I usually HATE Kate episodes, and I’m kind of hoping that this one, What Kate Does (read: runs and/or tries to help. See: Claire and Sawyer), is the only Kate-centric one we’ll get this season. There are too many loose ends to tie up to waste time learning more of the same about Kate.
BUT, that being said, I didn’t hate this episode. And sure, it did what LOST always does and created more questions than answers.
BUT…Claire’s alive (probably; possibly) and she’s all channeling her inner Danielle, setting traps and looking all confused/mean and shooting people in the jungle. Except for Jin…she didn’t shoot Jin. Why? And is Claire “infected” the same way the French team was infected? Or maybe the team was fine and it was actually Rousseau who was “infected” and that’s why she killed her whole team?
BUT…Ethan is in sideforward LA! and he’s as creepy as ever and making jokes like, “I don’t want to stick you with needles if I don’t have to” even though no one’s buying that crap, Goodspeed.
BUT…Sayid is only mostly dead and then gets taken to the pit of despair and the six fingered man tortures him. Oh wait, no, that’s the wrong movie. But, yes, he fails some sort of test and has “the sickness” in him and so Jack needs to give him a little poison (Ioncane powder, anyone?) to kill him. Although, honestly, I don’t think they want to kill Sayid…just the sickness, but everyone talks in circles on LOST and everything cryptic so he can’t just come out and say it.
BUT…there’s some weirdness in sideforward LA…Claire calls her baby Aaron, as if she just knew it was his name. Kate sees Jack. She SEES him.
BUT…Jack kicks some major ass this episode. I like season 6 Jack (just not his hair)
BUT…Sawyer breaks my heart.
BUT…Hurley and Miles bring the funny:
Hurley: Yeah, see, private talks kinda freak me out because they
usually lead me having to do something I don’t quite understand.
Jack: I’m right there with you.
Miles: That’s fine. We’ll be in the food court if you need us.
SEE? It wasn’t all about Kate…