As we head into longer nights and shorter days, we are all forced to spend more and more time indoors. I always find the term “spring cleaning” ironic, as it’s more likely the fall when I find myself wanting to de-clutter my home as I prepare (like my caveperson ancestors) to hibernate the winter away. As the weather cools down, I find myself tackling projects like clearing out my magazine racks (I never did get around to hosting the perfect summer picnic!) and giving up on some of those novels I bought for summer vacation, to find some room on my bedside table for winter staples like Kleenex and VapoRub.
What perfect timing for our friends at Logitech to offer me a desktop makeover! When the invitation arrived in my inbox, my desk was covered in cords…for my iPod, my camera, my Palm, my husband’s iPod, my speakers, my mouse and my keyboard. Phew…that’s a lot of wires for a tiny desk in the middle of my living room that operates as nerve central for our household.
I was a little skeptical about just what kind of magic the folks at Logitech would be able to deliver, but as the saying goes, a picture’s worth a thousand words. Behold…
As promised, within about 45 minutes, my desk was streamlined, beautified and amped up. The Logitech Cordless Desktop Wave mouse and keyboard combination makes for a nice hassle-free wirelesss area, the laptop speakers are easily transportable, and the QuickCam webcam is great for instant messaging applications like Skype.
If, like me, you’re anticipating spending more and more hours by the warming glow of your computer (laptop or desktop), Logitech would like to makeover your workstation, too. Leave a comment below (be sure to include your e-mail address) telling me why you need a desktop makeover valued at $500. One lucky urbanmom will get a visit from Logitech and you’ll be unshackled from your wires!
My husband and I are tackling many projects this new year. Last year we completed the outside of our house and this year we are tackling the inside. First the ensuite bathroom (completely demolition and starting over, right now he is hammering out plaster and cement walls, floor, tiles), then it is on the kids rooms for a update makeover.
My desk is old an wobbles. I have a CRT monitor that the tube is going to burn out soon. All my computer components dont match and are from different companies. Everything is OLD
I guess for the fact that my desk actually fell apart today and my son is using the broken piece as a raft for his cars, I really need a desk makeover! I have slowly been taking off the worn pieces as the years have gone by but it’s at the point my mouse wont even move properly along the surface as it’s so worn and bumpy haha and since we live in an apartment I can’t hide it lol
A desk makeover? That sounds like a dream! But first I’m going to need a desk! Currently my computer sits on the kitchen table which isn’t bad during the summer since most of our meals are taken outside but in cool weather I’ve got to constantly shift it to a spare chair so that we can sit and eat as a family. I am an amateur photographer but it’s almost impossible to maintain a ‘photo’ friendly environment since there is no room for printers, scanners or even the camera and required downloading wires. Those currently sit in a woven, wicker basket. I’m frustrated. I’ve been finally given some paid photo work but can’t manage a decent environment in which to do the work. I’ve got a bit of space in a bedroom upstairs but no desk or anything else to keep my paraphernalia organized!!
Also, the distraction of being in the kitchen is incredible. Two cats, two dogs and 1.5 children are always buzzing around me trying to see what I’m up to. I NEED HELP!!
It would be so nice to be able to find something when I am looking for it without spending 10 minutes trying to find it. Please give me a desk make over
Help, every time I move something falls off my desk. I could really use a desk makeover
Right now I am knee deep in clutter. Please, please give me a desk makeover
To have a desk makeover would be a dream come true
Boy could I use a desk makeover. Right now my desk is a complete mess.
We only have space for a small desk in the middle of the apartment between the living room and kitchen. There are a billion wires everywhere and our baby boy is already eying them to pull. Once he gets moving, we’re done for!
I like controlled clutter.
I am in desperate need of a desk makeover! First off, I don’t even have a desk, I have my computer set up at my kitchen table which makes it almost impossible to have a neat workspace. It doesn’t help that I have cords, wires, and speakers strewn across the table. Suppertime is a pain because I have to half-hazardly condense my computer and components to make room to eat, I need HELP! If I have any luck and actually win this awesome prize, I am definitely going to spring for a new desk!
