Someone has hit the fast-forward button on my days. I blinked and Brinley turned two. Then I blinked again and Avelyn started first grade. Then I blinked again and Karenna had her first day of Junior Kindergarten. And I blinked again and the summer was gone and fall has arrived and I am just feeling a little lost in the blur of it all. I have been working too much, running too fast, missing too many moments.
So I took my last baby to the garden to pull some ripe tomatoes off the vine. I made sure not to blink. I felt the sun, smelled the greenness of the garden, held the smooth orbs of red fruit in my hands, watched my baby’s chubby fists paw at the vines and inspect her harvest.

Then I had to go back to blinking, but those few moments, when my eyes and heart managed to stay wide open, they sure were beautiful.
That’s great, girl… xox
Love this, Amanda. It is so important!