our contest winner Amy is at the prescreening of 27 Dresses right. this. minute. and she’ll have her Palm Treo Smartphone in hand tomorrow. Her win was well deserved. While we enjoyed reading all your stories, Amy’s stood out as being the funniest, most hilarious, and most embrassing…
My worst bridesmaid story….. one of my male friends asked me to stand up and in his wedding on his side. I had a choice between renting a tuxedo or buying a dress that would match the tuxedos. I thought it would be fun and sexy to rent a tuxedo. Little did I know, tuxedos are NOT designed for women, and I did NOT look like one of those hot models you see in a magazine wearing fitted suits. The worst part was, when I was helping to seat people, one of the grandma’s asked me if I was a man or a woman. For the money I spent to rent the tuxedo, I could have bought a nice dress that I could have worn again. Not to mention, looked and felt like a woman!
first it was kingston wearing tights and now he’s wearing a ponytail??! anyone else finding this just a little disturbing?
again with the may or may not be pregnants…here’s a completely inconclusive look at Avril Lavigne’s possibly pregnant belly..
what thinks you? pregnant? not pregnant? is she more of a Jennifer Love Hewitt or more of a Nicole Kidman?? and what do you think about Pam Anderson? i’m thinking it’s a yes for Avril and a no for Pam.
I can’t stop laughing at this photo…and i’m not sure if it’s waif-y Katie Cruise all toga-y or if it’s because she’s looking all gandalf-like next to Ellen Page. ooh..Ellen Page. LOVE HER. i hope she wins all the available awards this year.
okay…new celebrity crush for me…because holy heck, Megan Fox is hot.
and just a little gratuituous Hayden and Milo shot…because i love them…
anyone notice i keep this week’s smackdown completely Spears free?!?!?! come on…points for that!!
who watched
Omarosa sitting on her ass while the entire team did the white light exercise was the only awesome thing i have ever seen her do. Gene Simmons proved to be a total douche tonight. i miss carolyn and george but i am loving Ivanka and her perfect hair and make-up and her giant balls.
i cannot handle how adorable Riggins’ papa bear relationship with Julie is. also…Tim with the baby. gah. *swoon*. Tyra and Landry were better before they ever became anything. just like Landry should never have made the football team. but this is TV land. Matt and new girl are boring as hell. get them off my tv. best episode of the season.
Midnight Train to Georgia…perfection! i will from now on constantly high five myself. because it was awesome. Liz in Germany! i love that kenneth doesn’t drink any hot drinks because it’s the devil’s temperature! bwah! the german "comedies" what about your huge doo-doo???…"i honestly don’t know how Kelly Ripa does it…" your last name is weird! i love the raheem callback!
best line "i command myself not to get pregnant" or maybe Sarena’s "Thank god because I have no idea what to wear to a paternity hearing" i’m looking forward to Blair taking Jenny down. it’s gonna be sweet! Rufus and the two women who i can’t tell apart? yawn.
Derek makes me want to vomit. and the symbolism is too much…medical books injures her son ala her career injures her family. if that’s not shark-jump worthy…i need evil Cristina! i need Burke! i did think that mer making eggs and Lexi eating them were both sweet gestures. and a faith healer? seriously? episode = meh.
I have to quote the genius of Juno re Avril’s possible pregnancy: “Are you sure it isn’t just a food baby? Did you have a big lunch?” He He He
OMG, the Gandalph comment!! I could just pee!!
They are totally setting up for a Riggins/Julie something-something on FNL. I just wish he’d catch a break every once in a while. Although I asked the hubby how he’d react if he walked in on that scene of Tim putting Julie in bed & he said “I’d do the same thing. He’d be gone.” I love Landry, & couldn’t be any more bored with QB1’s storline. Blech!
I can’t even force myself to watch Grey’s anymore. One casualty of the strike that I won’t miss.
I really need to watch 30 Rock more often…it is pure genius!
love the pics – i too am obsessed with “Haylo”, and Megan Fox is so stunning.
hi Ali,so was it blair who needed the preggo test?i missed gossip this week.and i don’t think avril or pam is knocked up.
Pam & Avril – totally not preggos… both denied last night/yesterday. 🙂
Yeah, Megan Fox is hot… have you seen Transformers yet?
I liked FNL last week too… but I feel like we’re being setup for a Riggins/Julie thing, because Tim is the tragic character who is always screwing something up, even though deep down he’s got good intentions
Grey’s? Breaking babies is not cool.