A few months ago, UrbanMoms shoppers were treated to a fantastic Old Navy shopping event. On this morning, the store was filled with happy shopping mothers. Why were they so happy? Because their kids were being entertained by Playhouse Disney. In a stroke of genius, Old Navy had paired up with Playhouse Disney to allow moms a chance at some uninterrupted shopping time, while their kids were treated to the latest that Playhouse Disney has to offer.
Just what does that channel have to offer? It airs mornings here in Canada on the Family Channel, and you’ll recognize My Friends Tigger and Pooh, Handy Manny and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Kid friendly, commercial-free television programming for your kids to keep them busy while you shop, while you clean, while you blog, while you read…Genius! Since discovering the channel this Spring, my daughter has also become a big fan of PlayhouseDisney.Ca for games and videos.
Anyways, seasons change and have you been in the stores lately? Just as Nancy bemoaned the first coloured leaf of the season, Fall is coming, and with it the back-to-school shopping. If only there was one place where we moms could pick up stylish jeans, t-shirts, backpacks and sneakers for our kids at bargain prices??!!
That’s why I headed back to Old Navy. In an effort to make the back-to-school shopping experience even easier for moms, Old Navy is offering most back to school essentials for under $20. What’s more, starting next week, Canadians will be able to order online from OldNavy.ca (launching August 16). I picked up leggings for my five-year old, a cool skateboarder shirt for my nine-year old, and a graphic t-shirt for my eleven-year old. All pieces were approved!

To celebrate Fall, and all it has to offer, Playhouse Disney is offering a $500 gift card to Old Navy (sure to help you get started on the back to school shopping) and an exclusive Playhouse Disney prize pack (total prize value is over $530) to one UrbanMoms member.
Just tell me in the comments below, what’s your favourite back-to-school ritual?
are eligible to win so don’t forget to sign-in. Not a member yet?
to join!
Click here for
contest Rules and Regulations.
My favourite back-to-school ritual involves my mum. She used to take me back-to-school clothes shopping in the States. We’d take a ferry from the island we lived on and drive down to Bellingham or Everett, and go to shops that we didn’t have in Canada. This would usually be combined with one of her work trips, so I always felt special that I got to come along (I was quite young). It was great to have that mummy and me time, and some fabulous back to school clothes too!
Back to school actually makes me a little sad, I love hanging out with my kiddies all summer, so along with all the standard back to school shopping, my ritual involves trying to fit in as much extra fun as we can before reality hits again. We try to go to as many parks and playgrounds as we can find, go to movies, bowling, have water fights in the backyard, and whatever fun things my kids want to do before they start spending more time with their teachers and scholmates than me. Great contest by the way- old navy has the best “collectabili-tees” in characters that my kids actually love to wear (at a price I love)
Back to school involves a water gun fight with friends from school that haven’t been home much during the summer and we have one big bash!
I cant remenber if I already entered this one or not,so if Inever,I would love to win!! 🙂
We have a special days when we go to the parks and play. We sometimes have picnic lunches. We go to the lake and hang out and chase around my two year old.
We have also a big back to school shopping spree to get new clothes and school supplies.
We wake up first thing in the morning and have a nice hot chocolate and a very healthy breakfast. We then make sure that our teeth our brushed and our backpack has all of our special new school things are organized. I then put special kisses in my daughters pockets. They are virtual kisses to replace the real ones I cant give her during the day at school. I also give her a few spare bandages in case she falls and hurts her knee.
I then kiss and hug my precious sweet children goodbye as they head out the door.
I think a Old Navy gift card would be perfect for my children. They lost some of their special clothes in a fire.
Thank you for the great idea for this contest by offering an old navy gift card.
My son is 7yrs old and misses his friends from school. We`ve had a wonderful summer with lots of camping, hiking, BBQ`s, visiting Calaway park and swiming.
We shop at Old Navy for back to school because he`s getting to that age where he wants to pick out some of his clothing. The prices are just right for this single mom, and the quality of clothing is terrific. Plus there are lots of `cool`choices for boys at Old Navy compared to other stores.
Thank you for making one part of going back to school fun
Single Mom
going to the beach before school starts
I love the tradition of shopping for a new outfit for the first day of school.
Well this is my first official back to school/first year of school experience with my little one going to JK however my daughter and I have an excuse to go shopping and we’re lovin’ it! This looks like it’ll be our new ritual, girls day shopping.
School supplies come first, that was always my favourite part when I was going to school. Loose leaf refills, pens, pencils, coloured markers, post it notes in bright colours, binders, ahhhh the selection. The feel of being organized and ready to hit the books as I haul the shopping cart to the trunk of the car. Next is a new back-to-school outfit and a new pair of shoes and runners. Then, to finish off, an afternoon movie with a bucket of buttered popcorn!
School supplies come first, that was always my favourite part when I was going to school. Loose leaf refills, pens, pencils, coloured markers, post it notes in bright colours, binders, ahhhh the selection. The feel of being organized and ready to hit the books as I haul the shopping cart to the trunk of the car. Next is a new back-to-school outfit and a new pair of shoes and runners. Then, to finish off, an afternoon movie with a bucket of buttered popcorn!
Our back to school ritual starts about this time every year! We pull out the bins of clothing from last year and start trying things on. I’ve got four children so this is fun! We also go through all of the old school supplies and see what everyone really needs before we rush out. Once the LONG list is made, we all head out together and make a day of it together with haircuts and a nice dinner! Where has the summer gone?
I love looking at (and getting) the fall clothes; the colors, the textures – it just ‘feels’ like autumn.
Well, where to start. When it comes to school supplies, I always ask the older two (9 & 11) to go through all their markers/pencil crayons/pencils etc. Toss what is dried out/too short. To save money & environment, they agree to use what still works. Clothes I try to wait until after school starts – they still wear their summer clothes into Sept. No reason to rush out! Plus, if we wait until the fall stuff is on sale, the girls get waaay more clothes for the money which makes them extremely happy 🙂 Shoes are purchased in August as they definitely need new (indoor) shoes for the first day. Same for back pack/lunchbags, etc. Anything that needs replacing is done. This year I also have a one year old daughter heading off to daycare. She needs comfy fall clothes that she can play in, wash well, etc. I have always said, I want kids to be kids – and if they get dirty, oh well! It washes! Old Navy is great for that…I know I can trust the quality to withstand the girls playing hard, looking pretty, numerous washer/dryer “trips” and still look good at a great price point!
I love back to school shopping for school supplies. The smell of new crayons and all the pretty colors of new things….
I love shopping for new school supplies….the smell of new crayons, the pretty colors of new things
My favourite ritual is getting the back to school outfits but I must say what I am looking forward to most is going grocery shopping September 7th with only 2 kids instead of 4.
We make a list, then all go back to school shopping together. When we are finished , we go out for an end-of-summer, back-to-school dinner.
We don’t really have a ritual but my favorite part of going back to school it getting back to a regular routine. I find when you’re a stay at home mom the summer days just all roll together. Looking forward to Sept. 7th.
New backpacks and school supplies! The girls love picking out a new backpack and stuffing it with everything they need for the upcoming school year…plus a few new outfits too!
New backpacks and school supplies! The girls love picking out a new backpack and stuffing it with everything they need for the upcoming school year…plus a few new outfits too!
New backpacks and school supplies! The girls love picking out a new backpack and stuffing it with everything they need for the upcoming school year…plus a few new outfits too!
New backpacks and school supplies! The girls love picking out a new backpack and stuffing it with everything they need for the upcoming school year…plus a few new outfits too!
New backpacks and school supplies! The girls love picking out a new backpack and stuffing it with everything they need for the upcoming school year…plus a few new outfits too!
New backpacks and school supplies! The girls love picking out a new backpack ans stuffing it with everything they need for the upcoming school year…plus a few new outfits too!
Up till now, I would shop for my daughter. The only criteria was comfort. That meant no jeans, pants with pockets or buttons on the back, etc… Now that she’s going into Grade 4, she’s interested in expanding her wardrobe. So we began a new tradition where we go through her closet and get rid of all the clothes that she no longer wants or needs. Once we’ve made room, we will go and get new stuff.
as a kid i loved shopping for school supplies (so no surprise that as an adult i still love my pens and notebooks) and as a parent i love the clothes shopping!
Our ritual is shopping about 2-3 weeks before it starts. We hit the big malls and look for good bargains.
My grand-mother took me for school supplies at Kmart..Loves it and always went to the snack bar to eat and leave with cotton candy..
I will do be doing the same but at zellers cause no Kmart..
Well my kids aren’t yet school-aged but I just love to Shop at Old Navy for the cutest and coolest clothes at the best prices around. Best bargains can even be found at the end of the season for the following year, at clearance prices for just dollars a piece. Their styles will always carry forward. You can’t really go wrong!
Well my kids aren’t yet school-aged but I just love to Shop at Old Navy for the cutest and coolest clothes at the best prices around. Best bargains can even be found at the end of the season for the following year, at clearance prices for just dollars a piece. Their styles will always carry forward. You can’t really go wrong!
I always love to shop at Old Navy, It has a great clothes for my to grandchildren, I love to help my daughter out by buying clothes for the boys. With school very near they always need clothes
For our back to scholl ritual we always go to the CNE and enjoy a day there and the next day we go shopping for clothes, school supplies and lunch gear. Then we go to our favourite place for dinner with the family.
It makes for a great weekend with lots of family time!
For our back to scholl ritual we always go to the CNE and enjoy a day there and the next day we go shopping for clothes, school supplies and lunch gear. Then we go to our favourite place for dinner with the family.
It makes for a great weekend with lots of family time!
My kids like to shop for cloths I for one could live without it but it is a necessity at this time of year!
Mom and I would pack the girls in the car and head to the mall to get new clothes and school supplies for them. My older daughter is now doing the same thing with her daughters.
My son and I love to empty out all his dresser drawers, and pick out all the clothes that no longer fit, so that he and I can go buy more to fill them all again!! But, after it all, the pencils and markers are his favorite, and he gets to go home and try them out!!
we plan a day of shopping for clothes and school supplies
We first do all the ‘school shopping’ together, then we always take in a matinee of their choice at the theater. After the show we all go out for supper. The kids (and we!) LOVE this ritual! 🙂
I love taking my little guy to the PNE before school starts, My mom used to take me and my brothers before school started and it seemed something great to look forward too before the school year started.
I loveeee back to school, shopping for the new uniform, shoes with my son, new backpack, lunch box, ahhhh so much fun 🙂
shopping for school supplies.
I love to shop for school supplies, pens, pencils, paper, erasers, rulers and all and leave the new outfits for Grandma to find!
We don’t have have a back-to-school ritual as of yet; but I’m hoping we can continue what we did this year for my daughter’s introduction into Montessori ‘schooling’. We took a whole day for ourselves. We went to a few well selected stores for basics and a few more for fun and unique pieces she could select all by herself. We also took a long lunch in between to rest, and treated ourselves to a pedicure (it was her first).
We get the new lunch kits, pass down the backpacks , buy one new one, and it looks like new hoodies for all from Old Navy..what a great price!
a new outfit, new shoes, and hunting for bargains in school supplies.
a new outfit, new shoes, and hunting for bargains in school supplies.
Having 6 kids to get ready can be a real delight…after purchasing all of their things we sit down and make sure everything gets loaded into the backpacks…first day clothes are set aside and snacks, juice boxes etc. are bought in bulk…there is never enough money to get all the things at once…so over the course of the summer we pick this up here and that up there…however…sigh…I never look forward to them returning…I ABSOLUTELY enjoy having my wee ones around me…LOL Have a groovy one ya’ll…peaces…xoxo
I have 4 children so back to school shopping can be a bit stressful. My husband and I normally go out by ourselves to get all the school supplies first so we can take the time to find the best deals. Then we pick a day where all the kids come with us to find their shoes and a school outfit. Where money is tight the kids never really get what they want but we still have fun trying on close and shoes for the day and then for a special treat we all go out for something to eat. Even though it can be stressful we have fun being together and the kids can’t wait to do it the next year.
My oldest son is grown up and out of school now and it really wasn’t a big deal to him so it is extra special now that my daughter loves our ‘girl day’! We make it special with the shopping and lunch and some extra happy mother-daughter time. She loves the casual yet still trendy look of Old Navy and I love their prices so it is always a hit… I’d love to win this prize. Thanks for the opportunity!
love to have for the grandkids
nice prize
Back to school ritual… “its the most wonderful time of the year” song blasting as I eagerly go shopping to staples, then haircuts, then walmart, and old navy.. All ending the day with a nice stop at dairy queen..
like I said “its the most wonferful time of the year”
My back to school ritual is to go shopping for clothes.
I’m a teacher. So not only do I have favourite ritualsof picking out new clothes with my sons and now grandsons, but Back to School means putting up fall displays in my classroom.
My favourite back to school ritual is getting my daughter back into school bed time hours!
My back to school ritual is shopping and writing alot of cheques.
I love summer and spending as much time with my girls as I can. As bittersweet as it is, it is also a good time to get back into routine. Last week of August, we do all the things that we would never do during a school week: we stay up late, get up late, don’t read a thing, don’t do anything school related. Then the few days before school, we jump in full force – buy all our school supplies and our first week worth of ‘new fall clothes’ as the weather is very unpredictable. We’ll then go out the last week of September and get all kinds of things that are likely on sale and it’s a great judge of what we really do need rather than what we all really want! It makes the last few weeks before school worth it all!
For our family it starts with pancake breakfast at home. Then we go around to our favorite stores with our list of things that are needed for the school year. I let my kids pick their clothes out so they have that freedom of expressing themselves. Of course I am with reason I wouldnt let them be offensive or inapproperiate with their choices. We eat lunch out at our favorite restraunt and then go home and pack the school bags with the supplies. Its a fun filled day for us all!
We like to shop at all the local stores and compare prices of school supplies. Then we pick out the perfect backpack and stuff it with the school supplies that are needed for that year. We also figure out an easy menu for the first week back at school. Always fun dishes like tacos etc. to make it fun!
Taking my grandson shopping for something special. They always find something pretty cool
with 3 school aged children, looking for best buys and sales
Getting back to the “early to bed” routine!!!
New Clothes, school supplies, shoes, haircuts….total overhaul….
New Clothes, school supplies, shoes, haircuts….total overhaul….
New Clothes, school supplies, shoes, haircuts….total overhaul….
Shopping for clothes and a new backpack for school, getting a haircut and going out for lunch at McDonald’s is our back to school reitual.
