Well, I’ve talked a lot about how much I love my Booty Camp Fitness Boot Camp classes.
Twice a week, for one hour, Sarah feels like Sarah…not mommy or maid or chef (ok, I’m being generous with myself…kind-of-decent-cook is more like it)…just Sarah.
I’m not done yet- I recently signed up for another 4 weeks of Bootcamp to help me get ready for my friend’s August wedding, which I’m honoured to be in!
I truly believe the mantra that if we want to care for others, we must care for ourselves first. Granted, I’m awful at following that mantra, but I believe in it and the wonderful people over at Booty Camp Fitness want you to succeed in that goal too! As a woman-only bootcamp, Booty Camp tailors their workouts to our body needs/trouble spots, giving you a workout that really does help shape your body, coupled with amazing support from camp leaders and even Sammie Kennedy (the creator) herself.
To help all of you get back to where you want to be- feeling strong, healthy, and ready to take on the world- Booty Camp Fitness is giving one lucky UrbanMoms member a FREE 4 WEEK BOOTY CAMP EXPERIENCE! (a $159 value)
To enter, please check this link to make sure
there is a Booty Camp offered in your area! Then, leave me a comment telling me one way you care for yourself (for example: other then Bootycamp, I read a book a month- just for fun).
Contest closes May 31st, 2010.
only urbanmoms.ca members are eligible to win so don’t forget to sign
in. Not a member yet? Click
to join!
Click here for contest Rules and Regulations.
I get together with my friends for a coffee or dinner every chance I get. Some laughter with the girls helps the medicine go down and the weight of the world seem a little lighter.
Usually I dance around the house when no one is around
I try to get some time alone for myself every week, either walking, reading shopping or whatever pleases me at the moment
I care for myself by eating only nutritionally correct foods. I am always reading labels and making sure I eat the best possible food items.
How do I care for just me? As a mom to an 18-month old boy, and working full-time it’s hard to find time for me. But I do it in the small ways – treating myself to coffee, going for runs and hitting the gym. Books are a huge way I treat myself. I love curling up at the end of the day with a good book. Even grocery shopping is something I love to do by myself – I enjoy the quiet time!
I try to get to the gymn or pool several times a week
I never have been able to get rid of this ‘Mommy Paunch’
Motivation to work out at home, even with the right equipment, eludes me!
My 3 little ones, 7, 5, 2 1/2…well they always take priority.
How I do get some exercise is playing with them, walks with the wagon, wrestling, horsy rides etc….And I don’t eat junk food. We just don’t buy it! We have the odd snack for packing for lunches, or drives but really, if it isn’t in the house it isn’t on our minds.
Another thing that many Mommies forget? Take time for yourself. There is nothing more precious so you can come back refreshed to be there for your kidlets!
I’ve been working out at a gym for quite some time but sure could use some help with some trouble spots & the nutrition end of things.
To take care of myself I’ve recently started attending some fusion/pilates/yoga classes to help me stretch & relax my overly tight muscles.
I have never been one to really take care of myself, I am too busy focused on everything and everyone else…BUT recently I joined a gym in hopes to lose weight. When pregnant with my now 16month old son, I crazily managed to gain 100, yes I said 100 extra pounds!! 🙁 I haven’t lost any weight at all, in fact somehow managed to gain another 20!! Instead of trying to lose the “extra baby weight” I am trying to lose alot more. Booty Camp fitness is just what I need to get me right on track!
I like to give myself pedicures once a week and go to the gym, those are the things I do to keep my sanity and take care of myself! 🙂
corieandnickolas AT hotmail.com
I care for myself by taking time everyday to do something just for me. It could be getting a fancy coffee or going to workout. Just so I make sure that just because I am a mom of 4 that I don’t need to neglect myself. I am not just a mom, I am my own person too.
I care for me by eating oatmeal for breakfast! Yes now eating breakfast & taking bootcamp & yoga has made a whole lot of difference to me & mine.