I work at a tiny table in the corner of our living room/dining room/playroom. I never have enough space. I have papers in baskets beneath the desk because I have no drawer space.
Our desktop is being used by 3 different people. We have papers, CDs, DVDs and wires everywhere. We could sure use a makeover!
My desk is a mess.
It’s causing me stress.
This collection of wire,
may cause a great fire.
More wires? No less!
A makeover is a must
My cords are covered in dust.
Cords by the mile
Don’t make me smile.
These cords are a mangle
Oh help me untangle!
A desk spring cleaning
Gives life new meaning.
A desktop makeover is just what I need. Between the phone, the monitor and the printer….there is an endless array of clutter. Scraps of papers, the answering machine, mail and various books add to the chaos. I definitely need a desktop makeover. Logitech take me away!
From all the responses I see that I’m not the only one with a pathetic excuse for a desk. My husband volunteers with two different organizations and is a vice-pres for both, plus the work that he brings home.. our desk is always piled high with papers/binders etc. and every corner/space is full of something. Plus speakers, mp3, a light ect..wires everywhere and with a 19 month old son who’s into everything. Please help this insane Mom regain some sanity again!
I am from the school of thought that if you put it out of sight you can never find it again. Thus my desk looks like a cyclon hit it. I try to be organized but I have piles of notes everywhere. I need a desk makeover pronto.
My desk does not pay attention to my instructions. I tell it to stay neat but it is unable to cope with the stack of stuff that ends up there daily – mail, stuff from work, phone numbers, notes to self, etc. I have tried to train my desk. I have tried to train myself. But it seems to be an exercise in futility. If only there were a trick that my desk and I could learn.
I’ve been usic this plastic computer desk for at least 10 years. It’s starting to look pretty old. Actually I’m amazed that it lasted this long. It’s so small I barely have enough room for my monitor and mouse pad.
I totally need this… I SHOULD have my computer in my actuall office but it broke. SO i use a laptop. Very confusing, but my broken one is just very slow.. So I use my laptop. I keep my laptop hooked up downstairs with wires everywhere. I have two desks… both have NO storage… I just started my own business and I’m having so much trouble keeping my head clear because of all this mess!!!
I SO need this… BTW, I’d totally take your before picture!!
A mess would be a nice change. I’m tired of looking at the octopus around my computer!
I knew I absolutely had to comment, when I saw the opportunity for a desk makeover! We are truly in desperate need- our main computer is in a small bedroom, now a den which includes not only the computer desk but another desk and several bookshelves. I finally decluttered piles of papers from the den floor just last week and we can actually walk in the room again! However, papers, wires, etc accumulate around our computer at an alarming rate! My sixteen year old daughter homeschools and so much of her work is done on the computer. I do all my paper work on the other desk, which has us playing “feuding chairs” on a regular basis. Anything that might help this room to be more organized would more than appreciated! It would be wonderful to be considered for this desk makeover!
I desperately need a desktop makeover, my computer desk is actually my old kitchen table and space is at a premium considering there are no shelves or drawers, so anything that improves my space is wonderful. I have to crawl under the table, over the dog (which usually earns me a slurp on the way by) and behind the table to get to the cords and such when something needs adjusting. Help!
Cords, cords, cords. But where do they all belong? I am so tired of unsightly cords that are hanging everywhere and I live in fear that if by mistake one gets pulled out accidentally we will never know where it belongs. I have spent hours on the floor trying to trace the different cords and wires to their little plug-in spots all to no avail. If only there was a cord fairy to make them all disappear.
OMG! That’s what an office is supposed to look like?? I have a family of five children and myself and hubby. Our desk area unfortunately has been given very low priority-understandably, lol! My computer sits on an old dining room table, surrounded by PILES of papers, receipts, old batteries, a plant and kid’s toys, courtesy of my 2 yr old. My files consist of four seagrass tubs that I can conveniently stash the junk in when company drops by. I would LOVE to have $500 to apply towards stashing the multitude of cords, replacing dead batteries with new rechargables and do away with some of the clutter. Thank you so much for considering us :o)
I am a real pack rat (sigh) and I also notorious for being very visual (meaning, that I must have all kinds of sticky notes and papers to remind me about anything that is important to be done today or this week). My organizational skills are near to nil. And, I am contantly having to restrain my 1-year old grandson from adjusting my computer, mouse or keyboard in any way to make them self-destruct (which he enjoys doing immensely, I might add) 🙂 If I had a makeover, I could make sure that most things were organized, and that teeny little fingers would not be able to pull things out, and/or put them were they do NOT belong.