The ritual – new dress, new socks, new shoes. Crisp, soft and shiny!
A ritual was going shopping then stopping for lunch at McDonald’s for a treat.
A ritual was going shopping then stopping for lunch at McDonald’s for a treat.
New shoes and school supplies are fun to shop for.
Always new shoes!!
I loved back to school shoe shopping and even though I am no longer in school and my I intend on taking us all out for some new shoes!
This is the year all three of my kids will be in full time school 🙁 and 🙂 boohoo and woohoo!
So my favourite ritual is taking them out to buy their back packs, lunch pails and school clothing. We go for lunch and try to catch a movie if we have time.
clothes shopping is always the favourite ritual in my house!!! It’s just too much fun!
Going to the mall and finding the best bargains!
My favourite ritual is the buying of back to school clothes. We take a few relaxed days, set a budget and buy some new practical outfits the kids love. We try to spend time together at a last outdoor lunch during the weekdays before September arrives.
Our back to school ritual is simple, we buy supplies right before school starts after checking out what was left from last year. As for clothes, I convince my kids to wait a month after school begins to go shopping for their clothes as by then all the sales are on and they can purchase more for their dollars. Usually its a late summer weather when school starts, so they can get away with their summer clothes still. It sure saves in the end. And finally everyone gets their hair done for back to school, boys get fresh buzzes and the girls get cuts they like.
Our favorite back to school ritual is to make a long weekend combination out of shopping and having fun at the same time. Shopping can be tiring, so we always spend time in between when we are getting tired doing things such as getting pedicures/manicures together (love the places with back massage chairs), treat the kids to a massage at a spa and a facial, haircut and brow waxing (they are all teens, one son has the dreaded “unibrow”). We eat out at a couple of favorite restaurants and take time out to take in a movie, which is great especially if it’s hot outside. I always look forward to back to school shopping time and watching the kids dress up and buy clothes for them, it makes them so happy and appreciative to have new “duds”!
buying pretty stuff for my little one
My favourite back to school ritual is shopping for school supplies with my daughter…it also brings me back to my youth!!
This year’s back to school shopping is going to be a lot of fun. I have two little girls, one 6 and one 3, they are still young and have a great sense of style. Their styles are different but I am noticing that on certain outfits they want to look the same and I think its so cute. I love shopping with them, they love color and cool looks and accessories. Even my husband loves clothes shopping with our girls. I can’t wait to check out Old Navy online.
Our back to school ritual is going shopping and out for lunch. Just enjoying a day out together. Then of course picking out his favorite outfit for the first day.
We shop for clothes.I go on a different day with each child…I have three….then I go for a drink!
We spend a full day hitting all our favourite stores and topping it off with a dinner out.
We spend a full day hitting all our favourite stores and topping it off with a dinner out.
We spend a full day hitting all our favourite stores and topping it off with a dinner out.
My favourite ritual was going out to buy new clothes!
My favourite back-to-school ritual is returning home after the first day (always a short day) and going to Dairy Queen for a treat!
My favorite back-to-school ritual is seeing the joy on my 4 year old’s face getting the most awesome backpack.
It used to be shared shopping trips with my son, husband and I, but that was a few years back. Now he’s a college student and “I am the wallet, coo coo cachoo.”
It used to be shared shopping trips with my son, husband and I, but that was a few years back. Now he’s a college student and “I am the wallet, coo coo cachoo.”
We always love going shopping for back to school backpacks and lunch boxes!
We celebrate labour day weekend and my son’s birthday with the whole family at my mom’s cottage. It’s a great way to spend the last weekend of summer before school starts the next day
Great contest
We love going to the CNE right before school starts. There are usually great clothing discounts and cheap backpacks. Plus you get to have fun! We look forward to it every year.
Our favourite back to school ritual is to sit down as a family with all of our children and making up a list for each of our children of what they will need for school such us what clothes to buy each one, what shoes they will need, what school supplies each of them will require .Once we have completed this, then we all go out and have a nice family dinner at our favourite restuarant where each of our children chooses what he or she would like in celebration of going back to school and starting a new year.
We go shopping for clothes and of course shiny new school shoes, for both indoor and outdoor use!! The kids get to pick their new backpacks and lunchkits!!
Afterwards we will have dinner at a restaurant and talk about the new school year and what the children are looking forward to!!
back to school shopping with my kids.
We don’t have a ritual as yet as my son will be starting Grade 1 this September. However I plan on taking him with me to pick out his back to school clothing from Old Navy, back pak and shoes. Then we will go for a haircut and have the camera ready for his first day at school.
Shopping for school supplies and new shoes is our favourite back to school ritual.
Buying new clothes, derp.
Back to school ritual= supplies, cheques, juice boxes and lunch meat!
buying new clothes and getting a new haircut
buying new clothes and getting a new haircut
buying new clothes and getting a new haircut
The favourite back-to-school ritual in our home is buying all the school supplies and backpacks and coming home and opening and organizing everything. It means that’s it’s official, time to go back to school.
My favorite back to school ritual is sitting down with my children and talking to them about what they need for school. We get together and each child and I make a list of what they think they would like to have new to start off the school year. We compare this list with the list I have made for each child. From that one list for each child will result. They get a big say in what goes on it. Then I tell them what kind of a budget they have to work with for their respective purchases and what each of their priorities should be when we go shopping as each child gets their own trip. Eg. Shoes would be a no 1 priority particularly if they have shoes that are too small and would be purchased first. Coats if needed would be second, etc., etc. I look forward to this as much as they do as we make a special event out of it by including a lunch break and a smoothie break to break up the respective shopping day.
My favorite back to school ritual is my daughter and I taking a couple shopping trips together so she can pick out new school bag and supplies and some new clothes for school! It’s always a really fun time.
My favorite back to school ritual is my daughter and I taking a couple shopping trips together so she can pick out new school bag and supplies and some new clothes for school! It’s always a really fun time.
My favorite back to school ritual is my daughter and I taking a couple shopping trips together so she can pick out new school bag and supplies and some new clothes for school! It’s always a really fun time.
We always wait until the weekend before school starts, go to a major mall and take advantage of all the sales! I buy new clothes, shoes and school supplies. I come home with a lot of great stuff!
My favourite back to school ritual would have to be the “back to school” shopping, for both, the school clothes and supplies. My twins have suddenly become two separate entities, they no longer want to dress alike. It’s going to be an amazing school year and both the kids and myself are excited for it to begin!
We have no rituals yet as my little one isn’t school aged, but I have fond memories of back to school shopping with my parents. I loved getting all organized for the new school year. My favourite was supply shopping I think…although new clothes were nice too!!
We have no rituals yet as my little one isn’t school aged, but I have fond memories of back to school shopping with my parents. I loved getting all organized for the new school year. My favourite was supply shopping I think…although new clothes were nice too!!
No rituals here but my little one is looking forward to going to school for the first time in things she loves most…….Clothes and anything in Pink! 🙂
Our back to school ritual is roasting and toasting, weenies and marshmallows that is, in the crisp fall air of the September long week end.
No rituals yet with my little ones but looking forward to back to school clothes and school supplies shopping – I LOVE school supplies! 🙂
No rituals yet with my little ones but looking forward to back to school clothes and school supplies shopping – I LOVE school supplies! 🙂
Going shopping with my daughter to get her clothes and her school supplies. It is one-on-one time with her and it allows her some independence to choose what she likes (within parameters of course!)
I start with a list in the beginning of August and gradually shop for all the essentials to avoid the back to school madness in September.
My favourite ritual is taking a picture of my son, on the first day of school, on the front steps of our house. It is amazing to see how much has changed over the years just from that one picture. I love that more than back to school shopping.
My favourite “back-to-school” ritual is shopping for school supplies like pencil case, backpacks, rulers etc. I love looking at the trendy hot items that makes it fun for kids to use.
The first day of every new school year I take a picture of my daughter in her new back to school outfit. She holds up her fingers to indicate which grade she is going into.
The first day of every new school year I take a picture of my daughter in her new back to school outfit. She holds up her fingers to indicate which grade she is going into.
We cross the border for some funky, unique, back-to-school stuff!
I have 3 kids so the rituals vary for each one, but the one thing they always look forward to are the brownies i make on the first day of school every year!
I have 3 kids so the rituals vary for each one, but the one thing they always look forward to are the brownies i make on the first day of school every year!
my oldest is only just beginning the “back-to-school” thing but I think my favorite ritual is getting back into a routine so mornings aren’t so crazy. Get up, eat breakfast, get dressed, all in some semblance or order, not the insanity of summer with PJ’s all day 🙂
My absolute favorite back to school ritual has got to be buying school supplies. September marks a new beginning for me, it is my new year and I look forward to the colors, the smells and of course going back to school with my bag packed with new notebooks, pencils,pens, markers (I am a teacher!) It would be great to send my son to grade one with some cool gear for the “new year” and that would free up some cash for some gear for mommy too!
our one and only grandchild is just starting school this year. as the grandma i intend to buy a couple of new outfits as well as some new shoes for our granddaughter to start the school year with. this is what my mom always did for my son and he looked forward to it, so i hope to carry on the tradition and make this the yearly ritual!!
My ritual is taking my daughter out for lunch and shopping all day at different stores for clothes , school supplies and new shoes then we go home and make dinner together.I only have her on weekends so this ritual is so important to me to bond with my daughter and one of my favorite times of the year.
Back to school shopping. The kids got to have new shoes and lunchbags!
As a full-time working Mom, my favourite back to school ritual was taking two weeks vacation, so I would be at home for our four boys the first couple of weeks that they returned to school. It was nice to be there when they got off the bus to hear all the news of the day. It also made the transition from being home to going back to school easier for them and me!!
favourite back-to-school ritual… has to be the back to school shopping of course!
Ritual every year was 1st visit the dentist, get a soda and then go get our school clothes, books, backpacks etc. It was such a fun time…yes even the dentist cause we knew all the goodies coming afterwards.
OUr favourite back to school tradition is that I always take the day off work, and we go out for a late lunch early dinner at a restaurant. That way I can concentrate on the kids when they are telling me all about their new teacher and classroom
I have 3 kids and only one of them is in school and he is only going into his second year. I’m still pretty new at the whole back to school thing. Right now I just try to spend as much time with him as possible because I know soon I’ll have less time with him!
I don’t have kids in school yet but I remember my mom would always give my brother and I a back to school present when we got home from school our first day.
The first day back to school ritual is to wear a new pair of jeans, new shoes and a cozy sweater, then when the girls go to school I slowly start to decorate the house for fall with little touches of halloween….they love it to this day.
Our favorite back to school ritual is shopping for new backpacks, lunch bags, and sneakers. It was my favorite thing to do when I was a child, and I have just as much fun now when I go with my two boys.
Old Navy is my fave for back to school clothes. It has a good selection of cool clothes for the teenager in mny house
My favourite back to school ritual started off as a tradition we had when I was growing up. I buy a new outfit for each of my children, picked out by themselves. They have birthdays near the beginning of the school year, so they get a lot of clothes as gifts. I make homemade pancakes on the first day of school and then once they are dressed and ready, we take a photo of them on our front steps smiling as they anticipate their first day. Every year we look at that first day of school photo at the beginning of summer and can’t believe how much they have grown.
Favourite back to school ritual would be going to the cottage for one last kick at summer freedom & of course buying some new back to school clothing.
This may sound crazy, but as a child, there were two things I loved about going back to school, one was the scent of the school supplies aisles at the stores. It just felt like fall when I walked into the aisle. Later in life, I realized this “scent” was actually a musty “smell” because the supplies had been in storage since the previous year, lol. The second thing I loved was when my Mom would make my lables as I attached them to EVERYTHING, and then the two of us would rearrange my closet, prioritizing my new school clothes. ah….good times….lol.
This may sound crazy, but as a child, there were two things I loved about going back to school, one was the scent of the school supplies aisles at the stores. It just felt like fall when I walked into the aisle. Later in life, I realized this “scent” was actually a musty “smell” because the supplies had been in storage since the previous year, lol. The second thing I loved was when my Mom would make my lables as I attached them to EVERYTHING, and then the two of us would rearrange my closet, prioritizing my new school clothes. ah….good times….lol.
This may sound crazy, but as a child, there were two things I loved about going back to school, one was the scent of the school supplies aisles at the stores. It just felt like fall when I walked into the aisle. Later in life, I realized this “scent” was actually a musty “smell” because the supplies had been in storage since the previous year, lol. The second thing I loved was when my Mom would make my lables as I attached them to EVERYTHING, and then the two of us would rearrange my closet, prioritizing my new school clothes. ah….good times….lol.
I don’t know what the favorite ritual will be with my boys, they’re just getting to that stage, but as a child, my favorite ritual was writing my name on all my new supplies.
Buying a new back pack, new stationary, dozens of socks, a pair of shoes and a few jeans and t-shirts.
A new lunch bag and a new backpack are musts for back-to-school, and my daughters have always enjoyed picking just the right ones.
A new lunch bag and a new backpack are musts for back-to-school, and my daughters have always enjoyed picking just the right ones.
My kids bring home the shopping list for the new year on the last day of school before summer vacation. We check out the flyers -try to get the best value & a day before school starts the kids label everything & pack it in their new backpacks & check off the lists to make sure we have everything.
Then we make milkshakes & eat cookies & have a great time together.
our ritual is basically that the kids get 4 new outfits from head to toe…since we dont have much money, we usually shop at old navy or walmart and also hit the vintage stores as well.
My favorite back to school routine is going shopping for all the school supplies and new outfits for my kids . Sometimes I think I enjoy it more than they do. 🙂
When i was younger my mom used to take me out on a special “girls day” we go shopping for new school clothes go to a “fancy” (for a kid anyways) resturant of a little bite to eat. It was nice to just have some mother daughter time!
I like to make rounds at stores to see whats on sale and get rid of old clothes.
We would go through all the clothes and donate to Sally Ann the things that didn’t fit anyone.
When I was young, it was going thru the Eaton’s catalogue to order the perfect outfit for my new school year. Now, it is running around like a madwoman trying to make sure my two children are both in bed at a proper hour, have their new school clothes and supplies, forms signed and lunches made!
When I was young, it was going thru the Eaton’s catalogue to order the perfect outfit for my new school year. Now, it is running around like a madwoman trying to make sure my two children are both in bed at a proper hour, have their new school clothes and supplies, forms signed and lunches made!
