1. I go from zero to CRAZY MAD in 2.3 seconds.
2. Pinterest makes me want to jump off a bridge.
3. My to-do list feels like a boa constrictor wrapped tightly around my gut.
4. I want to eat all of the things. Well, first I want to deep-fry them. Then I want to eat them.
Yep, it’s that time again.
The week before my cycle begins and I go a little cah-razy. (At least I KNOW I’m nuts. That’s the first step, right?) It is so bad that this month I walked into the Vitamin King store in town, the one that all the hippies frequent, and whispered to the clerk, “Do you have anything that will make me nice again?”
She recommended Gaba.

I had never heard of it before but I have been crunching these little tablets a couple times a day when I feel The Crazy* coming on and, perhaps it’s the placebo effect, but I feel a bit more like myself.
How do you handle PMS?
*I am not making light of mental illness. I am simply relaying my own personal experience of dealing with irrational mood swings, stress and hormonal issues.