we’re counting down this week folks…we’re going to cover everything entertainment from 2007 until we ring in 2008…from the best music to the best movies to the best fashion disasters to the best tv to the best games…and much, much more!!!
today we’ve got the biggest and best pop culture moments of 2007…and they are…not in any particular order…
1. Anna Nicole Smith dies.
2. Lost season 3 ends with a flash forward. off the island.
3. Sopranos fades to black and has the world singing Journey
4. Martin Scorcese wins an Oscar. finally.
5. Jim and Pam get together. finally. the world breathes a collective *swoon*
6. Ellen Degeneres weeps on National TV over the fate of Iggy the Terrier.
7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is released.
8. Britney Spears stumbles and sloshes through her comeback performance at MTV’s Video Music Awards in September
9. The ‘Summer of Apatow’ has everyone believing in the underdog…both Knocked Up and Superbad were hits.
10. Radiohead releases album ‘In Rainbows’ and allows the fans to decide how much to pay for it.
LOST season 4 january 31? i can’t wait!maybe the 30 thats a wendesday……