When I was young, it was going thru the Eaton’s catalogue to order the perfect outfit for my new school year. Now, it is running around like a madwoman trying to make sure my two children are both in bed at a proper hour, have their new school supplies, forms signed and lunches made!
When I was young, it was going thru the Eaton’s catalogue to order the perfect outfit for my new school year. Now, it is running around like a madwoman trying to make sure they both are in bed at a proper hour, have their school supplies, forms signed and lunches made!
Shopping for new clothes and supplies together is definitely funur favourite back to school ritual is on the first day of school when each of the kids has their “first day of school’ photo taken. It’s fun to look back on the photos of passsed years to see how much our girls have grown and changed.
our ritual is going through my children’s closets and picking out what we will give to donate to charity and what my children will indeed use for the school year. i will reward them with a couple of new outfits and in this way they learn that giving is its own reward! ;-))
Going shopping for clothes and school supplies. My favourite though (and my kids least favourite) is the first day back to school picture I take.
Besides the shopping, getting them ready for everything the school year has to offer. I actually enjoy making lunches the night before so I dont have to worry about them the morning after.
My girls love back to school shopping. It’s all about a fresh start to a new school year. Everything from clothes to backpacks to lunch boxes and school supplies. We start with supplies one day and then work our way to the clothing and shoes on another. There always is a break for lunch and ice cream as well. It’s like a summer event!. They love to come home with all the bags and sort everything.
new clothes, shoes and school supplies
check out all the ads for the best prices for school supplies
walmart for school supplies and sears for new clothes
sears for new clothes
Walmart here we come
I have a 5 year old and we are just starting out in establishing our back-to-school rituals…looking for the delicate balance of mommy-knows-best vs. kid independance =) I’m sure they’ll become fond memories one day. My personal favourites were from my university days when I’d catch up with all my undergrad friends during the first week while picking up all the textbooks and supplies needed for the term.
My daughter is very excited to be starting preschool, so we will make a trip to the mall in the next couple days for her first backpack and some school supplies, as well as a couple new outfits. I am so excited for her!
Our ritual is clothes shopping of course, to get the perfect outfit for the first day!I have 2 boys and 1 girl, so we usually make a day of it, going to lunch, lots of chocolate and lots of coffee for me, ok lots of chocolate for me too! I actually look forward to it, everyone is happy to get new things, and its the start of a whole new school year…new friends…new clubs, lessons, etc….FANTASTIC!
Our ritual is clothes shopping of course, to get the perfect outfit for the first day!I have 2 boys and 1 girl, so we usually make a day of it, going to lunch, lots of chocolate and lots of coffee for me, ok lots of chocolate for me too! I actually look forward to it, everyone is happy to get new things, and its the start of a whole new school year…new friends…new clubs, lessons, etc….FANTASTIC!
Our ritual is clothes shopping of course, to get the perfect outfit for the first day!I have 2 boys and 1 girl, so we usually make a day of it, going to lunch, lots of chocolate and lots of coffee for me, ok lots of chocolate for me too! I actually look forward to it, everyone is happy to get new things, and its the start of a whole new school year…new friends…new clubs, lessons, etc….FANTASTIC!
New shoes and clothes are always a back to school ritual in my house.
A new pair of shoes and some new outfits are definitely a back to school ritual for us! There’s just something about having clothes that make you feel great to start off a new year.
I like buying school supplies and organizing them… I also like taking a picture of my daughter on her first day of school!
We like going shopping for school supplies and picking out new stuff. Its always exciting to pick out everyones favourite colours and stuff!
This will be the first year for my one child, and already the third year for my other. It starts out with a morning bake session of a few “goodies” that will soon be our school snacks. We love banana chocolate chip muffins. While things are cooling down, we head out and choose a new t-shirt to be bedazzled a wee bit later. A pit stop for some ice-cream to sample with our fresh baked goods is a way to ease us out of our summer vacation and into the land of learning.
Throughout the summer, I take the kids out to the mall after my work and I buy them one or two items that they need at a time. When I do this, it does not seem like a lot and each week we are at the mall I also treat them to either ice cream cones or cinnamon buns or pretzels, etc…
buying new shoes for school, including gym runners. Then checking out what styles the other girls at school bought.
we spend the day at the mall shopping for school supplies and clothes.
My 3 kids love picking out their own school supplies, choosing a new binder in a color they want, not one that I have chosen. It is an easy way to encourage them to make their own decisions
My 3 kids love picking out their own school supplies, choosing a new binder in a colour they want, not one that I have chosen. It is an easy way to encourage them to make their own decisions
My 3 kids love picking out their own school supplies, choosing a new binder in a colour they want, not one that I have chosen. It is an easy way to encourage them to make their own decisions
My 3 kids love picking out their own school supplies, choosing a new binder in a color they want, not one that I have chosen. It is an easy way to encourage them to make their own decisions
Back to school. I now purchase clothes for my grandchildren for back to school
the last fun event before back to school was always a visit to the CNE!
My favorite back to school ritual is going to the store and buying a new bag and and stationary and getting home and placing everything in the bag a week before school time. So i can just pick up the bag and go.
We like to get organized by checking off the school supply list and see what we have and what we still need. then my three kids and I head off to the store to pick up the missing pieces. the kids love to be in charge of picking up what they need and want so it gives them an excited feeling about going back.
love it
A few weeks before school starts, my mom and I would go shopping for school supplies and clothes. My favourite part of back to school shopping were the supplies!!!
A few weeks before school starts, my mom and I would go shopping for school supplies and clothes. My favourite part of back to school shopping were the supplies!!!
We have a special breakfast then take a picture on the front steps .
My daughter is just starting kindergarten so we don’t have any rituals yet but I can remember being most excited to pick out my lunch box! I will always let my kids choose whichever one they want and get a new one every year. The school my daughter and twin boys will attend suggest that the parents buy the school supply pack – so no school supply shopping for us. 🙁
My daughter is just starting kindergarten so we don’t have any rituals yet but I can remember being most excited to pick out my lunch box! I will always let my kids choose whichever one they want and get a new one every year. The school my daughter and twin boys will attend suggest that the parents buy the school supply pack – so no school supply shopping for us. 🙁
My daughter is just starting kindergarten so we don’t have any rituals yet but I can remember being most excited to pick out my lunch box! I will always let my kids choose whichever one they want and get a new one every year. The school my daughter and twin boys will attend suggest that the parents buy the school supply pack – so no school supply shopping for us. 🙁
Shopping for school supplies– nothing beats the smell of newly sharpened pencils and clean paper.
The kids love it when after everything has been bought and we’re home either at the kitchen table or on the bed. I spread everything out and the kids love to sort and pack their own bags of school supplies.
I haven’t had the chance to go back to school shopping yet the little guy just turned 3 but I am so excited to do it I have been practicing by making a list of what we need and going to the store to price it all out. He loves helping me find the items to look up the price. When he is Happy mom’s Happy.
I love The back to school Rituals.Every year I take my 12 year old daughter back to school shopping for clothes and pens , pencils,paper and etc.. This is one of my favorite times of the year.I get to spend quality time with my princess and buy her all the coolest clothes and products and then have lunch together.It is always a great day and I look forward to it every year.This year is coming fast and I am already excited.I just love to see her so happy.
Going shopping for school supplies.
Stocking up on snacks for the lunchboxes always help get the kids pumped for the new school year.
Shopping for new clothes.
We would have a special breakfast then take a picture on the front steps.
Buying new school supplies is the best part of back to school time! All those brand new pens, pecils, binders, and knap sacks! We make our list before hand using the “needed suplies” list that the school generally sends home and head to the local office store. We don’t normally do a big clothes shopping for back to school as we buy clothes throughout the year when they are on sale. Around back to school time there aren’t usually enough sales, my kids don’t seem to mind.
My favourite Back To School Ritual is going shopping for school supplies… I love looking at and for new items, pens, notebooks, binders, etc. It makes me really excited.
Buying new school supplies is part of the ritual. Picking the color and style of their pens, backpack and pencil case is always nice for my boys. They feel a little more excited about school when they get to pick stuff they like. Of course taking a picture the morning of back to school is a must.
Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Buying new school supplies is part of the ritual. Picking the color and style of their pens, backpack and pencil case is always nice for my boys. They feel a little more excited about school when they get to pick stuff they like. Of course taking a picture the morning of back to school is a must.
Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
My favorite ritual is taking pictures of the children in front of our house in their new school clothes.
I love taking the kids out shopping and helping them pick out a few new outfits and new school supplies. They always get so excited and it makes it so much fun.
Shopping for school supplies is fun for us. We like finding all the best deals on everything the kids need.
The best part about back to school shopping is spending time with my daughter. I remember all the times I had shopping with my mother and Grandmother, and I hope my daughter remembers these times as well. Have some lunch and a treat as well.
After an extremely busy, fun-filled summer, our family actually slows down and stays closer to home, getting back on schedule so that the first day of school is quite so “jarring”
Shopping has to be one of my aboslute favorite back-to-school reitual!
I enjoy back to school shopping for supplies and clothes and most of all, I enjoy having my kids go to bed earlier! It’s nice to have some time to myself after they’re in bed! 🙂
Mega-packs of markers and the heady scent of new vinyl binders.
Going through the closets and paring down so we can get a couple of new outfits!
I’d love to win this – we all need new clothes 🙂
definitely shopping for all the great deals during back to school sales!
I allways take photos of the children getting on the first school bus.
Shopping for new clothes!
we take one day and shop for everything we need. On the first day of school we take a photo with my daughter’s backpack on.
We homeschool but do alot of the same rituals of schooled kids. Our very favorite though is something called the Not Going to School Picnic, it is on the first day of school for schooled kids and my kids look forward to it for weeks. There are well over a hundred families at it each year, we go for the whole day, and build sandcastles, eat, swim (for the brave) talk, play. It is so wonderful and for some of the famlies this is the only time we will see them all year! It is just the best day for us. I think all the homeschooled kids in our area look forward to it!
Back to School favourite ritual includes going to Staples for supplies, then coming home and labeling them. Also, shopping for clothes at the mall with lunch in there somewhere too!
Shopping for new clothes & school supplies is great.
Shopping for new clothes & school supplies is a back to school ritual.
I have to go shopping for school early so by the first of August I have all school supplies bought. I then get the best selection.
Have a special breakfast Then take a picture at the front steps !
I love after all the necessary stuff is bought letting them go a little crazy picking something they love for their back pack or whatever just to make them happy when they get a chance to wear it the first day. This year was a dangling rainbow Lemur LOL!
Getting the lunches ready in the morning and what snacks for the day.
I check out all the deals online, and then make a list, and head of to the stores.
Every year before school starts my family and I go shopping for cloths and supplies for school but each of my kids have to buy at least one item that is a little off-the- top, I do this because they will remember our shopping trip and have a smile on their faces remembering.
Every year before school starts my family and I go shopping for cloths and supplies for school but each of my kids have to buy at least one item that is a little off-the- top, I do this because they will remember our shopping trip and have a smile on their faces remembering.
I love to fill a new rucksack with fresh pens and notebooks. Nothing get’s me into the back to school mode better than a visit to our favourite Canadian school/office supply stores!
My birthday is August 26 so it was the last week before school and most kids would be away. My parents decided that would be the day we went to the CNE. Still to this day (including next week) my parents, me and my kids are going to the CNE. A day to mark the passing of summer, celebrate my birthday and have one grand memory of another summer vacation spent having fun.
My birthday is August 26 so it was the last week before school and most kids would be away. My parents decided that would be the day we went to the CNE. Still to this day (including next week) my parents, me and my kids are going to the CNE. A day to mark the passing of summer, celebrate my birthday and have one grand memory of another summer vacation spent having fun.
I always dreaded the first day back to school. But I certainly loved getting new school supplies and new clothing. It’s amazing, even if you really didn’t need anything it just wasn’t the same without new supplies. Now I look forward to doing this with my own 9 year old daughter, however, I think I get more pleasure out of it than she does..
I find it hard to by for my boys. With a gift card you wouldn’t have to worry what’s on sale or not, and that would make shopping more fun.
My favorite ritrual is the tear that comes to my eye when they leave and as I wipe it away to go meet the girls for first day back to school breakfast for Mom’s.
We love all the new back to school clothes, school supplies, backpacks & shoes. Thank you Old Navy for putting the kids clothes on sale often & with oldnavy facebook coupons I saved enough on those ‘necessities’ to splurge on some cute new tops & jeans for my two girls, ages 9 and 2. Our whole family loves ON!
My favourite ritual is the same as most other people here. Back to school shopping! New clothes, new binders, and some years even a new computer. I sure wish I was going back to school this year!
My youngest and I go shopping and have lunch and make it a day together. Now that he spends so much time with his friends we don’t have that together time as much so I take it when I can get it!!
I love buying stationery! That was my favourite part of going back to school. My boy hasn’t started school yet, but I can’t wait until he does, just to go stationery shopping for him!
My favorite back to school ritual is shopping for school supplies. It takes me back to when I would get all my supplies ready with name tags etc. Even the smell of the pencil crayons takes me back to my childhood. Of course, getting the kids back to an earlier bedtime doesn’t hurt my feelings either!
favourite back to school ritual is buying new clothing for the kids
Shopping for school supplies, I let them decide what binders or other supplies they need.
We’re still fairly new at this, dd going into grade 2!
We shop around the kids stores and get what we need to last until Christmas.
School supplies, clothes, knapsack and lunch-bag, and the obligatory “back to school Haircut”!
My little one won’t be starting school for a little bit. However, my favorite ritual of going back to school when i was a kids was going to the ex on labour day weekend to watch the airshow –that’s how we always new that it was the end of summer and time to get back to school. I also loved the ritual of going back to school shoping to staples or walmart for new pens, pencils, agendas, binders, etc –i love stationary. I like clothes shopping too LOL
My little one won’t be starting school for a little bit. However, my favorite ritual of going back to school when i was a kids was going to the ex on labour day weekend to watch the airshow –that’s how we always new that it was the end of summer and time to get back to school. I also loved the ritual of going back to school shoping to staples or walmart for new pens, pencils, agendas, binders, etc –i love stationary. I like clothes shopping too LOL
Having a special breakfast & taking the girls picture on the front step !
This is also our families first back to school year. I always loved shopping for school supplies as a kid. So I imagine that tradition will continue.
For me it has alwas been stocking up on fresh school supplies. I love getting all the new pens, pencil crayons, highlighters!!
