Congrats to Sarah for winning Friday’s Quote contest and congrats to Holly, who by random draw, is the winner of the runner-up prize. (girlies…please email your vitals so i can get you your prizes ASAP!)
and today we have another contest.
i’ve always been a fan of Casey Affleck. You know, the other Affleck brother. the one who isn’t Ben. the one who is probably most commercially known for his role as Virgil Malloy in Ocean’s 11, 12, and 13. but, did you know he was in Good Will Hunting?
and that he’s married to Summer Phoenix. Yes, THAT Phoenix family. and they are ridiculously adorable.
and he plays street-savvy PI Patrick Kenzie in the Ben Affleck-directed film Gone Baby Gone.
my goodness…what a good movie! Everybody shines in this one. Bridget Monaghan. Morgan Freeman. Ed Harris. Oscar-nominated Amy Ryan. What seems like a simple girl-goes-missing investigation in blue-collar Boston (for the Afflecks, it’s always Boston) turns into a complex morality tangle. It was so absorbing and fantastic to watch this one unfold.
and today…i’ve got TWO copies of the DVD to give away.
to qualify to win…all you need to do is leave me a comment with the following information:
my favorite actor is:
my favorite actress is:
my favorite movie is:
my least favorite movie is:
my favorite actor is: Christian Bale
my favorite actress is: Ashley Judd
my favorite movie is: The Prestige
my least favorite movie is: 300
Fav Actor: George (Swooney) Clooney–come on, just look at those eyes!
Fav Actress: Jodi Foster
Favorite Movie: Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Least Favorite Movie: Ishtar (even Warren Beatty couldn’t save that one)
my favorite actor is: Daniel Day Lewis
my favorite actress is: Dame Judi Dench
my favorite movie is: Fantasia
my least favorite movie is: any movie that I didn’t want to go and see! 🙂
my favourite actor is: Johnny Depp
my favourite actress is: Reese Witherspoon
my favourite movie is: Dead Poets Society
my least favourite movie is: Bridges of Madison County
favorite actor is: Billy Crudup
favorite actress is: Katherine Hepburn
favorite movie is: Notting Hill
least favorite movie is: Dumb and Dumber
umm Ali aren’t we trying to guess your i know you love jude law.and maybe scarlett for movies i know i should now your fave but least fave movie of yours no idea..
fav actor: Jack Nicholson; fav actress: Julia Roberts; fav movie: Titanic; Most hated movie: 300
my favorite actor is: Orlando Bloom
my favorite actress is: Natalie Portman
my favorite movie is: Juno
my least favorite movie is: No Country for Old Men
Actor: Billy Bob Thornton
Actress: Annette Benning
Movie: Crash (Bandits is a close second)
Recently WAYYYYY disliked: We are Marshall. But Something About Mary is up(down) there too.
Actor: Hugo Weaving
Actress: Natalie Portman
Favorite Movie: Tie: Office Space and Shawshank Redemption
Least Favorite Movie: Pret a Porter ( I actually walked out of the theater on that one AND demanded my $$$ back)
I don’t usually think in terms of ‘favorite’ anything – but for a chance at a prize, here goes:
my favorite actor is: Tom Hanks
my favorite actress is: Jodi Foster
my favorite movie is: Rain Man
my least favorite movie is: Dumb and Dumber (although I do like Jim Carrey, just not in this movie).
my favorite actor is: Matt Damon
my favorite actress is: Hillary Swank
my favorite movie is: Anne of Green Gables (thats a movie right?)
my least favorite movie is: anything Arnold Schwarzenegger is in
My favorite actor is Harrison Ford.
My favorite actress is Audrey Hepburn.
My favorite movie is The Sound of Music.
My least favorite movie is Jerry Maguire, and it angers me that so many people loved it, because there were too many things to name that I hated about it.
Fave actor: Leo Di Caprio
Fave actress: Catharine Zeta-Jones
Fave movie: Chicago (see fave actress)
Least fave movie: Dude, where’s my car (I love movies and I actually turned this movie off)
I think Casey Affleck is great too! And Gone Baby Gone was a great surprise considering Ben’s involvement. He did a great job with it.
Hey you forgot…Casey in The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. He was GREAT in that!
My faves:
Actor: Tom Hanks
Actress: Julie Andrews
Movie: The Sound of Music
Least favorite: Have to definitely go with Candyman – it was so very frigthening!
my favorite actor is: Zach Braff
my favorite actress is: Parker Posey
my favorite movie is: Greese 2, shut up.
my least favorite movie is: Candyman, since it gave me nightmares for years.
my favorite actor is: tie between John Cusack/Mark Wahlberg
my favorite actress is: Natalie Portman
my favorite movie is: oooh..too many to choose…Sound of Music/Indiana Jones/When Harry Met Sally/High Fidelity
my least favorite movie is: this one’s easy..Leaving Las Vegas
Thanks for doing this! I love contests..I’m a total prize whore..please pick me, pick me!! lol!!
okay, so i know this one!
my favorite actor is: james marsden
my favorite actress is: reese witherspoon
my favorite movie is: sixteen candles
my least favorite movie is: must love dogs
my favorite actor is: Matt Damon
my favorite actress is: Scarlett Johansson
my favorite movie is: The Cutting Edge
my least favorite movie is: Leaving Las Vegas
my favorite actor is: Phillip Seymour Hoffman (because he plays such a great creep – Boogie Nights anyone? – and every role is so different)
my favorite actress is: Jodie Foster (because she always plays a cool chick and seems like one in real life)
my favorite movie is: The Wizard of Oz (c’mon, Munchkins? The Scarecrow? Those shoes?)
my least favorite movie is: tie – Black Rain and Eyes Wide Crap, oops, I mean Shut
my favorite actor is: Edward Norton
my favorite actress is: Natalie Portman
my favorite movie is: The Shawshank Redemption
my least favorite movie is: The Cable Guy
As a side note – one recent movie I saw that everyone should see is Waitress – with Keri Russell.
My fav actor: Ohhh, have to pick one? Okay for today: Tommy Lee Jones
My fav actress: Reese Witherspoon (she actually seems ‘normal’ — too good to be true?)
My fav movie: Don’t laugh, FOOTLOOSE!
My least fav movie: Leaving Las Vegas
WOOP WOOP! Yippee for random draws!
my favorite actor is: Joaquin Phoenix
my favorite actress is: Julie Roberts (I know, no originality there)
my favorite movie is: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the Original)
my least favorite movie is: City of Angels
my favorite actor is: Tom Hanks
my favorite actress is: Julia Roberts
my favorite movie is: that thing you do!
my least favorite movie is: Silence of the Lambs
today my favorites are:
Mark Ruffalo
Reese Witherspoon
Better Off Dead
Least favorite movie – it’s a tie:
Island of Dr. Moreau