Lady Gaga is famous for many things. One of them of course is wearing very imaginative and revealing outfits on stage – and off! Recently, she gained 25 pounds. In the world of the famous – where a woman is heavily judged by how she looks – this is the equivalent of any of the rest of us gaining 100 pounds.
Quite predictably, critics took note of the change and have said some very unkind things while making predictions about how long it will take her to lose the weight.
Never one to shy away from anything, the twenty six year-old singer shot back at critics by posting early photos of herself in her underwear on her website. It was accompanied by the caption which read:
“Bulimia and anorexia since I was 15“.
Gaga has been very vocal about her past struggles with weight, which she says is the result of body image issues. She has always openly shared her struggles with her fans (aka “lilttle monsters”) and this time is no different:
“My weight/loss/gain since I was a child has tormented me, “ she wrote on her site “No amount of help has ever healed my pain about it. But YOU have.”
In a letter to her fans, she also wrote that she is grateful for their role in helping her find confidence with her body:
“This is who I am. And I am proud at any size. And I love you, and want you to be proud in any form you may take as well. Please don’t look for kindness in critics, go where you know the gold is. Here, in (our) hearts.”
Gaga attributes her weight gain to her father’s yummy Italian cooking and her new-found confidence to her boyfriend’s (Vampire Diaries actor Taylor Kinney) encouragement for her to be healthier and more voluptuous:
“My boyfriend prefers me curvier, when I eat and am healthy and not so worried about my looks, I’m happy. Happier than I’ve ever been.”
Long known for shocking the media with her theatricality and nonchalant attitude, it seems that the most shocking thing Lady Gaga has done is gain a few pounds while being proud and honest about it.
I’ve never admired her more.
I’m going gaga, too. good for her!
Wow. I am amazed. Like Tracey, I’ve never been a particular fan, but now? GO GAGA!
Wow. I am most definitely a Gaga fan!
I’ve never been a huge fan of hers, but I’m so glad she’s on track to being healthier – and looking so much healthier too! I wish there could be a kibosh on weight-issues of people everywhere by critics. The kinds of things they write are just cruel sometimes… most times. I try never to read that crap, but it’s hard to avoid.
But good for Gaga!!