My Mom always took pictures of my brother and me in our new back-to-school clothes on our first day back, and I plan to start that tradition this September when my little guy has his first day of pre-school.
My favourite part is picking out new clothes and making the kids look awesome. They make me so proud! I want it to show inside and out!
My favourite part is picking out new clothes and making the kids look awesome. They make me so proud! I want it to show inside and out!
Taking my wee one shopping and letting her pick out her own shoes, bags and supplies. What ever style she likes. It’s exciting for her and it makes her feel so grown up!
i enjoy the back to school shopping with my 11 yr old,buying clothes is the part that i like the best.
I am a single mom to an active diva named Seren. We both love to yard sale and so starting in May we start looking for back to school stuff… including shoes, jackets and school supplies… by the time school arrives we are ready and stylin…
My favourite is making the rounds to staples and picking out all the new binders and school supplies.
My favorite ritual is going through all the back to school flyers and buying new school clothes and school supplies.
This is our first “back to school” year as my son is entering kindergarten, but it seems that our tradition is going to be looking for the absolute coolest pencil case on the planet (and to check the bus stop 1000 times!)
Definitely the shopping is a great back-to-school ritual and checking out not only the new clothing, but notebooks, pens, etc. to see the latest things!!!
I always loved a fresh start – a new outfit for the first day of school, new pencil crayons (nicely sharpened), white eraser with no marks on it, and pens in (with lids) ready to go.
I used to arrange and re-arrange all the new stuff in my backpack before the big day arrived! Thanks for taking me down memory lane, I look forward to these days with my daughter.
Hmm, I tried to post and it didnt work
We make a special breakfast for Jake that he gets to pick and than take a picture in his new outfit and brand new backpack in front of the tree on our front lawn — he gets to pick out both as to have some control over things. I love the first day of school and not just because I no longer have to pay for summer camps ; )
I set out their outfits the night before. Take a picture the next day.
Special dinner when they get home.
The morning of the 1st day of school Jake gets to pick a special breakfast. We take a picture of him in front of our tree on the front yard wearing a brand new outfit with a brand new backpack (bought weeks before of course)
We pick out both the outfit and backpack together, that way he feels like he is making a decision and having some control — I love it I get excited every year (and not just because I am saving a fortune in Camp costs ; )
Our back to school ritual is a couple days of shopping for clothes, school supplies. We make it fun by going to a different city (not too far away of course) and stay overnight in a hotel.
My favorite ritual is doing back to school shopping!! I love it!!
I also love the “back to routine” that comes with the start of school!
FAVOURITE THING: making the rounds and seeing what’s on sale
Love shopping at Staples for back to school supplies they make it easy with updated list of supplies for all grades. the only thing that ywould be better is having clothes there too.
Love shopping for the kids for a couple of new outfits for school. Laying them out the night before the first day of school and then seeing their excitement as they head off for the first class. I know that they are heading into the school year with a good look.
We go to the states and go on a shopping spree.
My favourite back to school ritual is having my kids each write a journal about their summer and what they would like to learn and do in the upcoming school year including goal setting and activities they would like to participate in. It is a good way to see what they have done over the summer and where they are headed in the fall.
As a child, I loved choosing that special outfit for the first day back at school – and as my daughter loves her clothes, I think history will be repeating itself. Of course, I still get a thrill from new notebooks and pens and crayons….
Our favourite ritual is “playing school”. We take our time shopping for supplies armed with many flyers. We return, exhausted but satisfied, and then organize and label our purchases. We pack school bags with what is needed and create an “extra supplies” bucket for later in the year. We then safely stow away and bags and pretend that we still have lots of summer left!
Our favourite ritual is “playing school”. We take our time shopping for supplies armed with many flyers. We return, exhausted but satisfied, and then organize and label our purchases. We pack school bags with what is needed and create an “extra supplies” bucket for later in the year. We then safely stow away and bags and pretend that we still have lots of summer left!
Our favourite ritual is “playing school”. We take our time shopping for supplies armed with many flyers. We return, exhausted but satisfied, and then organize and label our purchases. We pack school bags with what is needed and create an “extra supplies” bucket for later in the year. We then safely stow away and bags and pretend that we still have lots of summer left!
My favorite back to school routine is to pick out a new backpack.
The kids get a head to toe makeover! As they do the excitement builds. Not much sleep is had the night before school starts.
We goto the shops and pick out our favourite stationary and then neatly pack everything into their knapsacks the night before.
My best ritual is to sing at the top of our lungs “School is back but not for long, soon enough we’ll have some fun! Back to books and reading, math. But later on we’ll have a blast!”
I guess its a nice song, although sort of teaching the kids that school isn’t fun. lol
We love going shopping for school clothes and supplies. After a nice summer holiday, the kids are always pumped to pick out new styles and fill their back packs. It’s always nice when kids are excited about going to school.
I loved going with my mom to get a new haircut, school supplies and clothes. It was great to get some one-on-one time with her. We would always stop and have lunch to round the day off. Now I get to pass this tradition on to my own daughters!
We make a list of the items we require and then spend one full day running from store to store at the local mall. I let the kids decide what backpack style they want and they have to find the best value in the stores we shop in. For clothing, I tend to buy clothes throughout the year rather than at the height of back to school shopping.
We enjoy packing up and labeling all the school supplies.
I love getting the kids new haircuts, clothes, and school supplies, we always seem to bond at this time.
My favourite back to school ritual is shopping, of course. My daughters usually don’t need new clothes but they always seem to need new shoes. That works for me because my favourite type of shopping is shoe shopping.
I first stop at the shoe store, then I drive out to the nearest Target (3 hours away in watertown). And then we quickly do the school supplies. I bring my daughter along so she can pick out the colours.
I first stop at the shoe store, then I drive out to the nearest Target (3 hours away in watertown). And then we quickly do the school supplies. I bring my daughter along so she can pick out the colours.
My son is entering kindergarten this year. I look foward to making him special breakfasts in the morning before school and taking him school shopping.
My favorite back to school ritual is preparation. Going shopping to get the best deals, and hottest new items. Whether it’s clothes or school supplies, going shopping to prepare is my favorite ritual.
After shopping for clothes, sneakers and school supplies, we always spend an hour putting my son’s name on everything.
One of my rituals with the kids is going through all there clothes and seeing what still fits and what they are going to where, and from there picking out the stores to go too. I usually go to Value Village because I can get some brand new stuff or things that are so close to being new you would never know the difference, the kids love it because they can pick out so much more and it isn’t as costly…especially when there is 5 kids to buy for.
Shopping for new clothes is always fun!
The best ritual of back to school is kissing the kids good-bye as they troop off to school — then being able to go out for coffee with friends again!
My ritual that I hope will be my children’s ritual one day so to get all the clothes and school supplies shopping done before the first day of school so that the night before we can lay out the outfit that my little on is going to wear and to ensure his backpack is fully of new, sharp pencils and crayons all ready for school!!
I am both sad and happy. I have 5 children, ages 12,10,10,8 and 6. This year they will all be full time at school. I have tried to enjoy this summer as I usually work all summer but to unforscene circumstances I got to enjoy this summer with them and wish it would continue but happy that they are all well and happy to be returning to school so we went out and bought new back packs and school supplies this past weekend and we are all looking forward to clothing shopping next.
My daughter loves the fact that we go out shopping for a couple of days and she gets to get all the goodies only. Well except when I find an awesome deal for myself, then I get told that we are shopping for “SCHOOL CLOTHES ONLY MUM”. HaHaHa!!!!
My fav back to school ritual is shopping for clothes! My daughter is a little fashionista so it’s tedious but fun 🙂
Shopping for school supplies & clothes
I think the best way to say hello to the new school year and goodbye summer is to ‘craft’ some brown paper bags. I remember my sisters and I sitting down at the kitchen table decorating & colouring enough lunch bags to clear the first week of school.
It was a great chance to bond with my sisters while giving mom and dad a quiet little break.
Our favourite back to school ritual is having a backyard bar-b-q after a day of last minute back-to-school shopping. Each of our children invites a friend and we have all the usual summer dishes including hamburgers/hotdogs, corn on the cob, potato salad, watermelon and icecream. We finish up with a campfire and make smores. It is a last summer fling before we change our gears and start thinking about school and autumn.
I’m a kindergarten teacher. So back to school means setting up my classroom. My daughter is 4 and enjoys coming to my classroom in August to “help” mommy. Back to school for my daughter means big fun with toys in mommy’s classroom!
We save the clothes and shoes shopping until almost the end – as I want to be sure her growth spurt is done! We hit the mall and a couple of consignment stores, and end it all with an ice-cream from Purdy’s!
This is our first school year, and it’s only preschool for now, but we plan on making our rounds in the mall for a few things. We are also going to start a morning routine a couple weeks prior, so we have an easier time getting out the door in the morning (fingers crossed…LOL).
My favourite part of getting the kids ready for school is the closet purge then the list-making and then turning that into a reality. My ten year old is very conscious of what she wears and she often surfs the net looking for styles she’d like to resemble. In fact, I saw her doing that the other day…looks like school might be around the corner!
I always LOVED shopping and replacing my old clothes with brand new clothes.
Around the 3rd week of August, my mom and I cleaned out my closet and made
space for real gorgeous clothes. Then we would go shopping with a list and then, eat out like grown-ups.
When my kids were in school we would go one day to the city and look for shoes, clothes and school supplies.
My son will start Grade 1 in September. Our favourite ritual is taking a picture of him on the first day of school.
He is excited about the new year ahead. Playhouse Disney is one of his favourite websites. He loves to play the games on the site.
We take an introductory walk to school, to find new routes, see how long it could take under different circumstances- walking, in a wagon, w a heavy backpack, w a younger, slower sibling tagging along
Our back to school ritual is getting all of our school supplies and new backpacks.
I’ve always loved shopping for school supplies – there’s nothing like fresh binders, pencil crayons and paper! I’m super excited that I get to go school supply shopping for the first time for my son who is starting grade 1 in September….and he’s just as excited as I am! YAY!
My fave is the morning of the first day of school I skip through their rooms signing..So long , fair well, it’s time to say good bye..They hate it, I giggle and so it begins…
This will be my daughter’s first year in school so we don’t have any rituals yet. Maybe I will get some ideas here!
My daughter is just starting to like picking out her own clothes. Last year we went to Old Navy and she must have tried on about 7 outfits before picking out some skinny jeans and nice tops. I am hoping that it will be like that again this year and we can spend some mommy/daughter time shopping because soon she will want to shop alone…(:
I am carrying on a certain ritual with my niece and nephew now where we go for clothes and school supplies ( I love It) and I get them what they want another way to spoil them besides Christmas! Afterwards I take them to a little picnic area by the river and we roast hotdogs and marshmallows, they love it!! Then they play at the playground and I sit and relax at the river which by this point is well deserved. Can’t wait til next week!! Love being the auntie!
Shopping for a new lunch box. And I saw Old Navy’s line for September — they are old-timey and adorable! (I’m crushin’ on the one with the Orange Crush design.)
My favourite back to school tradition is shopping for lunch supplies. The kids each get to pick what they want for lunch food and all try new recipes.
I have always had a weakness for school supplies! Pencils, Markers, Binders etc! I have just as much buying them for my kids as I had when I went to school!
Let the kids choose their first day outfit.
I started a new ‘tradition’ with my daughter last year. We have a special coutdown chain that we made. Each chain has something to do with school on it and a number represting the number of days left until the beginning of school. We made it together so it was a great project to!
Back to school shopping has to be the best ritual to brighten up the darkening shortened days of fall. While the thrill of shopping for school supplies has faded over the years, we love to shop for clothes and find bright cheery clothes for the fall and winter.
Just before everybody is ready to hop into the car to head off for their first day of school, we take a picture of the kids with their new backpacks. We have every first day of school picture from Kindergarten to present which I have chronicled in a scrapbook
We browse online sites like Old Navy
then we know what we want before we go in.
Buying new pencil crayons and markers!! Love them still, and get so excited when we go back to school shopping for the kids :o)
Shopping for clothes and school supplies
Shopping for school supplies.
We love shopping for school supplies and usually make it a family day ending with pizza. We look forward to it every year.
I have two girls and last year was the first time we started this school prep ritual of spending the day shopping for school things, then we went out for a special dinner to celebrate all the fun new purchases for school. We will do this every year as a way to begin school with a fun start, and they get clothes they like to wear to school and it is a day my husband and I get to spend learning a little more about our girls individual personalities. I actually look forward to this shopping trip with the girls.
This is going to sound mean, but my favorite ritual is cranking her bedtime back to an earlier hour! When school is in session we have her in bed and walking out with the lights off at 7:30pm. But as she is older and summer is here we have her bedtime pushed by about 45 extra minutes. And man do I miss that extra time. So although I enjoy taking her shopping, my favorite thing is to get that precious time back for me and hubby!
we love to shop at old navy my little girl loves there clothes
The mandatory ‘back-to school, first day’ photo…A tradition since I was small.
Always double-check for deals. Also, get ready sooner rather than later to avoid crowds and unwanted stress! Make it a family affair. Use the back to school time to build realtionships and talk. Time goes by fast so do whatever you can to make this time count!
As with most families, the required shopping for new clothes & school gear was always the favorite
Back to school- favourite Routines=
Son number 1-4th year college=making sure when his alarm goes off he actually gets up-my job is waking him up after the alarm.
Son number 2=grade 12- student=making sure he catches his bus at the very last minute.
6 yr old Daughter number 3-grade 2= a different oufit everyday-if possible-and hairstyles to match.
Cleaning out the dressers and closet and removing the clothes that don’t fit or are too old. Then we make a list of what we need to buy.
Cleaning out the dressers and closet and removing the clothes that don’t fit or are too old. Then we make a list of what we need to buy.
It’s our first ever back to school shopping year! We had so much fun picking out a backpack and lunch bag! It’s very funny to see our preschooler trying on a big backpack, she’s growing up 🙂
Well one of my favourite back to school rituals would be practicing early to bed, early to rise starting a week before school starts.
No question…the annual picture with the spiffy new outfit for the first day of school!! 😀
My son and I have a ritual of going shopping at the end of August for back to school clothes, school supplies and anything else he may need. It’s our special time together just he and I and we really enjoy it.
My husband and I take our 3 children into the city 2 of which are school age and rent a hotel downtown on one of the top floors because our children think its so neat to look out the windows at the city below then we do the PNE and after that we enjoy some back to school shopping.
