The Dell Venue 8 is an Intel Android based tablet. At less than 9.5mm thin and featuring a stunning 8-inch screen, it fits effortlessly in your stocking. Perfect for the kids, Mom or Dad, with the Intel inside you know that you’ll get great battery life and speed – ideal for all those apps we love to run.
Best of all, it comes in a great red colour perfect for the holiday season and is available for only $179.99. The best computing devices have Intel inside!
Our friends at Intel Canada have provided us with one Dell Venue 8 with Intel Tablet to giveaway just in time for the holidays!
TO ENTER: Link to Sonya’s post and simply tell us “who, or what, has inspired you lately?”
And remember to follow them on Twitter @IntelCanada #intelhols for more holiday fun!
Contest Closes: December 15, 2013 at 12:00 noon EST.
Good Luck!
I`m inspired by Canadian bloggers and companies that give back to the community.
My mom inspires me to work hard everyday
I’m inspired by art and music on a daily basis.
I belong to an online running group and the ladies there always inspire me – whether it’s the single mom who is raising an awesome daughter, or the cancer survivors, or the mom who juggles work and children and still finds time to run.
I am inspired by the Food Bank volunteers
I am inspired by the simple acts of ordinary people at this time of year, such as kindness and generosity toward others.
Toronto teenager Olivia Wise inspired me and people around the world after her YouTube video of her singing Katy Perry’s “Roar” went viral. Sadly Wise died, two years after being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour. Her inspiration will live on through her video, song (available on iTunes) and the proceeds, which are going to brain cancer research and support for children battling cancer.
My son inspires me everyday.
I was recently inspired by the WestJet commercial. So hearwarming.
I am inspired by Santa’s anonymous
I am inspired by WestJet’s Christmas spirit. The gift of giving!
My youngest daughter inspires me every day. She is now sober, living in a sober house in a different city and working full time. She is, in all honesty, the strongest young woman I know.
I am inspired by WestJet’s Christmas spirit.
my mother, she struggled all her life to keep the family together warm and safe and very proud of the way we all turned out.
I’ve been inspired by the sick children in Calgary who were recently flown to the north pole to try to find santa – such a great experience for those families!
My daughter inspires me and my Mum does too…they are amazing women!
All of the charity work going on in my office with organized by my coworkers has been inspiring me lately – its great to see!
My brother and his wife inspire me, as they have been going thru hell and back for over 4 yrs trying to find medical help for their mentally ill adolescent son. It is unconditional love like I have never seen before.
Have been inspired by the WestJet story- just so awesome. Pass the Kleenex
My coworker inspires me because she immigrated from another country and has overcome so many obstacles to succeed.
My church choir director. He always makes me want to give my absolute best and he fuels my love of music.
My daughter inspires me. She is eleven years old and has had some major battles with her asthma. She doesn’t let this get her down and keeps on going!
My friend inspires me. She’s a going concern, is highly creative, makes magical things with practically nothing, seems to have time for everyone in her life, and makes sure she is taken care of too.
A wonderful new man in my life that I truly love!
My youngest inspires me daily. With her dx of autism, each spoken word is a special day.
My daughter inspires me as she has been dealing marital and financial issues but is taking the bull by the horns and moving on in both cases.
My Daughter. They got a new girl at school and my daughters friends were being mean to her because she is over weight and wears glasses. My daughter stood up to her friends and made friends with the new girl and now her old FRIENDS LOLO won’t have anything to do with her.She knew the consequences and still stood up to bulling at 11yrs old she is very brave.
my new friend John
My husband inspires me
My parents are my inspiration. All the values I care about I learned from them. They are so generous, and forgiving and insanely hardworking and selfless. I am humbled to call them mine.
my son
My friend, always there for me.
My daughter inspires me everyday with her dedication to her social work
My husband inspires me. He never stops working and helping people.