Maybe everyone was out enjoying the sunshine because je-sus it was a quiet weekend in celeb land. I'm going to attribute it to an Arnie hangover. Everyone is still taking a few advils, downing some McDs and shaking their heads wondering what happened. The 'big' award show this … [Read more...]
Love Song – Watch and Listen
I'm not one for sappy love crap. Really, I'm not.However...This song gets me every time because it's just adorable and simple. That's all. Have a watch and a listen. C'mon, just do it.Happy Valentine's Day all!! … [Read more...]
The Lost Art of Conversation
There's so much that I'm looking forward to this Christmas. We'll be hosting family on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I have two weeks off with lots of quality pyjama time planned. And I've shopped early and am really excited about some of the gifts I'm giving. But one of the things I'm most … [Read more...]
The Fantastical & Magical. You could WIN!
My 7.5 year-old daughter is obsessed with fantasy. She spends most of her time running around the house in wizard robes casting spells on various members of the family. When she chooses a movie it is either Harry Potter, Narnia, The Sorcerer's Apprentice or the like. When she's playing, she … [Read more...]
It’s almost 2010…which means we are entering a new decade…
...which means we need to look back at the PAST decade...Today we will be discussing my favorite albums of the 2000s...1. Radiohead, Kid A, 20002. Arcade Fire, Funeral 20043. Band of Horses, Everything all the Time, 20064. Vampire Weekend, Vampire Weekend, 20085. Sufjan Stevens, Illinois, 20056. … [Read more...]
My Top 10 (erm, 12) Beatles Songs…
Obviously, you all know that Beatlemania has recently returned in the form of the super popular Rock Band game. YOU can now sing and play instruments the same way John, Paul, George, and Ringo did...Paul McCartney recently told Yahoo News. "The project is a fun idea. I like people having the … [Read more...]
A very veiny Madonna
I am hoping and praying that these photos of Madonna, 50, that were taken last week as she was leaving a London restaurant are badly photoshopped, because if they aren't, I know what I'll be having nightmares about tonight. Um, Madonna looks a little bit like one of the bodies in Bodies...The … [Read more...]
Bono is shirtless in St. Bart’s and looks seriously like Robin Williams…
...AND adjusts himself while spending some down time with his wife Ali Hewson before U2 kicks of their 360 tour in Europe this summer. you decide: or not? … [Read more...]
Will you remember me?
As urbanmoms, we've all got coping mechanisms for heading off the more negative signs of aging. We try to keep our bodies healthy and able to do what we want by exercising and eating right. We take care of our skin with creams and lotions to keep wrinkles at bay and age spots to a minimum. How, … [Read more...]
What’s Old is New and Still Tons of Fun
When I was a kid we didn't have the massive selection of toys available today. My sisters and I had a giant tub of Barbies and Barbie clothes. We made our own Barbie house out of book shelves, boxes, and tissues. We played boardgames like Monopoly and Yahtzee and coloured in our colouring books. … [Read more...]