It’s enjoyable to go through all the kid’s existing school supplies, and make a list from all that’s missing and head out for refills. My kids are young, so going to the mall for clothes isn’t their thing (yet), so I’ll be doing that on my own. That part is enjoyable for me too, as it’s peaceful time for me : )
It’s enjoyable to go through all the kid’s existing school supplies, and make a list from all that’s missing and head out for refills. My kids are young, so going to the mall for clothes isn’t their thing (yet), so I’ll be doing that on my own. That part is enjoyable for me too, as it’s peaceful time for me : )
Back to school means it’s time for me to see what still fits from last fall and what needs to be given away to make room for new things. It also means school shopping for clothes, runners, backpacks and supplies.
I love back to school shopping with my daughter. It’s a given that we’ll head out for a complete day of checking out the latest offerings from her favorite stores in the quest of finding the ultimate first-day outfit. It’s a bonding day too… shopping, lunch, spending hours and calories treking through stores together. I look forwrd to the end of August every year to share this “girl time” with my girl.
I like to buy new lunch containers every year. I know school is close at hand when it’s time to pull out the new lunch bags.
My brother hated cloth shopping as a teen, so my mom would send me into the trendy stores with him as apparently my mom was too embarrassing. It really brought us closer and even now as an adult I still go clothes shopping with him.
My favorite ritual, is I get together with my son and my mom and we make a day out of it. Every year in August (its coming up I can hardly wait) we go out look and shop and buy and rest for good lunch out then go back at it. We buy for lunches, school supplies, new clothing and always something for mom and grandmom too!!
cleaning out the closets to make room for new fall outfits for kids and parents!
My favourite back-to-school ritual was when I was a in school. My parents would take a picture of me and my siblings in our FAVOURITE back to school outfit on our very first day of school EVERY YEAR!!! It is great now to look back and see how we had changed and how our taste in clothing changed too! All three of us have continued that ritual with our own children and not a year goes by where I don’t look forward to that “first day of school” picture!
Shopping for the best prices on school supplies, jeans, shoes… Going to the school and finding out what class my daughter is in, and who her teacher is…. Looking up the bus route…Thinking of new foods for school lunches
I love roaming the aisles for school supplies, and buying new outfits and shoes for my girls. I get the same “rush” as when I first go Christmas shopping, hahaha!!
Shopping for new school supplies!
On the first day of school and on the last day of school we end the day with going for ice cream. Seems simple but my kiddos look forward to it every time!
My favourite part of back to school has always been the new school supplies and I especially have always loved the smell of the new scribblers.
Getting school supplies – best time of year for the good deals.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Back to school means shopping for new shoes/boots/runners, a cool new back pack and of course new clothes at Old Navy! So much to choose from at reasonable prices, we can always bring home an armful.
“Back to School Shopping” is definitely my favorite ritual! I used to love shopping for new school supplies!!! Upgrading my “My little Pony” duo tang for one that featured ALF was the coolest thing EVER… In grade 4! I hope my kids will like it just as much as me 🙂
I LOVE the first day of school photo of my kids. They look so crisp and prestine (at the beginning of the day, anyway). Now that my daughter is 9, it’s interesting to see her unique style emerging through her clothing choices!
My favourite is SHOPPING!!!!!! SHOPPING!!!!! SHOPPING!!!!! YAHOOOOOO another reason to shop. What else can I say?
My favourite is SHOPPING!!!!!! SHOPPING!!!!! SHOPPING!!!!! YAHOOOOOO another reason to shop. What else can I say?
My favourite is SHOPPING!!!!!! SHOPPING!!!!! SHOPPING!!!!! YAHOOOOOO another reason to shop. What else can I say?
My best the morning taking photos of the boys all decked out. I try to get a picture of them getting on the bus and I follow the bus to school to take pictures of them at their new classrooms. I am thinking my older son will forbid the last part this year!!
The favorite back to school ritual is the haircuts! Every year, styles change and each kid gets a little more self-aware of what they need to look like in order to fit in or be cool! So what was cool last year is so-not-cool now. One year, one kid just had to have me buy massive amounts of hairspray and gel when the year before the style was au-naturel. I just can’t wait for school pictures again, cause its soooo funny to pull them out a few years from now and watch their faces say “MOM! You let me go to school with my hair looking like THAT!”
I have 3 girls (1 pre-teen and one teen). We go through their rooms one by one and see all the clothes they have not and will not wear for the school year and pack away or pass on to a younder sister or to give to a needy cause.
Then we hit the Mall. They now choose the stores they want to shop in and after much argument of what is acceptable and affordable, we buy. This way, when they say during the year that they have nothing to wear, I can’t be blamed! But I still succumb to the whyining and buy more for them!
Our favourite back-to-school ritual is taking each kids picture, all dressed up on the first day of school, standing on the front steps of our house. My mom used to do this when I was a kid and it’s neat to look back and see how much I changed and grew each year, and what the latest “fashion” was. Now my kids can have the same photographic time line to look at.
Thanks for the opportunity to have everyone dressed in style for the fall. Can’t wait to go shopping, especially with a gift card. Does it get any better than this? Thanks.
My kids love to go shopping for new backpacks, lunch bags and new clothes. They love the idea of have something new for school. My favourite school ritual is dressing the kids in their new clothes with their new backpacks and taking pictures of the boys together!!!!
I love back to school!!!
I have to admit that I also love Old Navy, while some things might be pricey, the quality of clothing is fantastic. I remember purchasing some long sleeve shirts for my daughters when they were younger. They lasted them for 2 1/2 years and still looked brand new. Never stretched out or anything.
I usually take my girls to the mall at the beginning of August and we make a day out of it. Most of the time, we get everything in one day, with only a couple of odds and ends left to pick up. We always try to find the best deal on things and kinda make a game out of who can find the best price.
Getting all the supply’s well before the rush then taking kids out to pick out their new backpack and a few favorite pencils/pens/markers. Also making a few rounds for clothing but I dont like to leave it for last min so we are in and out of the mall within a few hours. Afterwords we get a blizzard and go home and relax.
Haircuts, new jeans and new shoes.
My favorite ritual is to go supply shopping, we also sit down with the kids and discuss what things they will learn this next year. I sometimes buy them games and activities they might like and need in the coming year in addition to the regular supplies.
We luv back to school shopping, looking for all the newest trends is the most enjoyable thing about back to school shopping!!!
My daughter and I go to the park after school. If she does not have any homework, it often takes us three hours to get home. We go to two parks and stop to talk to our friends in the neighbourhood. Kalea loves our bonding time.
We would get new clothes when travelling during the summer. Dad’s vacation time and we were always camping. That way we had some memories from summer vacation and not the big commercial back to school frenzy. Plus clothes could be different, not always cought from the same few stores. Buy wherever the best price is otherwise.
We love shopping at Old Navy for the kids it has the greatest selection
of clothes for school and play
Taking the kids shopping for special school supply treats – ie. a fun pencil case, silly pencil – something to help them look forward to the first days back!
We make a list ahead of time and then we head out to have breakfast. When were done we head out to buy all the stuff needed for school
Pour over all the flyers and try to get the best deal on everything.
Pour over all the flyers and try to get the best deal on everything.
Darn can’t remember my login. Anyway, I love shopping for new school supplies. I love the smell of new pens, the way a new notebook is so full of potential. My son is entering kindergarten and I can’t wait to get all his supplies. I also love getting that new outfit. I always think of September as the real begining of the year.
Shoe shopping with my grandkidlets!! I loved doing it with my kids and now its my job with their kids!!
Our back school ritual is go shopping 😀 school supplies, clothes, bags…etc lots of stuff!
My kids love to go shopping and pick out their new backpack, lunch bag and new clothes. They love the idea of having something new for school. My absolute favorite ritual is taking a picture of the boys on their first day of school with their new backpacks and new clothes!!!
Our favorite ritual for back to school is the school supply shopping. I remember that I loved doing it as a kid-picking out my Trapper Keeper and pencil box. I like to make it fun for my kids too!
also shopping at farmers market few days before school starts
We love school supplies, so we hit the mall with our class supply lists and make a day of it. Bring on the binders:)
Shopping for old fashioned school supplies really reminds me of when I had to go back to school. Pencil crayons, markers, paper,binders, and all that good stuff! Takes me right back!
Shopping for old fashioned school supplies really reminds me of when I had to go back to school. Pencil crayons, markers, paper,binders, and all that good stuff! Takes me right back!
Buying the school supplies together!!!
Shopping for old fashioned school supplies really reminds me of when I had to go back to school. Pencil crayons, markers, paper,binders, and all that good stuff! Takes me right back!
My daughter and I always back to school shop and pick out everything we can. She loves to look for her new backpack and pencil case… and of course the “first day of school” outfit. My son on the other hand could care less and will use whatever I pick out for him… usually…
Well shopping anytime is fun but there is something special about back to school shopping,isn’t there!We love old navy not one local but about an hour away which is worth it since we can get so many clothes for a good price.
shopping at staples and zellers few weeks before the school
We shop the sales – the better the bargain the better the feeling. We then all get together for lunch to compare who got what and how far we stretched our dollars.
No rituals yet. We’re just starting out this year so it’s all new to us. We do have the backpack and lunch box already. I imagine this will be a yearly occurrence if not more frequent as things get lost or trampled much more easily at an early age. Pretty sure I will start the photo too. Not sure what else.
My daughter starts school this year, so it’s time to start traditions for us! 🙂 I remember my Oma taking us shopping for a new outfit though, when I was younger 🙂
I love to go shoppping with my grandchildren
Our routines for getting back to school is to stock up on clothes for the school year….living in Northern BC, there is little choice, so we pack up on holiday to the south (at least to Pr George) and load up on new clothes. We also have to buy a few a size bigger as the growth spurts seem un-ending! My daughter gets to choose a couple of outfits herself and okay’s all of my choices before the till. We also try out new lunch menus and spend evenings watching a movie and labelling all of her stuff (pencil crayons and felts included!). My daughter waits for school to start, now entering gr 5, waiting anxiously to wear her new clothes!!
Love shopping for back to school supplies, starting new traditions this year with my first going into kindergarten!!
The kids usually come back to school shopping with me. They love the idea of ‘new’ everything!
On the first day of school my mom always dressed us up in a new outfit (one she sewed herself, she was really good!) and before we headed off to school had us pose on the porch for a picture.
Now I sorta do the same with my daughter. She wears a new outfit (I bought, no sewing talent here) and I take her picture on our front step.
It’s great to look back at each photo and see how much she has grown.
We don’t have a ritual yet but I’m looking forward to start building one as this is the first year of school for my daughter. She is going to kindergarten and the whole family is excited about it!
We do wait till the last few days to go and pick up supplies and clothes. We also usually go to the pne on the last day which is right before the first day of school
We do wait till the last few days to go and pick up supplies and clothes. We also usually go to the pne on the last day which is right before the first day of school
Shopping, shopping and, of course, more shopping!! Buying the back-to-school items is a great excuse to get into the stores. And wow, do we love to shop. When we get home, my daughter and I watch a movie and label all her new school supplies and clothes. We talk about the upcoming school year and what she is looking forward to. We have such a fantastic time together.
Shopping, shopping and, of course, more shopping!! Buying the back-to-school items is a great excuse to get into the stores. And wow, do we love to shop. When we get home, my daughter and I watch a movie and label all her new school supplies and clothes. We talk about the upcoming school year and what she is looking forward to. We have such a fantastic time together.
My favourite ritual is the actual shopping with my daughter. She loves going back to school so the shopping just ramps up the excitement. When you get it all home she gets to lay it out and look at all the new stuff;)
I still get excited shopping for school supplies, that was always my favorite part and i get to share in it now with my 7 year old daughter. Picking out all the supplies, like pencils and markers and paper, i used to feel like i was going to work in an office….My daughter has acquired that same fondness of school supplies.
Taking pictures of my kids at our front step just before they head for the bus on their first day back at school. Great way to look back each year to see how they’ve grown..and changed their “style” 🙂
Taking pictures of my kids at our front step just before they head for the bus on their first day back at school. Great way to look back each year to see how they’ve grown..and changed their “style” 🙂
This is my daughters first year of school and I am starting the same ritual I had growing up. My mother would take us out shopping for certian things throught out the summer. We would go out shopping for our backbacks and lunch bags one day, then another day we would go out and get our school supplies and then we would go out and shop for our new clothes and sneakers. So far my daughter and I have bought her backpack, lunch bag and supplies. We are going out this week to look for clothes, accessories and sneakers. It is so much fun to watch her get ready for big girl school.
Mine is selecting which outfit, out of all the new clothes, is going to be worn.
Shopping with my daughter… She gets so excited to buy her back-to-school clothes and her school supplies. It is special Mom & daughter time that we both enjoy
I make it a special one-on-one day for each child. We plan ahead as to what is needed and then on the day, go shopping for the clothes and school supplies. We have lunch at a favourite spot that s/he chooses and just have a wonderful time together.
We have breakfast first, and then head out to the stores. My daughter and I have a great time shopping. She knows that I do the best I can to supply her with the things she needs. So that why I am so proud of her!She looks for special like I do1 Love that girl so much!
Buying a new backpack is our favourite ritual. They get sturdier and more expensive every year in the hope that it will make it through the school year.
I love buying school supplies. Since I’m no longer in school and don’t have a kid old enough for school yet, I still buy supplies every year and just donate them. Its a win/win. I get to buy stuff I like and others get to reap the rewards!
The school takes care of supplies, so I only have to worry about clothing for my daughter. We have fun shopping around, and can’t forget hair accessories. Can take a whole day
no rituals yet… just starting jk this september, but i think it would be the shopping for new clothes! 🙂
We love making a day of the shopping. Make a breakfast, then head out to the mall for clothes and supplies.
new backpacks and supplies
My favorite back to school ritual is shopping for new clothes! My son isn’t too fussy since he’s only going to grade 1 this year, but I am looking forward to spending one whole day with him with no distractions!
I remember going shopping with my Dad, he would let us get 2 pairs of pants,3 shirts,2 sweaters, 2 pairs of shoes. It was a day where i got to pick what i wanted.
We love to head to the local Office Supply store and have a blast starting at the top of the school list and checking off each item as it is put in the basket! I let the kids hunt for the items (The store get a copy of the lists before hand and usually has everything we need in stock and on sale). The kids love finding their school supplies and are really excited when they have found the last item on the list!
