Where do babies come from?
Growing up we hear the stories of the stork and the cabbage patch but now that cyber space delivers more news then the stork we may need to consider adding a new tale.
One year ago today news of my son was delivered to my inbox. Three photographs and a couple of lines about his medical information.
Here is the picture that was attached

My agency called shortly after to ask that I make a decision by the end of the day. Shaking I called my sister and her answer was the clarity I needed to move forward. “Look at that face” she said “Oh he’s a little character, I can tell, and look at those eyebrows! They are beautiful, perfect. We need to meet this little guy, let’s go.” I called the “experts” too and got feedback on his medical information and they too gave me the green light.
But is this beautiful little guy my son? I didn’t know that day but I did know that I would be willing to travel across the globe to find out.
I called my agency back and said yes and ten days later Cat and I boarded a plane to meet Roman.
What an exciting moment and the feeling we will never forget! My mom said my little princess had a sparkle in her eyes and sure enough, not a day goes by that she is not absolutely happy! Your little man is a dream come true and we sure are lucky mommies! All the best to you guys and hope to see you soon!