I would love the makeover!! We have a business that we run out of the house that I need to keep track of, as well as the kids’ activities, bills, ets.
With a toddler in the house, cords are attractive and it’s not unusual to remove my youngest (15 mths) from around the cords 20 times a day. They are just too much of a pull for him!
If we could find a way to keep it streamlined and clean, it would mean more time in my day that I can use to keep the rest of the house organized!!
Where do I start? The house fairy has seemed to either have passed by or has dumped everything onto my disappearing desk!!!
Everything from filing to dust bunnies have invaded a space that was my retreat!!!
What a major stress point by even seeing this chaotic mess in my dining room!!
HELP!!! It would be awesome to have an organized work space like the one created for you .
I have one of those big clunky crt monitors. I got it in 1997. It takes up so much space! My keyboard is also from 1997. No one likes using it (well I am used to it) but most of the letters have faded off of it and the Y key is melted on the side and there’s been coke spilled in it (and it still works!) I have stuff piled on top of the monitor as there is no space at the sides because my desk is tiny. eek. help! 🙂
We have an antique computer with wires running through the walls that makes it impossible to move the keyboard (also ancient) around to a comfortable position. We also have the usual jumble of electronics wires and cables. Good luck straightening that rats nest out. Oh ya, did I mention my wireless router has to sit precisely in one spot or the metal kitchen furniture interferes with the signal.
Wow, what an opportunity. My desk is an undescribable mess all the time. With digital camera wires as well as my husband’s MP3 wire, you never know what is for what. The desk has become a dumping ground for every piece of mail and paper from school that comes in leaving me unable to see the surface of the desk and working around piles that have become as tall as the monitor! On top of that, I am going to school (as well as working and raising 3 kids) and I take my courses online so I have to submit most of my assignments via email. I have nowhere on the desk to put my textbooks while working, so I end up balancing them on my lap.
Please help!!
Wow wireless what a concept ,That would so work with the problems we have now.Four of us share the same work/study place,Two are left handed and two right and it’s a constant battle moving and twisting things about for each user.It’s so time for us to move out of the dark ages. Please consider us for this make over!
My desk is piled sky high with papers. I would love the organized uncluttered look.
I have 4 daughters and they and my husband and I use our desktop computer from my old student desk from when I was a kid (in the 60’s!!) The drawer is tiny, and then its got 3 bureau drawers where we store extra paper and ink etc. The speakers don’t fit on the desk and so I have a box beside the desk holding one of the speakers while the other one is on the desk squished behind the monitor. I have to keep the keyboard at an angle to type because the CPU crowds it too much to fit on the desk surface. The printer hangs partially off the desk and the CPU hangs over the edge of the desk because the desk is too shallow to properly hold everything. The mouse pad ends up under the keyboard and difficult to use. I would be ecstatic to receive a new desk and so would my family!! Thanks for the hope!!
A sloution to the cluttered chaos of cords, printers, speakers, phones etc… Would be great. I work from home and fear going into my office with my daughter as all the ‘fun’ things she can get into. HELP!
I’m using a desk made from discarded shelving and it is only 3.6′ wide. I have no drawers, no storage, no room for anything. When I need to print, I have to move my monitor over. Help!
Seeing the before and after pictures is amazing. My desk as it now stands is just as bad oe worse and is quite unsightly. Seeing this idea has definetly given me food for thought.
I really need a desk makeover because I run a small business from home. It’s a children’s artwork company called Melanie Bailey Creations…just wish that my desk was as cute and colourful as my studio.
I use an old table for a desk, and my lamp is on top of my printer. There is no storage, and I have papers everywhere.