My favourite back to school ritual is getting the kids in the the timing groove in the last two weeks before school begins. This means day camps and scheduled outings- shopping mixed with other activities. This gets them used to getting up and out the door once again and the “bed times” that have been relaxed during the summer are followed one again.
Our favourite back to school ritual is buying a new lunch bag. It is such a HUGE ordeal….everyone has to have the RIGHT one!
I could really really really use this. I love old navy and have limited funds with a seven month old, two year of and a 11 year old girl going into grade six.
Plus I love Old Navy 🙂
We always have a ritual of having a fun day of shopping for back to school stuff….we have lunch at a place the kids choose.Their big day!
The kids may moan, but they are secretly excited by all the back-to-school ‘stuff’. They eagerly check out every single new piece of clothing, school supply, etc. It can be somewhat stressful when there’s more than one child to get ready, but it is also a lot of fun.
We are just starting grade one, so we don’t have any particular rituals yet, but I do look forward to picking up a new pack, some new outfits and labelling school supplies!
This is such a great time for the kids and I, we luv to buy the instyle clothes, and the school supplies!!
This is such a great time for the kids and I, we luv to buy the instyle clothes, and the school supplies!!
Every year we leave the boys at home and spend a Mommy-Daughter day to get the basic back-to-school stuff and new shoes, it’s a must! Then we do it again after the first week of school, once the teachers provide a list of what the necessary materials are. She loves the feeling of getting fresh new pencils and binders while we both enjoy spending some quality time just the two of us 🙂
Looking for the perfect ‘first day of school’ outfit with the kids. That and labelling all the new school gear with Mabel’s Labels!!
First day of school pictures have to be the cutest remiders of the back to school thing. Funny to see them grow each year.
Well I am the mom of 5 daughters 3 of which already go to school and my 4 year old starts this year. Every year in August we all load in the car and go to all kinds of different stores to get all our school supply stuff and new clothes . The girls look forward to this every year as they are gonna get new stuff. We have fun as a family together going store to store I enjoy it as a mom because we are all together and helping each other out. To win this $500 gift card from Old Navy would be a god sent to us as we now have to clothe 4 daughters for school .
Thanks for a chance
I love shopping with my daughter for clothes and school stuff. it’s something that I as a child, never got the opportunity to do – and I love that I am able to provide this for my children – so much fun.
My kids and I luv to shop we buy them all the instyle clothes, they luv to pick out there school supplies it is such a fun time!!
Every year, I personally take my daughter to school. This way she can see who’s new and who’s returned and it’s a way of making a highly anxious child feel more comfortable in her environment.
We also plan ahead as to whwat we need to buy in supplies and new clothes-especially clothes seeing summer seems to be her “growing” season.
Old Navy sure would help make her feel more at ease in her new school this year as she is nervous as to what is to be expected in the curriculum and social settings. Plus, it’s the only store I know of that has clothes that fit her right in the waist and length!
My favourite Back to School ritual has to be getting the kids dressed up in their new fall outfits making a big special breakfast and then lining them up for pictures in front of the house each year.
Our favorite ritual is definitely picking out the new book-bag! who knew that it could take so long to pick out the perfect book-bag? But I guess that’s half the fun!!! LOL
My 4 year old son is starting Kindergarten this year, so even though we don’t have any “favourite” rituals as yet, I am SO excited to start putting some in place! I have read through a lot of the UrbanMom posts and will take some good ideas and combine them with my own… VOILA! Thank you for the opportunity to win!
My favorite ritual was always the new outfit for the first day of school.
We get up and go shopping the day before school starts for the first day outfit. Everything else by this point is bought and ready to go and that day is left to have fun and see what we can put together. Then we decide on a spot for lunch. I have two kids so one year one picks and the next year the other picks. We pick up a best friend each and I take the five of them to lunch and then if they are up to it – mini golfing or something like that. My daughter is now 15 and has not missed one yet. I keep thinking this might be the year but I think she enjoys it as much as I do!!
Our favourite ritual is definitely going shopping for school supplies, my kids love to pick out their own stuff, we make a day out of it, get up early, drive into the city, after shopping go out for lunch, after lunch a visit with grandma then it is back home. It is a great day and a great way to get excited about going back to school!
My favorite back to school ritual is, spending one on one time with each of my children as we shop for new clothes… I wouldn’t dare take them all at once, they would be pulling me in all directions and have my head spinning… lol. besides I love the one on one time
My favorite ritual for back to school is shopping for all the new school supplies. That was always my most favorite thing to do as a kid and every year, I look forward to getting all new and cool stuff for my son to use! I get as excited as he does!!
My favorite back to school ritual is buying the kids new school clothes. They are always excited to basically get a whole new wardrobe. They love picking what to wear the first day. We also go through their old clothes to get rid of what no longer fits and sometimes they reminisce about an event they wore something to. It’s lots of fun.
sorry, wasn’t sure the first one went through 🙁
I have 3 children but only my 10 yr old son is in school. Our ritual is not that different then others. We go to his favourite shops and he picks out what he likes. What I like about it (and I hope he does too) is that we get to spend alone time together without the other children. It’s a very rare occasion when this happens so I think it’s pretty special 🙂
Shopping for new clothes and school supplies is a terrific ritual at my house because we live in a small town and make the trip to the city for this special event. We don’t get to go shopping very much, but back to school is always our time to go.
Favourite ritual is taking my daughter to pick out a new backpack and lunch kit.
Definitely buying school supplies; untouched scribblers and unsharpened pencils always felt like a beautiful brand new start!
I always take my son shopping for school supplies; I think this year I’d like to start a new one, just not sure what yet 🙂
Normally I am the one that goes back to school shopping as I am a teacher. This year is a special year for us as my oldest is starting JK and I am starting a new job within education. We like to go shopping for clothes that make us happy. This year we are buying big boy clothes and supplies and clothes that make mummy feel like a new woman! It is nice to be able to share this experience with children now:)
My favourite back to school ritual is picking out school supplies. Picking out funky pens, graphic binders and back packs to showcase a touch of individuality. Just thinking of the possibilities for these unused supplies!
It’s not much, but I take my son shopping for school supplies; I would like to start a new one this year, maybe going for ice cream after the first day?
Every year, I freeze a loaf of my homemade bread (that I only make once a year at Easter) so that the kids can eat it on the first day of school. It’s such a treat for them, and I love that they are so happy at breakfast time on a stressful day.
This is a special year for us as my oldest is starting JK and I am starting a new job in the education field. We go shopping together for clothes that make us happy! And this year, we are shopping for big boy clothes and supplies, and clothes that make mummy feel like a new woman!
Shopping, shopping, shopping!!
We love to go shopping together to find the perfect back to scool outfit. Sneakers and a new backpack are always top of the list. Old Navy is always one of our favorite stores to shop at.
We love to go shopping together to find the perfect back to scool outfit. Sneakers and a new backpack are always top of the list. Old Navy is always one of our favorite stores to shop at.
We love to go shopping together to find the perfect back to scool outfit. Sneakers and a new backpack are always top of the list. Old Navy is always one of our favorite stores to shop at.
Good morning
Well, I do have to say that this will be a different school year for us this year. My son is going to University, his first year, and the old school ritual is sure changed. No more running around trying to get everything ready, now it’s more of a relaxed feeling with us being the “purse” mostly 🙂 A bit sad, but let’s face it it’s the way life works, pretty soon he will be shopping around for school supplies for his kids. I am so proud of him…
My daughter is entering pre-school this year and I took you to buy her first back pack. She has not taken it off since she got it and even took it to bed last night.
We love to go shopping together to find the perfect back to scool outfit. Sneakers and a new backpack are always top of the list. Old Navy is always one of our favorite stores to shop at.
I really love getting all the back to school things ready. From the clothes to the backpacks.
Everything is new and clean (but does not stay that way for long) We have 2 going back this year and 2 who will have to wait one more year before they get to start school. So we have many more Sept’s to look forward to….
My kids are too young yet for school but when I was a kid my favourite back to school ritual was going shopping with my mom & sisters for our back to school outfit. I loved the feeling on the first day of school wearing my new “cool” clothes
My favourite back-to-school ritual is buying the school supplies. Nice fresh notebooks, good pens/pencils, locks, etc.
We try and start shopping early for back to school items as we have noticed everything gets picked over quickly. By the time fall rolls around we are already in good shape for what we need, and are always more relaxed.
We…actually I love back to school. I usually round up the kids and head to New York right before Labor Day. This gives the kids a chance to visit their Dad and family and get in some really cool shopping. We too have dinner and make it really fun. I still support our side of the boarder by shopping here. There is always something you need or that they forgot they wanted.
Well, we homeschool so our routine doesn’t change all that much but I always buy lot of school supplies…notebooks, binders, pens, markers. And we start signing up for lots of homeschool field trips. After a quiet summer, there are so many fun things to do…I look forward to it.
Buying school supplies is fun. Get to check out all the new goodies.
With a soon-to-be JKer and an old-pro-Grade-1 we are just learning about back to school rituals – yesterday we braved the crowds at Wal-Mart to get new pencil crayons, erasers….but what seems to be the most important decision is always the BACKPACK! This year we went for Transformers and Iron Man! They’re both so excited – such fun for moms and kids!
My favourite back to school ritual is cleaning up my kids’ dresser drawers and organizing their “school” clothes. This gives them easy access to get their clothes picked and ready for the next day, without having to worry about not being able to find or reach some article of clothing themselves. My kids help with organizing their drawers so they know where everything is and what they have. This makes it more fun and not as much of a chore when we do it together!
First we go through last year’s school supplies to see what we can salvage and re-use. Then we shop for any required new supplies. Also, the children always get money from their grandmother to purchase that special outfit for the first day of school, so we spend a day shopping for that as well.
We love to get ready for going back to school here…we go on shopping expeditions and have lunch or dinner out (a rare treat with 6 kids)…we choose the clothing and needed items (ie backpacks and stationary) and have a great time as a family, we try to stretch it out into a day long trip! They are more than ready when school starts just after that to get back into the groove!
We love to get ready for going back to school here…we go on shopping expeditions and have lunch or dinner out (a rare treat with 6 kids)…we choose the clothing and needed items (ie backpacks and stationary) and have a great time as a family, we try to stretch it out into a day long trip! They are more than ready when school starts just after that to get back into the groove!
We love to get ready for going back to school here…we go on shopping expeditions and have lunch or dinner out (a rare treat with 6 kids)…we choose the clothing and needed items (ie backpacks and stationary) and have a great time as a family, we try to stretch it out into a day long trip! They are more than ready when school starts just after that to get back into the groove!
Going shopping for new cloths, and school supplies. I love finding cute outfits for my little one.
Our girls are only 2 and half and 7 months, but we’ve always been very close with our 2 nephews aged 10 and 12. My in-laws have custody of them since their parents aren’t in the picture, so we always help out for back to school and Christmas shopping. We take them to the local mall and make a huge day out of it. Starting with lunch at the food court and then going to pretty much every store boys that age like (I was shocked to find out boys like to shop as much as I do! lol) By the time we drop them off at home, they’re pretty much set to go back to school and full of mall food!
Our girls are only 2 and half and 7 months, but we’ve always been very close with our 2 nephews aged 10 and 12. My in-laws have custody of them since their parents aren’t in the picture, so we always help out for back to school and Christmas shopping. We take them to the local mall and make a huge day out of it. Starting with lunch at the food court and then going to pretty much every store boys that age like (I was shocked to find out boys like to shop as much as I do! lol) By the time we drop them off at home, they’re pretty much set to go back to school and full of mall food!
I’ve always LOVED packing the brand new backpack with new school supplies!
We generally go to the various malls a couple of weeks before the start of school to see what they have to offer in the line of back to school clothes. Afterwards we do the school supplies and sometimes find great bargains.
Our back-to-school ritual is pretty much like everyone else’s; however, we don’t wait to the last minute. We gradually get what we need over the entire summer…leaving a few odds and ends to just around when school starts. Of course, some items are only purchased AFTER school starts! Yes, my tween needs to find out what is considered “COOL” and “IN” and then we go out to buy her the same. 🙂 I don’t argue with her….it’s soooooo much easier not to.
For many families, a new life and routine starts all over again in the fall. We space the clothes and school supply shopping throughout August to avoid being overwhelmed in the last week before school. Fun outings include school shopping, and it works great for us.
Old Navy is a great place to let your child shop for themselves and know that it won’t cost a fortune. You know they are going to love the outfits they picked themselves!
Going to Marble Slab Creamery after the first full day to find out how it went – it’s amazing how kids open up over some ice cream 🙂
My favourite back-to-school ritual was always the supply shopping. Picking out new crayons, markers and pencils was always so much fun, and looking for the hippest supplies at the best price was such a challenge!
shopping for school supplies and new shoes!
Sorry about the multiple post. My computer did not show me it was posted so I kept pressing submit. SORRY.
The girls get to go shopping for school items, which also gives me the oppurtunity to do a bit of shopping for myself 🙂 When they get items for back to school, i get myself a little something.
About a couple of weeks before school starts gradually start gettting the kids to bed early–lots of complaints about this. Start getting them up earlier in the morning to make them tired enough to go to bed early! Also, try to get some excitement worked up about it….seeing old friends, meeting new ones. Get them a few new clothes and new school items which heralds the new school year.
We’ll start the day with bursting excitement, singing & laughing all the way to the store. When I was young, I remembered fondly how I will try on all those new pretty clothes (by myself!) & see my mom’s proud smiling face when I open the changing room door & do my little twirls. I want my daughters to have such memories to cherish as well.
Now that my oldest is living on her own, I still have a teen to shop for when going back to school shopping. Having two girls can be challenging, since it is all about style. My girls are 8 years apart in age and there fore the youngest wants to follow the oldest in style sense. This can be difficult at times since my oldest is 21. We have our mom and daughter times together when shopping for clothing for school and she has to try every item on. Over the summer is when most kids have their appearance change from a younger child to an older child and even their taste changes in regards to clothes. Is very interesting to see the changes.
My favorite ritual is the school supply shopping, it is so much fun seeing all the new school supplies
School Supplies!
I have a serious addiction to all things Stationary :o)
My kids love it… well my oldest as he’s the only one in school yet… but the little one isn’t far behind!
The smell of a Stationary store gets my creative juices going, I love to check out the new styles of pens, markers, crayons, the newest binders, highlighters… oh the list can go on and on!
And seeing as my oldest’s school list seems getting bigger and bigger, I LOVE to shop for the best deals on the coolest products because he has an “image ya know mom!”
