one fisher price toy where you pull the string and it turns around and around and when it stops at a picture it tell what it is and how to say it, that was the most fun toy for her.
I love to read with Crystal, it is great to see her face light up with all the stories and she gets so excited, so reading is one of the greatest highlights, and I always make sure I take her for a walk and have play time and it is as much fun for me as it is for her, I find it a great bonding time for us, I like find any way that she will learn and have fun doing it, so I found this one fisher price toy where you pull the string and it turns around and around and when it stops at a picture it tell what it is and how to say it, that was the most fun toy for her.
My son may only be 5 months old, but he’s a handfull!! He loves adventure… From the glossy story book pages to all the different coloured toys…. He loves to flip from back to tummy and tummy to back!! Every cereal feed has got to consist of cereal blown raspberries!
And my raspberries blown on his tummy send him into a roll of laughter… Even the smallest of pecks on his chin!!
Mommy and Rayyaan time has got to be every given second, he hates being on his own, unless he’s spending time in his bouncer while I cook or on his play-mat while i clean!! Or in his jumper while I vacume!!
And sudden boo’s get him rolling into laughter every time!! I think he would enjoy the laugh and learn peek-a-boo toy!!
We will sit down together and watch some of his favourite programs, or I will read a book with him. When we play, I get down on his level so that I can see what he sees. When it’s warm, we go out for a walk or to the park to play.
My older daughter goes to school in the afternoons so our week is like this:
Monday – Early Years Centre
Tuesday – sometimes go to Walmart if we need something
Wednesday – Bible Study group
Thursdays – not much, veg out at home, get some cleaning done
Fridays – See what my mommy friends are up to and plan an outing if we can.
In the afternoons my younger one naps so I get some me time to either work on my photography work or just veg out on twitter and facebook! 🙂
Only one thing?! 🙂 Books are big in our household, any time and all the time. They are scattered everywhere, easily accessible for the kids to reach, flip through on their own and bring to share w some extra special lap time, funny voices and even actions.
well I babysit my sisters little twin, they are 1 now…we look at and read colorful books, we sing, and we go for walks around the neighborhood and to the doggie park…would love a new Fisher Price toy to play with here!
When my oldest daughter is in school my youngest two and I play tuns of games, play bowling, read books, sing, dance and more. When my daughter is home from school its usually craft time, dancing and singing. We also sneak in a live performance and other games
As a grandmother I try keep both of us doing physical activities like going to the park or taking a bike ride around the block.
Living near the St. Lawrence River, it is very important that my boy’s know how to swim. So all winter long, we have been going to the ‘Y’ to learn.
Our newest “to-do” is to push and walk the kitchen chair around the house. I love it because it means he’s that much closer to walking! But, when the chair comes up to a wall or obstacle he gets pretty upset pretty quick. It keeps me on my toes and burns a ton of energy for him!
gotta love Fisher Price!
I make sure and go outside, even in snowy or rainy weather.
Time spent outdoor always makes theday go farther.
I love to read to my daughter she gets so excited ( I change my voice for the different characters and includer her name in the story), during the story she will try and repeat the words by sounding them out. We read while dinner is cooking and the just before bed I find she won’t fight me on going to bed early knowing theres a good story that would be read! : ^ ).
Because I believe learning to read and appreciating books are two of the most valuable things for a child, we spend a lot of time looking through our books, talking about things we see, and reading together. We also make frequent trips to the local library to get new books but also to bring home old favourites.
One new thing that we do is cooking ! I give jack a bowl and spoon in his high chair and pull him up to the counter beside me while I make dinner or do some baking… we also sing songs while we ” cook ” so far he loves it!!! He even pretends to stir! lol