I have to laugh as I see Robin is in the same boat as me. I also use an old legless hutch to put my computer on and printers and stuff inside of. I actaully had to cut the back out of the cabinet so it could accomodate my “deep” printer. One of the sliding door on the front is glass but the other is a piece of sliding plywood as the glass broke long ago! I have a cordelss Logitech mouse and keyboard so that helps the clutter a bit. How sweet a new desk would be.
As I find myself competing with my children for time on my computer, I am also competing for desktop space too. Our desk space seems to be a cluttered mess with ipod charging stations, half done projects and the family bills somewhere in between. We need help to make sense of it all!!! Logitech could be our answer.
Desk? Organized? Aren’t these two words mutually exclusive?! I can’t imagine making public an actual photo of this disaster, and making it cordless would certainly not solve all the problems. It’s also the hub of all household bill paying, business paperwork, and general catch-all for anything I don’t want decorated with doggy teethmarks. But you have to start somewhere and I’d absolutely love to start with this fantastic Logitech desk makeover prize. Please count me in!
I would love a makeover on my computer desk. I have a logitec webcam, it sits on a tall roll of sandpaper behind my screen, so it is at the right height. Underneath my desk it is one big mess of wires. You mean there is another way to do that?????????
Johanna Zalcik
My desk has been taken over by Hannah Montana print outs, Webkins dolls and cords for printers, speakers, the mouse, the keyboard, etc. I didn’t used to care that much but as the newly appointed conveyor for our Community Centre’s mini soccer program I am spending a lot more time at my desk these days! While the Webkinz won’t be leaving any time soon I sure would love to have less clutter and mess. This desk makeover would be much appreciated for both the beauty and to save my sanity!
I need a desk makeover as I am currently using a broken table frame with piece of scrap wood on top and have it covered with a plaid orange blanket. My computer is ancient I am still running on windows 98, I have notepads all over the desk and pens. My desk really needs to go in the trash but can’t afford to get a new one yet.
I live in a small house. My computer desk is in my bedroom. The desk is a mess. There are cords all over the place making my bedroom look cluttered and messy. I could really use some help.
I could definitely use a desk makeover. My computer desk is also my sewing table and my photo table and where all the magazines and papers collect that I’ve gotten from being a mom to a two year old and a newborn. The internet connection outlet is on the opposite side of the door from where the computer desk is so the cables have to run around the perimeter of the room to reach the computer.
Twas the night before the Logitech Makeover when
I was scrolling on the internet and couldn’t move my mouse.
I tugged on the cord with care in the hopes that it would soon unsnare.
It suddenly came loose when from behind the desk there came such a clatter.
I took a quick look to see what was the matter.
All I could see in the light of my flashlight was a box of paperclips and my favorite stapler.
I shook my head and sighed and got down on my knees.
All the while envisionning a clutter free desk.
That’s all I would like to see.
Wow, what an awesome prize. My desk is so cluttered with wires. There are at least 10 different items all requiring wires as well as 2 powerbars. What a mess.
My mouse and keyboard cords don’t quite reach across my desk so I do not sit right in front of my screen but off to the side abit. Can’t be good for my back and neck. The computer is shared with my kids and husband, it would be great to have some more room.
Help me get organized.
UGH! My desk is in my bedroom and my husband throws everything on it. It has the CPU, the keyboard, the monitor, the mouse, paper, paper and more paper all over it! It’s an eyesore at best and it drives me crazy. Of course, it’s also right inside the door so everyone can see the mess whenever they look in. Please help!!!
Does this help with paper clutter too! lol… We’re in need of a new keyboard and one without wires would be great! Thanks for the giveaway!
I could really use a computer working area as I have 3 boys and we only have one laptop and it seems like we are always moving it somewhere and it would be nice to have a central place for it so that we could be comfortable when using it…. thank you.
My computer station is a mess. The cleanup is on my to-do list but never makes it to the top. The smaller speakers look awesome.
Oh, I would so like a desk makeover. I am in the middle of a messy divorce and have boxes of papers that I can’t keep straight, drawers filled with crap, wires from when I moved in 2004. Way too many wires, cramped space on the desk with no place to put documents and papers while working on them…just way too cluttered. I always feel like a need a week off work just to get organized at home.