I have started riding my bike. I bike with my daughter to her school and then back home. It’s a great way for both of us to get some execise.
I take care of myself by going to a weekly yoga class and walking with friends.
I take care of myself by practicing Yoga and of course reading Urban Mom’s/McMom’s webpages! I also do monthly Chick Flick NIght with a group of friends!
I’m always busy, so to refresh myself I usually try to lay down in the afternoon for a 1/2 hour to 1hour depending on my sceduale .
One way I care for myself: I am taking fabulous prenatal yoga classes 2x week!
I go to a weekly women’s group where I feel connected and supported!
I listen to music – it always picks me up!
I take care of myself by taking the time to choose and prepare lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. I have a very strict diet because of medical restrictions, so it takes a bit of work to make meals that are satisfying and nutritionally fulfilling. But it’s worth the time and effort to be strong and healthy!
I am the queen of sneaky afternoon cat naps. I work nights so in order to function for the rest of the day I try and steal 20 minutes in the afternoon before picking up the kids and making supper.
i love to spend time by myself reading a book and taking a hot bath. This always helps me relax and unwind after a stressful day
I take care of myself by planning/preparing meals for the following day which helps me avoid fast food while at work!
I take care of myself by taking time for myself everyday. Sometimes it’s to read, watch a tv show, paint my nails, etc…
I take care of myself by making sure to take time for myself everyday. Sometimes I read a book, paint my nails, go for a walk, watch a tv show, etc…
I care for myself by reading as much as I can, when I get the chance.
I care for myself by providing little treats to myself, i.e. the morning & afternoon latté I prepare, and enjoy, for myself everyday.
I care for myself by having a leisurely soak in the tub, this doesn’t happen often, so when I do, I go all out!
care for myself hahahaha I am a mother i don’t have time to care for myself wishfull thinking !!
I read on the train on my way to and from work, usually my People en espanol. It’s the one time I can (try) and keep up my Spanish. And my hubby and I try to watch a movie a couple times a week once the little guy is down. This is our time together and I really enjoy it.
I care for myself by giving myself time to relax at night with a good book
I downloaded Battlefield Bad Company 2 last week and, despite the fact its a”dusty” game, its the best PS2 game in my opinion 😉
I care for myself my drinking lots of water, and going to bed (also waking up) everyday at approx. the same time.
I do need to lose weight, I’m about 45lbs overweight! Yes, depression has done a number on me.
Hi Sarah
Honestly its been hard for me to care for me first instead of my family or friends..I always wanted to please everyone leaving me exhausted and a little resentful instead of enjoying things…I have to say that now I have finally ALLOWED myself to say NO to requests or outings or entertaining when I truly am not up to it….No guilt about it anymore. This is how I care for myself…mentally now all I need is the physical fitness to match!!!
I spend time doing things I live, like singing!
I don’t take care of myself. That is why booty camp is so good for me. I have to leave my busy family life behind to work on my behind. I am a mother of two wonderful daughters, wife of amazing man (who is a classic type A), a nurse working full time while studying for my MBA. I barely have time to make a list of things to do, let alone do all of the tasks. Booty camp has forced me to take the time and I am working so hard to make the best of my 8 weeks. By 4 weeks, I had lost 3 inches off my waist and hips (yahoo). I am also very thrifty and want to get the most bang for my hour of a$$ whooping. I am challenged at every class and have continued to work out 2-3 times extra to the classes. By the way I am training for a 150km bike race this August (you know, in my spare time). I am bushed…time to go and prepare for tomorrow. My booty camp time is my time to take care of ME! Thanks
Found a few Booty Camp locations near me. Sounds perfect!
I care for myself by taking my lunch hour at work and going for a walk.
I try to get together with the girls at least one a month for dinner and I’m part of a book club that reads a book a month or so.
