I have been attending a boot camp exercise class twice weekly for the past two months and I LOVE it. Initially I had dreams of shedding 20 pounds in 30 days and flaunting my new, sinewy frame in a pair of size two skinny jeans, but the actual results have been unexpected: I have lost 12 inches off my body, I have firmed and toned up, I am stronger, and…wait for it…I have become one of those people who actually likes exercise. I didn’t know I was capable of any of those things, really.

In the past when I tried working out, I would take up long-distance running, push myself too hard and get a pesky injury. Then I’d quit. This time around, knowing that I don’t have to lose the weight as fast as I can just so I can get knocked up again, I decided to take a more gradual approach. Instead of aiming for six work-outs a week, sticking to that plan for a days, then missing a session and throwing in the towel altogether, I have instead mastered consistent twice weekly exercise and just last week added in another work-out. It feels so GOOD!
Honestly, even if I don’t lose another pound, I would keep going. The endorphins, the sense of accomplishment, the camaraderie, the example I’m setting for my girls, the health benefits, the LIFTED BOOTY…so worth dragging my tired arse out of bed at 6 am after another sleepless night.
Have you found and exercise plan or activity that you love? What motivates you to stick with it?
I started a couch to 5k recently and really liked it, but the return of winter means |I have to shelve it and start again because if there is one thing I know, it’s that any plan to go out and jog in the snow is fooling myself, and I would rather wait and start again than feel like I totally failed and give up. But yes, like you, I was surprised that people liked running, but I was enjoying the sense of accomplishment and the fact that even tired, I felt energetic at the end of an outing.
You’ve got the right key exactly, lady!! Go easy on yourself, instead of an all-or-nothing kind of thing. It’s waaaaay to easy to throw in the towel when you miss a day.
I don’t have a routine at all – I walk everywhere – but I think I should get back to adding some stuff just to stay toned. And bathing suit season is right around the corner… *shudders*
I hate exercising though. I’ve never liked it, no matter how I try to look at it. Poo.
I LOVE it that you’re loving it! You’ve done so fantastic with sticking to it and being consistent and then there’s the 12 INCHES to get excited about!
I need me some of those legwarmers.
Yay for exercise! I used to workout, before I was married, one with hopes of thinness and two of hopes of a hot guy. Since I had a hot guy, and had two babies I kind of let it go. It was on the to do list I just never, to did it.
I lost a bunch of weight and that rocked but I didn’t feel great. I was tired and weak and unhappy. So I started working out a few months ago and it’s fabulous. I do 6 days a week (squeezing in the odd extra workout when I can) and keep track online to see the effort. And while the scale hasn’t moved much the tape measure has and I love how I feel! I’m energized, proud of myself and i can chase the kids around the yard without weezing like a 70 year smoking veteran. I also love that the girls “workout” with me, ask me after each workout if I’m “Heavy (healthy)” now? And understand that we eat right and exercise to have healthy bodies and be healthy for our friends and families.
So great for you that you’ve found something you love and I’m sure you look fabulous (Like you always have!)