I have a corner computer desk, one hubby and 3 children who put all “important” stuff there. Everytime I organize it, its only a matter of days before its in disarray once again!! I need somthing that will work long term for all of us
You have no idea! When we planned out nursery space before our son was born, we needed to maintain a desk space within his room. It worked for a while, but now that he is older (10 months) he loves to grab anything he can get a hold of….and the desk is so cluttered that he can grab lots of stuff. Cords, papers, you name it. At worst, he tries to eat everything, at best, he throws everything behind the desk into the unreachable void. We really need help!
We are in desperate need of a desk makeover. My husband is a gamer and our office is mix of paperwork and videogames and clutter. I don’t even like going in there cause I don’t know where anything is and paperwork is just getting piled up. I am just starting to take over the family finances as I have chosen to stay home with our darling 1 year old so I need some de-cluttering and organizing HELP 🙂
Ok, it’s true I’m a teacher with a disater area of a teachers desk at home…I move my youngest’s milky bottle and my oldest’s cereal bowl to find my keyboard and start report cards. Then I have to orgainze the mail, bills flyers and coupons (that I will never look at again)into piles so I can find my marking. And last I have to cluster together all of my husband’s papers and meeting notes in order to find the mouse! My desk, or should I say the community desk at home needs a makeover….can you help me be a more organized mommy/teacher before my new little one arrives?
Clutter free desk – is there really such a thing? I could definitely benefit with one. Our computer desk is in our dining room,it is quite unsightly, and ends up being the focal point. As much as I try not to clutter it, it always ends up being the dumping spot – piles, piles and cords everywhere. Please help!!
I could definitely use a desk makeover! My desk is not only the centre of our home business, but it is also the home of the family computer. It is also where I do all my household-related activities, like coupon clipping, banking, scheduling appointments, etc. Also, since my desk is next to the couch, some people mistake my desk for a garbage can, leaving chip bags, popcorn bowls, empty cans, etc. Some days it takes me half an hour just to clear it off enough to work!
I’m moving my computer out of the home office and into the living room so I can supervise the kids when they’re using it – and I would love the clean look and convenience of wireless peripherals.
I am desperate for a desk makeover! My desk (and office) are a tiny cubicle at work and I’m constantly tripping over wires. I would use the desk makeover to make my daily life easier and enjoy my tiny (but cozy) space!
I love the look of a clutter free desk and want to be the first on our block to go wireless – just imagine the bragging rights I would have at our neighbourhood cookie exchange.
Your desk looks fantastic now! My office is in definate need of a makeover. My husband is a “gamer” and our office has several computers, game systems and wires strewn about. It would be an absolute dream to have such an organized office and not having to worry about tripping over electrical cords!
What a transformation… I am back in school and desk space is always an issue in my home as our computer desk is juggled between family members.
Something similar to this would be very useful to us.
I have a desk and an older Logtech wirless keyboard but sure could use a second one for my other desktop as both my wife and I use these PCs.
For anyone who’s ever played cats cradle as a kid (where you make different patterns with strings on your fingers & pass it back and forth), and had it go wrong and end up with everything tied in knots and frustration, well then you know what my desk is like.
And that’s not even including the fact that my ‘office’ is a closet at the bottom of the stairs and that I have piles of paperwork, and photo projects on my desk that threaten to tumble down and bury me.
One wrong pull on one of the cords belonging to the MANY pieces of equiptment and I may never be heard from again.
I don’t own a desk of my own. I have various parts of my house that double as a desktop including the kitchen table, the shelf top, the coffee table or any furniture with a level top. So it would be very nice to have all my stuff organized so that I am not always looking for different parts.
Our desk needs help as it is where the kids sit alot and when hubby has a chance he will also.
There is paper cd games juice glasses and dont forget the dust bunnies lol
Everything is relative…Okay, I’m looking at the before picture and it looks pretty good compared to our computer desk. We have a PDA, cell phone, iPod, blackberry, digital camera, video camera, the computer, printer, files, webcam all piled on a narrow credenza. So many electronics… they’re for work or were presents or just old stuff. Help…
You can’t see one inch of my desk. I have piles supporting piles! Everytime I try to work, stuff falls off. Help me!