We also ♥ Playhouse Disney in this house!
Thanks for the opportunity Urban Moms, Old Navy, and PHD!
Back to school for me usually starts when the last school year ends. We get all everything except School bags (Just in case a new style or character comes out in the summer). In July, we do half our shopping here in Canada and then take drive over to Buffalo in August to get the rest (Yes, I shop at Old Navy in Canada AND the U.S.A). The second last weekend of the summer we have a boyz sleep over before we start our 1 week before school starts early to bed early to rise routine (Yes, even my 16 and 14 year old) back into the mode of a routine and order. Last weekend is Labour Day Parade leading into the CNE grounds followed by dinner at favorite restaurant or favorite meal cooked (Usually Lasagna). When All are off to school I take 2 days off work the first week to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Life is good.
Now that my oldest is living on her own, I still have a teen to shop for when going back to school shopping. Having two girls can be challenging, since it is all about style. My girls are 8 years apart in age and there fore the youngest wants to follow the oldest in style sense. This can be difficult at times since my oldest is 21. We have our mom and daughter times together when shopping for clothing for school and she has to try every item on. Over the summer is when most kids have their appearance change from a younger child to an older child and even their taste changes in regards to clothes. Is very interesting to see the changes.
Our back-to-school ritual is to spend a weekend at our cousins’ in Michigan and do major shopping at their outlet malls! We have a lot of fun and get great deals on some super clothing selections! We do shop Canadian too, but the deals in the US are too good to pass up at times!
Back to school for me usually starts when the last school year ends. We get all everything except School bags (Just in case a new style or character comes out in the summer). In July, we do half our shopping here in Canada and then take drive over to Buffalo in August to get the rest (Yes, I shop at Old Navy in Canada AND the U.S.A). The second last weekend of the summer we have a boyz sleep over before we start our 1 week before school starts early to bed early to rise routine (Yes, even my 16 and 14 year old) back into the mode of a routine and order. Last weekend is Labour Day Parade leading into the CNE grounds followed by dinner at favorite restaurant or favorite meal cooked (Usually Lasagna). When All are off to school I take 2 days off work the first week to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Life is good.
Shopping for school supplies, of course! You HAVE to have a brand new set of pencil crayons every year…
We start about 2 weeks before school starts to get back into the routine that we’ll need once school starts. Back to school shopping for clothes and supplies is always fun and then we pack the backpack about a week before to be all ready for the first morning.
Now that my oldest is living on her own, I still have a teen to shop for when going back to school shopping. Having two girls can be challenging, since it is all about style. My girls are 8 years apart in age and there fore the youngest wants to follow the oldest in style sense. This can be difficult at times since my oldest is 21. We have our mom and daughter times together when shopping for clothing for school and she has to try every item on. Over the summer is when most kids have their appearance change from a younger child to an older child and even their taste changes in regards to clothes. Is very interesting to see the changes.
Back to school for me usually starts when the last school year ends. We get all everything except School bags (Just in case a new style or character comes out in the summer). In July, we do half our shopping here in Canada and then take drive over to Buffalo in August to get the rest (Yes, I shop at Old Navy in Canada AND the U.S.A). The second last weekend of the summer we have a boyz sleep over before we start our 1 week before school starts early to bed early to rise routine (Yes, even my 16 and 14 year old) back into the mode of a routine and order. Last weekend is Labour Day Parade leading into the CNE grounds followed by dinner at favorite restaurant or favorite meal cooked (Usually Lasagna). When All are off to school I take 2 days off work the first week to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Life is good.
Back to school for me usually starts when the last school year ends. We get all everything except School bags (Just in case a new style or character comes out in the summer). In July, we do half our shopping here in Canada and then take drive over to Buffalo in August to get the rest (Yes, I shop at Old Navy in Canada AND the U.S.A). The second last weekend of the summer we have a boyz sleep over before we start our 1 week before school starts early to bed early to rise routine (Yes, even my 16 and 14 year old) back into the mode of a routine and order. Last weekend is Labour Day Parade leading into the CNE grounds followed by dinner at favorite restaurant or favorite meal cooked (Usually Lasagna). When All are off to school I take 2 days off work the first week to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Life is good.
We start the day with bursting new excitement, singing and laughing all the way to the store. Just like when I was young, I remembered loving to try on new clothes (all by myself) and see my mom’s proud smiling face when I open the changing room door & do my little twirls. I want the my daughters to have the same memory to cherish.
Back to school for me usually starts when the last school year ends. We get all everything except School bags (Just in case a new style or character comes out in the summer). In July, we do half our shopping here in Canada and then take drive over to Buffalo in August to get the rest (Yes, I shop at Old Navy in Canada AND the U.S.A). The second last weekend of the summer we have a boyz sleep over before we start our 1 week before school starts early to bed early to rise routine (Yes, even my 16 and 14 year old) back into the mode of a routine and order. Last weekend is Labour Day Parade leading into the CNE grounds followed by dinner at favorite restaurant or favorite meal cooked (Usually Lasagna). When All are off to school I take 2 days off work the first week to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Life is good.
My favourite back to school ritual is the first day of school. I always the week before off including the first day of school as it’s too exciting to miss! On the big day I make a big breakfast and drive the kids to school. I introduce my kids to thier teachers as well as meet all of their teachers myself. I come back at lunch and take them to McDonalds. I know it’s not the healthiest but the rest of the year they are eating lunch from a lunch bag so it’s a nice treat for them and it’s a wonderful treat for me because I get to hear all about their morning while it’s fresh in their mind instead of the usual “what you do today? nothing.”
I let them ride the school bus home so they can see who is on their bus as well as who is driving their bus this year.
The next day, it’s back to work and our regular routine.
The back to school ritual we enjoy is shopping for school supplies. We love checking the flyers and shopping for the best deals at Staples and Walmart. Clothes shopping is fun too.
With two girls, it’s all about the clothing! My eldest is going in to grade 7, JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL!!! so it’s super-important to her to be looking sharp this year. Good thing I LOVE to shop!!!
Our favourite back to school ritual is putting together the perfect first day outfit and then taking lots of pictures on that first day.
My favourite back-to-school ritual was when my grandma would take me and my sisters out shopping for new clothes. We would get to pick whatever we wanted from all the newest styles. Then we would put the clothes away to keep them in perfect condition till the first day of school. It really added a sense of excited anticipation to know that we had all those great clothes waiting for us and we always looked forward to the first day back to school!
With two girls, it’s all about the clothing! My eldest is going in to grade 7, JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL!!! so it’s super-important to her to be looking sharp this year. Good thing I LOVE to shop!!!
Mine was always capturing that moment on film with my 2 boys now I plan to continue this with my Granddaughter
well I always captured that moment on film with my 2 boys as they were growing up; now I intend to do the same with my Granddaughter
We love getting all new supplies including the search for a new backpack!
I’ve always loved back to school shopping – ever since I was a kid – the school supplies, the new clothes, new shoes, backpack, etc. It’s hard to get my son, 11, as excited as I used to be, but my girls are very excited and can’t wait to start shopping.
I love the idea of my daughter being occupied for part ofthe day again. It can get tiring having her home ALL day! My fav activity is shopping for cute new school clothes. Maybe this year she can tag alone as I shop 🙂
Mine was always capturing that moment on film with my 2 boys now I plan to continue this with my Granddaughter
I love purchasing school supplies, getting new fall outfits, new lunchboxes and the knowledge that the ‘school’ routine will soon be upon us!
Selfishly, MY favorite back to school routine is EARLIER BEDTIMES!!!
When I was a kid I used to love going shopping with my mom to get new clothes, shoes and school supplies for back to school. My son will be starting JK this September and I am planning to carry on the tradition by taking him shopping for school. I hope he enjoys it as much as I did!
My favourite back too school rituals for my 3 children would vary.
For my ist son-4th year college student-I would say-waking him up when his alarm goes off and he doesnt hear it.
for my 2nd son- a grade 12 student- my favourite ritual would be making sure he dont miss the bus every single morning-because he is always going to the bus stop on the very last minute.
for my 3rd child-my daughter-grade 2-student-would be dressing her in all the different outfits we buy for her back too school.,Each day will be fun for both of us as she decides what she wants too wear and she has long hair-so its all about the hairstyles for school.
I love the mother-daughter time spent hunting for those perfect back to school
Ya gotta be crazy to love this one! But I do….I love going shopping with the four kids for new outfits for back to school. Over the summer I have hit all the sales for other back to school items, books, pens, etc….and in August the kids scour their magazines, etc and put together an idea of what they want as their ONE back to school outfit (top, bottom, hat, shoes). Then the week before, when more sales are on, we go. They are delighted to try on what we have already pre-agreed upon, and when we buy the outfit they are delighted! I am happy as a clam because there has been no fighting, pulling out of hair, etc. Everything has gone smoothly. My one boy isn’t too interested yet in new clothes, but I sit down with him and he will agree to something, and then we just go and try on clothes for size.
Anyway, as a kid I loved the new outfit ritual, and now so do my kids!
My favourite ritual is going through my daughter’s old clothing.
I love it when we clean out our son’s room. We take all the clothes that do not fit him and give them to a local women’s shelter, so the kids there will have nearly new clothes to wear. Cleaning out his closet and dresser means we are going on vacation! We always clean the week before vacation and then we have a place to put the new clothes when we get home just before school starts. I cannot wait until next week!
We love to look around and find those perfect shoes and the backpack with the matching pencil case and lunch bag. And also that just right outfit to wear the first day. We loves shopping together to make that first day ….just right.
I love it when we clean out our son’s room. We take all the clothes that do not fit him and give them to a local women’s shelter, so the kids there will have nearly new clothes to wear. Cleaning out his closet and dresser means we are going on vacation! We always clean the week before vacation and then we have a place to put the new clothes when we get home just before school starts. I cannot wait until next week!
My favourite ritual is definitely buying new school supplies! There is nothing like brand new notebooks and fresh pens and pencils!!
my favourite back to school ritual is back to school shopping and the cne
We like to set the alarm clock a week early just to prepare ourselves for getting up at schoo time again. I find it’s not as much of a shock to the system and everyone is happier once school starts
My sons get excited about back to school shopping, I take one at a time for a “special date”, we go for coffee, hot chocolate for them:):):) Then it’s off to the stores to pick out back packs, sneakers, binders…..it started with my oldest when he was starting kindergarten & was scared, it made him excited for school & the transition was alot easier, so now it’s a ritual:):):)
I love it when we clean out our son’s room. We take all the clothes that do not fit him and give them to a local women’s shelter, so the kids there will have nearly new clothes to wear. Cleaning out his closet and dresser means we are going on vacation! We always clean the week before vacation and then we have a place to put the new clothes when we get home just before school starts. I cannot wait until next week!
we don’t have a ritual yet…my daughter starts JK in September!!! I’m really nervous and excited for her! We’re headed out for a cruise next week so all the school shopping will be done the first week in September!
I love to prepare back to school stuff for my kids ! My favorite ritual is to put notes and suprises into kids backpacks. If they miss home, they look at it and it’s ok to continue !
I love to prepare back to school stuff for my kids ! My favorite ritual is to put notes and suprises into kids backpacks. If they miss home, they look at it and it’s ok to continue !
I am a mom of three kids, all under the age of seven so back to school shopping is very exciting but a little daunting when I think of the time and cost. My ritual with the kids is to take them out individually so that we have a special day together. We start off with backpack shopping followed by a special lunch at the restaurant of their choice and once our bellies are full, we move on to clothes shopping (my favourite part). Summers always go too fast but I remember the excitement of the first day back to school and I want my kids to feel the same way.
We really enjoy going to choose our new school supplies… checking out all the gizmos and gadgets and new styles. Buying new back-to-school supplies helps everyone prepare for a fresh start in a new class. It is all very exciting!
My favorite back to school ritual is …. Getting up at 5am and going out ALL day long with my family to Toronto and hitting every store looking for sales.
My best memory as a child and one I have started with my kids is the pencil case. I always remember and loved getting new pencil crayons and a new case. We didn’t have a lot of money, so the bag wasn’t always new, but the pencils and the case were. My kids love to colour and draw so they always love a new set of pencils.
My favorite back to school ritual is …. Getting up at 5am and going out ALL day long with my family to Toronto and hitting every store looking for sales.
old navy is one of the only places i can find pants for my girls(5) that fit and are not going to break my bank…i have 2 girls but custody of my 3 sisters a 12yr 14yr (2) 16yr and one who just turned 18 finding the right size and fit is hard for me until i found old navy…between there and stiches all my back to school shopping makes it abit easier
My favourite back too school rituals-is different with each of my 3 children.
My ist son-4th year in college-is making sure all his school fees and books are paid up for.
My 2nd son-grade 12-is checking his cleaning out his clothes he has outgrew for the past semester and replacing with new stuff..and adding diminishing school supplies like pens,pencils.printer pages, and ink for printer .
My 3rd child-my daughter in grade 2-Its usually shopping for new shoes,fall jacket,a few pencils,a new school bag, and a lunch bag.Included in our routing of preparatuin for back too school-she will brush up on her math and writing skills so she will much better prepared for school.
My 8 year old daughter has already started asking when are we going to go shopping for back to school clothes. She has already picked out most of her school supplies and is waiting anxiously for mommy to take her shopping for clothes. We drive an hour to Ottawa to make Old Navy one of out Back to school stops. She loves going into the dressing room and trying on clothes and then modeling them for me. I also do some back to school shopping beacuse I am an Educational assistant and love shopping for new outfits for the new school year. Fun for all ages! 🙂
I love shopping for school supplies! I always enjoyed it as a kid myself…guess I never really outgrew it!!!
Well my son and I are new at this. He is starting SK this year. For his first year of school, we shopped around for his favourite characters on backpacks and lunch bags and matching drink and food containers of course. Then he comes with mommy, as a teacher, I need to shop for my back to school necessities as well, anything from clothes to school supplies. Finally, we order labels to put on all his belongings. So we are busy starting the 3rd week of August. The time is approaching for both of us to go back to school but we enjoy doing all this together!!!
Buying new Backpacks
Getting locker codes for locker in case they forget
New lunchbag
Any clothes they really need or school supplies
And of course Agenda for Mum so I can keep track of assignments /social /trips etc !!
