A writers dream is to be able to tell the world they have been published and UrbanMoms wants to shout it from the roof tops. Our very own writer of Sometimes Holland feels like Hell has been published in the upcoming release of Chicken Soup for the Soul, Raising kids on the Spectrum. We are so proud and excited to be a part of her success. As a result she has offered a copy of this new book to be won by one of our UrbanMoms readers. To enter the contest visit Sometimes Holland feels like Hell – Published (and a giveaway) and tell us a dream that you have or a dream that has come true for you and a winner will be chosen at random by an UrbanMom’s representative!
Closed: Chicken Soup for the Soul Giveaway! Congratulations Tara

Contest closes April 2, 2013.
Click here for Contest Rules and Regulations
UrbanMoms.ca members are eligible to win so don’t forget to sign-in. Not a member yet?
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