I love the weekends – Friday night – everybody is out & I can indulge me with a glass of vino or a cocktail (as they have bootycamp approval!) & enjoy the peace & quiet – for at least an hour. Love to get lost in a book also.
I care for myself by reading after the kids go to bed – great de-stressor. Or, if it’s Wednesday night, I watch Cougartown – that show makes me laugh out loud 🙂
I care for myself by eating more whole grains.
I make sure that I take at least one night out of the week for “me” time when no one else is in the house. Sometimes I’ll have a bubble bath with a glass of wine. Oher times I might put on some rock and roll and go to town organizing my accessories, (not an easy task when everyone just wants to play dress up in them!) Or I might just watch a girly movie that my hubby would never be able to sit through. Regardless, a few hours of “me” time is an essential part of keeping myself sane!
i care for myself by walking three times a day with my dog its my quiet time away from everything
How do I take care of myself? Ummm, I’m not sure I do! Life is busy with a toddler and typical Mommy behavior means putting everyone else first. My to do list is a mile long with exercise being lost somewhere in the middle. This is why I need a kick in the butt, to make getting healthy a priority and become a hot mama!
I take care of me by going to Yoga or boot camp or having a nice bubble bath after the little princess (who is 3 going on 13) is in bed.
I take care of myself by listening to my body. Some afternoons when I’ve ben busy with my girls, I pop a movie in and go have a nap myself. I read for a bit and recharge my batteries.
I take care of myself by making an effort to eat right and stay active but I also allow myself time to relax.
Friday evening when I get home from work I pour myself a glass of wine and take a moment – usually on the deck – to reflect on the week and decompress.
My time is actually when I’m at my part time job..i’m a photographer and taking photos is something I love to do. I get to enjoy a wedding, or a new baby, or a family playing together. Creating something beautiful for someone makes me feel great. I’ve always been an artistic person and being a stay at home mom was getting me in a rut. Having my own photography business gave me a great outlet for my creativity. Then when I go home I appreciate my own family even more.
I was very surprised to see there is one starting soon in my area!
One thing I need to take care of myself is meditation. Actually it’s one of the most important things that I do just for me.
I take care of myself by going for runs and using the elliptical trainer 4-5 times a week. I also try to eat as natural as possible in order to keep my energy levels up and feeling good about myself!!!
I care for me by making sure I get some time out in the outdoors everyday. Even though I work in an office, I try not to forget that fresh air and sunshine can have a restorative effect on my psyche. I’m never in a bad mood after I’m outside — and everyone around me appreciates that!
I exercise, eat right (well, most of the time) and find some “me” time every night after the kids go to bed. It might be just relaxing in front fo the tube, giving myself a pedicure or having a bubble bath – it doesn’t matter as long as I’m doing it for myself.
I keep a food journal. I find it helps me truly realize what I eat in a day. This way I can count up my fruit and veggie servings and I find myself not reaching for a sugary treat when I know I’ll have to put it in my book!
I walk to work and take the stairs. It is about a 30 min walk, each way. The stairs, I do up and down 3 flights four times a day. It counts for something!!
Love your blog, Sarah! I care for myself by speaking my mind…something I used to not do enough of! I used to be guilty of just doing things myself (or often re-doing them b/c they weren’t done properly by someone else) because it was easier than having to repeatedly ask my employees/husband/friends etc. Becoming a Mom has made me realize I can’t do everything myself and by speaking my mind more often, I’m definitely taking care of my mental health!
My butt is definitely getting kicked by BootyCamp! I take time for myself by working out in my home gym two or three times a week. I’ve always been a healthy eater but lately I’ve been paying more attention to what goes in my mouth. Feeling great!
Wow Sarah..I never knew you wrote a column for a Canadian magazine..that is amazing!!! It totally fits you given that you are a teacher…congrats!
