It’s been about 6 years since my oldest lost his first tooth.
It was one of the things about parenthood that I absolutely dreaded. Loose teeth.
When I worked in childcare, loose teeth were one thing that just made my skin crawl.
Dealing with my own kids makes no difference.
It’s not like snotty noses or poopy diapers where it’s easier to deal with your own kids nasty bodily excretions.
Loose teeth just do me in. Especially the Nanny McPhee tooth. You know…the tooth that ends up in the middle of the front of their mouth. And every time they open their mouth it’s facing a different direction. UGH.
Luckily at that point you only have to put up with it for a day or two before you get the toothless wonder grin.

Luckily at that point you only have to put up with it for a day or two before you get the toothless wonder grin.

I’ve lost count as to how many teeth Cam has lost so far. Last night he lost another and it was just as bad (for me) as all the rest have been (for me).
We were sitting at the dining room table doing homework. I was working on spelling with Cuy, while Cam sat across from us doing math. Like this:

ohhhmyyyyygaaawwwwd. please stop. please. or fall out. hurry. end this now. i am so nauseous. how can this still be so hard for me? and omigod Eva hasn’t even started yet…
And then after about 10 minutes – success.

And then after about 10 minutes – success.

I could devote an entire post on “loose teeth and autism”. Cuyler hates having loose teeth as much as I hate seeing loose teeth.
Eva turns 5 in January. I can only assume that her teeth will start to wiggle in the next few months. It will start all over again. I’ll have 3 kids losing teeth at various times through the year. The tooth fairy will be working over time.
Another 7 years of wigglers to deal with. Super. Bring on the barf bags.
Am I alone here? Anyone else grossed out by loose teeth? Anything about parenting that you don’t deal well with?
Nope! Love the teeth falling out…I even keep tooth necklaces at school that act as a kind of headhunter necklace for the brave second grade warriors of the tooth world. Now, watching anyone brush their teeth and spit – that is horrifying to me. I always look away when M needs to spit. There’s a cute book called, “Throw Your Tooth on the Roof”. It explains what kids around the world do when they lose a tooth.
Not there yet, but, it doesn’t gross me out.
Then again, almost nothing does.
My girls keep asking when they will lose a tooth. They’re dying for the tooth fairy to come.
I used to tie a string around my tooth and one around a door knob and my cousin would slam the door. It only worked once. Be glad you don’t have a kid like me!!!
I didn’t think I had loose tooth issues – but your pictures made me gag. The autism/teeth thing I’m well familiar with though. Scotty had massive dental work done a couple months ago..then he got obsessed with watching videos of extractions on youtube….NOW he chases will around with dental floss…hoping for a chance to yank it out I think…so hilarious!
I totally think it’s fun! Those Nanny McFee teeth never happened in my house. I yanked them out before they got to that point!!
Can’t say I do have tooth problems -I kinda think it’s fun. But yes, there are other parts of child grooming I wish I didn’t have to deal with. Hang in there (pun intended)!