If my mother is coming for a visit, you can pretty much guarantee that our children will catch some sort of nasty virus (usually involving high fevers and copious amounts of barf) and they will be miserable the whole time she’s here, I’ll be a sleep-deprived mess, the house will totally go to pot and she’ll spend her days cleaning up after her sick grandchildren and domestically disabled daughter.

My parents left the prairies this morning to make their way to our place for Christmas, and Karenna sensed their imminent arrival and started ralfing last night. She threw up all night long, and I am not even exaggerating. The night was spent in a shallow state of non-sleep wherein I would be roused by her gagging, try to put a bucket under her, she’d miss the bucket and soak her jammies with vomit, I would change her, lie her down with a dry blanket and then we’d sleep for 20 minutes until the next round of gagging began. Poor kid. It was such a (smelly) haze and even though it only lasted 12 hours, I’m still reeling from the sleepless night and the mounds of barf-soaked clothing that needs to be washed and folded.
I am fully expecting our entire household to catch the virus and be terribly ill for much of my parents’ visit (if you set your sights low, you won’t be disappointed when things go wrong, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised if they don’t) and we’ll chalk another one up for The Grandmother’s Curse, the strange phenomena that hits us every time my mother nears the province.
I had great plans of getting the house all in order and ready for the arrival of my family, but I think the best I can hope for is running through the place with a bottle of industrial-strength air freshener to mask the eau de barf that’s lingering in the air. Happy Holidays!!!
Does this happen to anyone else or are we the only ones who suffer under the Grandmother’s Curse?
you never once said – thank god it is my mom and not my mother in law! could that not be worse?????
yes all falls apart when it is most important for it not too. My children hacve given my parents lice, pink eye, stomach flu and strep.
The gift that keeps giving!
I was going to say it sounds just like Tracey!!! I unfortnately don’t have my mom…so we don’t have that curse but every time he’s barfing (or I am) I dream that she would swoop in and save us…and I bet your moms LOVE swooping in and saving you guys. Hope you all feel better soon!
Oh honey… you KNOW how I commiserate! The very same thing happened here (only sans puke, blessedly) and now that we’re FINALLY back to feeling normally again, I’ve just begun the Christmas shopping and stuff. We’ll be alone for the holidays, which is just as well, since the house is barely decorated or Christmassy – no one’s had the strength to do much around here. Boo! I hope this isn’t a curse, but rather just (another) unlucky visit for you this time around. Next time will be better!!
I hope your small one feels better really fast. Oy!!
No curse here – all 4 grandparents live within a 5 minute drive.
I will commiserate with the puking, however.
My oldest had what your dealing with now 2 weeks ago. Exact same – NONSTOP puking for 12 hours.
My middle one is just coming off a weekend of puking and the poops. I am just waiting for the little one to get it next. I’m hoping it at least spares us for Christmas.
Healthy vibes your way Amanda!!
Hmm, I think we’re the curse around here. EVERY time my parents visit us from the prairies, one or both of them gets sick. A few weeks ago we gave my mom food poisoning when she came to help us out. Classy.