My husband and I have just signed up for a gym membership as well as some Personal training sessions at Extreme Fitness. Not only am I doing booty camp but I am also now attending the gym plus the added bonus of having some personal training..since I have never been able to get to that point where I have pretty much wanted to be where I want to be with tone/fitness.
Next stop: fitness instructor and perhaps a personal trainer myself.
We will see how things go!
Hi Sarah! I take time for myself by exercise! My husband and I have recently started P90X and once the kids go to bed, we get geared up and go to the basement and do our hardcore workout! I actually look forward to that time of day because I get a little bit of time with my hubby and I am also doing something that makes me feel great! 🙂
Hi Sarah! i myself have 3 small children and it is by far the most stressful yet rewarding job on earth. I make time for myself in many different ways, sometimes its a hot bath and a book, date night with my girlfriends or just a walk down at the beaches. I believe in order to be the best mom you can be you need to take that time to yourself to rejuvenate….. Guilt free!
I try to do Hot Yoga at least once a week! It is so relaxing, helps improve my flexibility, and also helps me sleep like a baby 🙂
Hi Sarah! I myself have 3 small children and its the most stressful yet rewarding job on earth. I take care of myself in different ways , sometimes its a hot bath with a book , a date night with my girlfriends for dinner and a movie or simply a walk at the beach! I believe every women needs some guilt free time for themselves.
I care for myself by taking time for me – relaxing in a bath, reading, walking my dog. I love booty camp and find it is a great way to keep a healthy mind & body by participating in a fun night out with the girls!
Sarah, I also love booty camp. I care for myself by taking pleasure in the little things. The huskys romping, and the kitten purring. I believe the little things brighten your day.
I take care of myself by ensuring there are lots of different coloured veggies & fruits in my diet. Over the last few years I’ve put on a lot of weight and although I have a hard time finding the time to exercise, I’ve started to watch what I eat and avoid fast food, etc. Its a step in the right direction, after all, my metabolism is not what it use to be. Its no excuse for not doing any physical activities – but I have not yet found the right one to motivate me. Maybe booty camp is a good place to start…
I love to take care of “things” …. my family, my friends, my clients. I eat try to right, and love to get out on my bike but exercise is always on “if I have enough time” list of things to do. I’ve never done a boot camp but I think I would love and hate it at the same time!
run bike or swim everyday
I have refined my diet 100% and have been eating only whole foods (meat, vegetables etc), no sugar/junk food and lots of water! I exercise at least 5 days a week. I have so much more energy than I did before and feel great.
I care for myself by taking a hot bubble bath then going to bed with a hot chocolate and a good novel..
I tune the stereo to the Oldies, pick up my dog & dance away (with the blinds closed – my neighbours would probably think I’m nuts!)
I care for myself by taking full advantage of the times when my boys are out at ball hockey with their dad. That couple of hours is strictly ME TIME. I do my nails, have a facial, or just sit and read a book!
I eat right, take care picking my food, but exercise is always on the backburner. Need a butt kicking.
I run 2-4 times a week so I can enter races and reach my goal of running a 1/2 marathon!
I care for myself by writing 5 things I am thankful for every night before I go to sleep. It makes for great dreams and a happy morning!
Trying to become a freelance writer is what I do for me, because it gives me a creative outlet while I am trying to help with the financial support of my family. I also do yoga on Monday nights with my neighbour who also has two young kids.
I try to also encourage my husband to go to these once a month Breakfast with Dad things, so I can enjoy a long bath and slowly slip my coffee :).
I care for myself by taking time each day to be thankful for what is good in my life.
I love to care for myself by dancing! It makes me feel free
I care for me by going for jogs along the ocean
Other than attending Booty Camp, I love to get in some yoga and/or pilates sessions each week. It makes me feel good, and I find that it really helps with flexibility and weight loss.
Sarah! This is a great contest!
I care for myself by putting on my favorite music and grabbing a paint brush or pencil! I love art and it takes me away. I have been painting and drawing since I was tiny. It is who I am!