I could SO use this desk makeover! My husband and I share a desk, and I don’t think cluttered is even the right word to describe this workspace. With a very busy baby on my hands, it would be nice to have at least one space that is well organized and clutter-free. Please help!
There seems to be some un-written rule that the computer area is the catch-all for everything that has no real place. I am looking at my leftover table, which holds my computer, and also see a hairbrush, beverage coupons, the earring I lost last week (I am already a winner), the dead cordless phone I couldn’t find, 2 soda cans (note to self, punish teeneager) and more cords than Carter’s has little liver pills! With 2 adults, and 2 teens using one computer, I think that a make-over is a must. Oh, did I forget to mention the 1 1/2 foot pile of “important” papers where I can find everything that I need except the dog’s vaccination papers which I need in an hour … so I guess you get the (ugly) picture …I NEED a desk mak-over!
My desk is right in my living area of my small condo. It is an absolute disaster, much to my daughters dismay. I need some help getting it cleaned up!
I desperately need a computer desk makeover! My kids & I share a small desk, it is covered in wires for assorted electronics (3 iPods, 2 cameras, speakers, cell phones, etc.) plus I’m in the middle of a divorce and being buried in paperwork! Help…I’m drowning!
Help I have no more room for all the necessary items on my desk!
My husband originally used the whole desk for his business but now that I run the household for the kids, bills, e-mails, etc… he has given me a small portion for me!! Also my two little girls have become computer girls and use it as well. I recently launched a new business and have two other work from home businesses ( lots of multi-tasking!) so I spend quite abit of time on the computer and at my desk! I need some organization help with all the necessary things to be an efficient mompreneur!!
I would love a make-over!! For my desk! Me later!!
I don’t even have a desk. My PC sits on a very old, small drop leaf table with hardly enough room for the speakers, let alone anthing else. My printer sits on another small table beside this. All this in a corner of my living room and if I had a desk, I would be so much happier and much better organized. I’m hoping for help!
I need help! My desk is a mess! Please help me! I don’t know what to do. Ive tried to straighten up and it just won’t work. Please, please try to help me. Nothing seems to help. I think I need a big super shot of ego. Thanks for the advanced calling! I NEED HELP BADLY!
I have to use my dining room table as a desk as my darling children have confiscated the computer desks for their own computers. This gets kind of tricky when its dinnertime or if having a family holiday dinner as I have no place to put my laptop. The printer, hub and other paraphanalia that goes with it is all over. Not to mention, trying to keep my puppy from chewing the wires. I really really need a space of my own to say this is mine and I can retreat there. Please help me.
My desk is a disaster area. Every piece of junk paper finds its way onto my desk I have no room to work with and it is always clutter with no real storage room. I need help big time
Oy could I use this! Cords oy the wazoo here. My camera, phone, keyboard, mouse, speakers, printer, scanner, external HD lay across and behind my desk in a crazy web. My mouse cord always seems to get tighter and once a week I seem to have to detangle it to get a wider mobility. If I drop anything off the back of the desk, it disappears only to be found if I disconnect everything and dig. Save me from myself!
This looks amazing! I’m responsible for organizing the kids school work, as we homeschool, as well as paying bills and all the other regular day-to-day desk business. This is inspiring, thanks for the ideas, I’d love to have this ‘makeover’.
I would like to have this because my computer desk is completely cluttered that I cannot put another thing on it!
I have been using my buffet and hutch as my computer desk, it’s a sight, a messy horrible sight.
Please help me!
Boy do we need a computer desk makeover. Our computer is in the diningroom and I am sick of looking at the clutter, cords, and wobbly cheap desk (which doesn’t fit in with my antique furniture) when I am eating supper. We have a really old house and this was the only place we could put the computer without rewiring.
I really need a desk makeover since both my daughter and I use the same desk. There can be up to 10 different piles of paper etc at any given time and she has many different electronic gadgets, and I have a few so we have a great big mess of wires and cables. Seeing your desk made me green with envy so I hope you can help me out 🙂