New clothes….shopping, shopping and more shopping. My daughters love it….my son not so much (he’s the picky one)
for my family we go out to loads of stores and see what they all just might have and when it’s something my kids really want we go out and buy it for them back to school shopping starts early with my kids telling me what all they would like to have then we go out get there backpacks and load it up with all those wonderful school supplys that they need and enjoy a wonderful day out for lunch it’s the only time my husband likes to go with us shopping and with 3 kids i am always happy he comes along
I loooooove shopping! I like to go to a few of my favorite stores and check out the sales and the new trends. We usually make a day of it and go for lunch too. What better way to spend a rainy afternoon?
Even though we do not get a list of school supplies needed from school, it is always fun to go shopping for all the things we don’t need. Somehow everything gets used whether it is for school or doing arts and crafts at home.
We enjoy picking out all the school supplies, looking at all the new designs. Back-to-school shopping with new supplies means getting ready for a fresh start. It is all very exciting!
Ooooooh. School Supplies. I love the smell of new school supplies. Am I a little odd that I love the whiff of newly sharpened pencils and labeling all the supplies? It totally signals new school year to me!
Back to school shopping for new clothes and supplies.
Backpack and lunchbox buying is the most exciting. Watching the little kids get excited picking out their favourite character is fun. The teenagers get the largest backpack available.
The first day back to school always means a picture under the same tree in the backyard. As I watch the children growing…I see how much the tree is growing too!
Best ritual: getting new pencils, copies, and CLOTHES (even if it is just a uniform).
My favourite back-to-school ritual is shopping for school supplies, clothes, backpacks and lunch boxes.
My son is excited to get school supplies and i have to drag him clothes shopping. But the first day we stand out front of our house for pics, and he can’t get to school quick enough. Hope that never ends;)
Our back to school ritual is getting cool new hairstyles for those back to school pictures and co-ordinating first day outfits, shoes and jewelry 🙂
Our back to school ritual is made up of a girl’s day. My 11 year old daughter and I go out to the mall clothes shopping, shoe shopping, hair cut and all the little essentials she needs. We make a day of “doing lunch” and just hanging out together!
sorry about the triple comment – pls delete 2 of them – it took a long time to load the comment and it ended up going a little wacky 🙂
Buying school supplies and trying to keep to a budget?! buying new school clothes. Also trying to get readjusted to earlier bedtimes. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Buying school supplies and trying to keep to a budget?! buying new school clothes. Also trying to get readjusted to earlier bedtimes. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Buying school supplies and trying to keep to a budget?! buying new school clothes. Also trying to get readjusted to earlier bedtimes. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I always take my grandchildren shopping before they go back to school to pick one special thing. Usually shoesWe make a fun day of it. Lunch and someplace to play later
Bringing the kids to the mall can be a fun thing if it means they can choose whatever they need for school, but of course within the scope of what they need. New bag, clothes, stationery, food containers, water-bottle, shoes….
The official school supply shopping!!! All the new things to see!
lunch first then off to the malls to tackle the newest fashions with my grand-daughter and daughter
The night before we have a neighbourhood bbq and then on the first day of school we take photos of all the kids before heading out to find their new classes and teachers.
Love this time of year!
Where has the summer gone? School is just a few short weeks away and I’m not ready! Close to the end of August we’ll make a trip to Walmart for all the stuff we need.
Shopping for school supplies and shoes! My kids grow out of their shoes so quickly.
We always get a Slurpee on the last day of summer vacations and then head over to Walmart to buy the clothes and back to school supplies.
We always take pictures on the 1st day back to school with new clothes ,etc.
We always take a picture on the 1st day back to school with new clothes etc.
We always take a picture on the 1st day back to school with new clothes etc.
I used to love getting my new back-to-school outfits in August. Who doesn’t like new clothes? ——-apparently my 7 year old boy isn’t to fond of them. I suppose I’m lucky that he isn’t asking for $200 running shoes yet.
Our back to school ritual is going shopping together my wife, I and the kids. We really enjoy going to stores pick furniture and clothing.
My favorite ritual?
Taking my 2 kids shopping for clothes and then to get ice cream and then eenting 1 last movie before school starts! Of course we make popcorn to eat during the movie.
Definitely time spent with my daughter shopping for the new school year!
For me I always loved buying a big box of new Crayola crayons before going back to school.
Nice new school supplies was always the best part about back to school!
We go through all their supplies and determine what they still need from their school lists. We then go and get two baskets and a cart and buy everything else – sorting by child. At home, we put labels on everything – pencils included. The kids love doing it.
My favourite is shopping for school supplies! New stationary, new school bag etc.! So many new stuff coming out each year and just love to shop around!
We purchase new “Mabels labels” and label everything needed for preschool!
We purchase new “Mabels labels” and label everything needed for preschool!
We purchase new “Mabels labels” and label everything needed for preschool!
I stagger buying clothes because my kids always seem to have growth spurt. I have been burned three times with shoes and clothes not fitting by mid September. The things that I find really shocking is the list of supplies!
It isn’t “Back to School” if it doesn’t involve new shoes!
My fave back-to-school ritual is going shopping for my daughter’s ‘first day of school’ outfit. It’s so much fun watching her choose. 🙂
Shopping for back to school clothes with my daughter is so much fun. Now I know why my Mom liked it so much. Everything looks so cute, I wish it came in my size.
My favourite is taking my granddaughters to Toronto on the trainto visit the Eaton Centre to check out the new fashions and buy school clothes.
buying new clothes
Getting dressed for that first day is so special. Clothes get laid out the night before and get changed at least three times before an outfit is decided upon and the next morning everything has to be just perfect. After that day is over, from there on it is only clothes.
Back to school shopping is my favourite ritual as I love picking out new items and getting everything organized for a return to school!
My kids are still very young, my eldest is just starting Grade 1, and my youngest is starting JK. I do love getting them excited, and going together to buy their new backpacks and school supplies for them. They are so excited about school still that it’s really nice to see, and we spend some great time together!
Buying school supplies! The brand new fresh pages with nothing written on them. Nice fresh points on the pencils. I still love fresh office supplies!
Our favorite back to school ritual is (the night before) having the kids favorite dinner, packing their backpacks, picking out every detail if the outfit they are going to wear and watch Ferris Buellers Day Off.
My favorite back to school ritual is the 2 weeks before school starts that we start weaning ourselves back into a steady routine. Bedtimes get earlier, waking up earlier and lunch at whatever time I think it will be at school.
my favourite ritual is shopping for back to school clothes and the cne
The anticipation and excitement that builds as the 1st day approaches. Packing (and unpacking) the backpack is great.
I love bringing each of my three school-aged kids to the mall separately to have them choose their back to school outfit and stock up on school supplies. We eat lunch in the food court and spend the day together. We all love the special one-on-one time!
my fave part is shopping for backpacks. And new jeans!
Our favorite back to school ritual is remembering my daughter’s birth sister in Haiti and picking out back to school stuff for her too.
My favorite thing that my daughter loves to do is shop for school supplies!I know, most kids dread going back to school but she loves to pick out all the cool little things like erasers, pens, pencils and a cool backpack.Then on the first day of school, I love watching her walk into school with her big girl backpack on.It’s the cutest thing ever.A reminder of how far shes grown, all the things she does by herself now.It makes me so proud to be her mom!
My favourite ritual with my son is going to buy new school clothes and new school supplies. Every year this is the one time i do not have to bribe my son to go shopping with me.
My kids love picking out their own school supplies, choosing a new binder in a colour they want, not one that I have chosen. It is an easy way to encourage them to make their own decisions.
My favourite ritual with my son is going to buy new school clothes and new school supplies. Every year this is the one time i do not have to bribe my son to go shopping with me.
I love shopping for school supplies. It is great to stock up for the year.
I love shopping for school supplies. We always stock up on extra items for the full year. The prices are so great.
Dresses, jeans, tops and shoes – we shop!
getting school supplies, the kids love it and it makes going back to school fun, they also love going shopping for new clothes
We have several of my daughter’s friends up to our cottage during the last weekend of August.
buying a new outfit for the first day of school
We love all the new back to school clothes. Thank you Old Navy for putting the kids’ jeans on sale this week for only $10! I saved enough on those ‘necessities’ to splurge on some fun new tops for my three, ages 12, 9 and 6. Thanks too for keeping the girl’s clothes fashionable yet age appropriate. Our whole family loves ON!
i love writing a shedule of our coming activities. seeing what excitiing things are in store for us
New cloths, New school supplies , new Pjs so we slept good for school,
Just shopping for new school supplies and new clothes for back to school!
Just shopping for new school supplies and new clothes for back to school!
Just shopping for new school supplies and new clothes for back to school!
Probably getting organized after a long hot summer and getting the routine in place for the family.
Just shopping for new school supplies and new clothes for back to school!
Just shopping for new school supplies and new clothes for back to school!
Just shopping for new school supplies and new clothes for back to school!
I always loved, and still love, buying the back to school wardrobe! My kids, and niece and nephew have a special tradition every year at this time…they get to go, individually, out to lunch with Nanny, and shopping for one back to school outfit! 🙂
My favorite ritual is buting cloyhes for back to school
Love to shop for new supplies and clothes!
We all go shopping with our lists of school supplies and everyone helps. It makes the task so much more fun and quicker, too! Then another day we go clothes and shoe shopping. We’re all set for school with new supplies and a new wardrobe, too!
We all go shopping with our lists of school supplies and everyone helps. It makes the task so much more fun and quicker, too! Then another day we go clothes and shoe shopping. We’re all set for school with new supplies and a new wardrobe, too!
It is always fun to go shopping for new clothes; one for me – one for you!
Our favourite back to school ritual IS buying the list of school supplies. Having everything brand new is a nice way to start off the new school year.
Hair cuts and new footwear, some things never change
Our ritual is to visit the cottage one last time before school opens.
Favorite ritual would be buying new clothes.
Favorite ritual would be buying new clothes.
Buying new clothes!
Buying new clothes!!
Buying new clothes!
Buying new clothes!
Our favourite is hitting the mall to shop for new cool school clothes
I always take my nieces out for lunch and shopping trip to get a new outfit for school
Has to be the shopping, getting them new outfits and school supplies. We make a day of it and they get to pick the restaurant to eat at.
I get the school list at the end of the year with report card, I start shopping then for the next sept. also I get the list from a friend who has a child in the next grade so I am bought a year in advance. My son loves doing it cause he gets what he wants at a cheaper price cause it is end of school.
I always be sure to spend one night dedicated to ‘relaxation’ to get my mind in the right place.
Getting school supplies is the main back to school shopping for us. Our local schools has a required list and Staples Office supplies really works with it. They have all the lists and isles set up with bins of each of the products. It makes it sooo quick and easy to do!
Our back school ritual is going shopping together me and my daugther we really enjoy going to several stores and choose what we like specially clothing.
My son is starting grade 3 this year (hopefully their will be no tears on my part, they grow up so fast don’t they…) Our back to school ritual beings with shopping for just the “RIGHT” backpack. Then on to the clothes. 95% of his clothing is from Old Navy, so a contest like this is AWESOME!!!!! The new 1st day of school outfit is VERY IMPORTANT. Nothing like starting a new school year in new “DUD’S”. That was my favourite part of going back to school. Hopefully it will be his too 🙂
Getting school supplies is the main back to school shopping for us. Our local schools has a required list and Staples Office supplies really works with it. They have all the lists and isles set up with bins of each of the products. It makes it sooo quick and easy to do!
I like the ritual of `waking up at the same time everyday`.
Our favourite back to school ritual is buying the new backpacks for school. The kids get so excited about it and planning out how much stuff they can fit into them.
I used to love getting ready to start the new school year with my children. We loved shopping for school supplies and new clothing together. My children are adults now and have children of their own. So I now look forward to shopping with my grandchildren.
The girls and I search through all the flyers, sales , and then make a day to get the best stuff at the lowest price!
My family’s back to school routines include:
~Establish a bedtime routine
~Meal Planning (for lunches my kids will actually eat and enjoy!)
~Making a shopping list for clothing and back to school essentials (lunch boxes, gym clothes, school supplies, ETC!)
~Planning a trip to the school to establish where pick up’s and drop-off’s will be located
Happy Back to school planning everyone!!
I love getting all the snacks and school supplies that my child will need , never seems to be ending. he always get excitied when we go out and pick up all the goodies there always seems to be new and great stuff thank goodness for that since kids can be so darn picky lol
My daughter is very excited for first day of school
And helps to choose her own school bag
And new lunch box. She always reminds me to
Buy her something special to wear on that
First day when we are out shopping together. It’s so
Great to see her excited the night before the
Big day!!!!
I have never shopped at Old Navy even though there is one located in my community, I will have to go and check it out now!
One of the things we do with our boys mostly our youngest is couting down the sleeps till the day of getting ready for school.
Also for our oldest son we go to Old Navy for the jeans as they are the only ones that fit him.
So this would be great to get him some new jeans for the school year
and more.
I love old navy! You can stylish outfits for the kids for so cheap. As a single mother it’s a relief to find “cool” items on sale! Old navy definitely has a thumbs up from me!
We don’t have a ritual as of yet as this is my daughter’s second year of going to pre-kindegarten. Since it’s always us and her baby sister hanging out, I’m looking forward to taking her shopping, just the 2 of us, and making our own memories and rituals. From picking out clothes, a backpack, and shoes, to having lunch and one on one mommy and me time, I’m sure that we’ll have a blast!
I love shopping and so do my kids! My son starts school early, August 24, so we started early adn foudn smoe great deals! Especially on shoes which seems hard to do for decent velcro shoes. Nevertheless, thanks Skechers!
I love to smell the first cool autumn scents wafting on the breezes.
time to think of pencils, paper and a sweater or two.
Protractors, calculators, and oodles of glue stix, what to do, what to do….
so many flyers, all with the best savings….. spend more save more….. I am so confused…..
So we’ll stick with the basics, stay away from pricey stuff and wait for the colour in the leaves.
shoe shopping
I take each of my kids out individually to shop for their backpacks each year. They linger for quite awhile, looking at all the styles and options. After, we’ll have a nice lunch and some great one-on-one time. They look forward to this ritual too!
Even though I’m a father , I do a lot of the shopping for my boys.
I usually go to the local Mall and buy some new shoes and some new school supplies.
For clothing , I do go to the local Old Navy and K-Mart to purchase the merchandises!
i always remember shopping with my mom for the one special outfit and how it really wasn’t about the shopping, it was about the time with her. i’d like to bring that to my girls now that they’re school aged!
WEmake the rounds to all our favourite shops and check out what they have. Then we go back to the stores that had all the coolest clothes and buy them