I am my family’s photographer. It’s a role that I take quite seriously because I, more than anyone else, enjoy reviewing the photos that capture our lives together. I’m the one who downloads them onto the computer, spends time editing, selecting favourites for screensavers, prints, photobooks, and gifts.
I take pride in my role and in my skills. I’ve taken photography courses, done extensive research before buying any camera, carry cameras with me wherever we go, and am quick to pull them out and chronicle our days photographically. But I’m always looking to improve my skills, my tools and my end results.
So, when I was asked to review the new Panasonic LUMIX DMC-GF3X camera, I jumped at the opportunity. I’ve spent the last week playing with this beautiful camera and I’m absolutely thrilled with it.

It also has a very cool intuitively touch screen LCD control that is useful not only in reviewing the photos I’ve taken, but also in adjusting the settings for the photos I want to take.
Here’s a feature that I know I’m going to appreciate. It used to be that I could sit my kids down for a photo shoot and have them grin at me until I was done. Now there’s a lot more going on (and a lot more attitude) and I have to be pretty quick to get a great shot. Among the world’s fastest AF technology (0.09seconds) means I can take advantage of spur of the moment shots. They’re all together…and not killing each other…and even smiling!
Click here for Contest Rules and Regulations.
The contest closes on December 22, 2011.
This camera review is sponsored by Panasonic. All content is true, based on Jen’s personal experience.