I passed my real estate exam!

This year has been more than a little crazy: completely renovating our home, having a third baby, starting the real estate course when she was four weeks old, committing to an intense boot camp exercise regime at 6 o’clock in the mornings, totally changing my nutrition and really focusing on getting healthy for good….all while getting up every couple hours, every night. It makes me tired just thinking about it.
We’ve lived much of this year in survival mode and now that the real estate course is behind me, I am taking the entire summer off before resuming work, to truly enjoy our family, be more present and maybe even mop my floor. MAYBE.
In retrospect, I took on a bit too much this year, but now that I’m through the fire, it feels good to look back on all I’ve accomplished. None of it was easy, but I stuck with it.
What’s the hardest thing you’ve done lately?
The hardest thing I have ever done is also the saddest. I arranged my husband’s funeral earlier this year and my 16 year old son and I gave the eulogy.
Was glad to read this post about some great personal achievements.
WOW. that’s a whole lotta crazy stuff at once, and I know how hard I find it to juggle that many big things – I’m VERY impressed! My craziest year recently might have been when expecting my second, we renovated (ourselves, we’re DIY types) the third floor and exposed the brick wall while I was working a new position and trying to wedge in as much time with my daughter as possible before the next one arrived. Still nothing on all this, though.
I’m so PROUD of you, lady!! *Phew* You amaze me… (and I went to bed last night wondering if you’d written it yet…!!) Enjoy your summer off, woman. You deserve it all!!
I’m pretty sure that is a “third baby” thing.
It sounds oh so familiar 😉
Way to go, you!!
That’s amazing Amanda! I can’t believe how much you accomplished this year. You should be so proud of yourself!
Congrats!! It’s funny sometimes, once the nesting instinct has kicked in, what we can accomplish with a wee one in tow. Now enjoy the summer off!!
the hardest thing i’ve done is read this post! you’ve made me tired but very proud of you, too. 🙂 you are certainly inspirational and i can tell myself, yes…it can be done!
I think you are amazing……..you and that tiny bit of help you mentioned God gave you….well done Amanda, you look great and have achieved so much….now to enjoy cleaning ladies, days at the beach and lunch with the girls (scattered sparringly between the usual craziness)
Congrats, Amanda! There is no doubt, you are one of the hardest working moms I know! Baby number three is on its way in our home and you are such an inspiration to just keep on trudging. I hope to survive the third with even half the finesse as you have!