I chose not to recap the post-Superbowl episode, because, well, frankly, with the exception of their halftime performance, I didn’t like it. In contrast, this Tuesday’s Silly Love Songs may possibly go down and one of my favorite episodes of Glee. THIS would have been a much better episode to air after the Superbowl, I mean, if the goal was to show people what Glee is all about. This is the Glee I love…these small-town high-school kids doing things that small-town high school kids are apt to do (well, mostly) with some great music thrown in for good measure.

It’s Valentine’s Day and it seems like everybody who is everybody is in love.
With Blaine’s question of “Do you think it’s too much to sing to someone on Valentine’s Day?” we have an official episode theme because NO. No, it’s not too much to sing to someone on Valentine’s Day.
Puck finds himself unlikely in love with Lauren…mostly because he can’t have her (to the tune of Fat-Bottomed Girls). Tina is in love with Mike (to the tune of My Funny Valentine). Artie is in love with Brittany (to the tune of PYT). Kurt is in love with Blaine and Blaine is in love with the boy at the Gap (to the tune of When I Get You Alone). Rachel is in love with Finn (to the tune of Firework). Santana is in love with herself, and gets bonus points for all her one-liners: “Finn only wears that gassy-infant look when he feels guilty about something.”
And Quinn and Finn are, well, big fat cheaters. Finn’s kissing booth earned him $324 for, um, half a ticket to Nationals (that Mr. “addicted to vests” Schuester pointed out) which was sort of a sweet Finn-like gesture…but now I kind of hate him. He is doing exactly what he gave Rachel such a hard time for. Cheating. Oh, Finn. This seems like it’s going to end badly.
(Um, was that some Santana and Sam foreshadowing we saw there?)
The only thing this episode could have used was a little more Sue. Other than that…I give it an A+
agreed. I thought it was one of the best episodes I’ve seen.