…it thunders.
At least it seems to these days.
Poor Cuyler. Every airplane that flies overhead. Every train that travels past. Every drawer that slides open. Every pair of feet running down the stairs.
No Cuyler. It’s not thunder.
But…when it is thunder…we just gotta roll with it and wait it out. And it sucks. It sucks so bad.
Just ask him.
(he’s trying to be brave and smile for me)
We’ve given up on trying to reason with him. That the rain always stops. The sun will always come out again. He is safe. He is going to be fine.
That maybe…just maybe…he’ll get to see one of these:

That maybe…just maybe…he’ll get to see one of these:

I have to say though. The joy on his face and his excitement of the rainbow completely makes up for the drama we go through before it appears. I just wish he didn’t have to go through the pre-rainbow trauma.
He also does not like fireworks. He doesn’t mind watching them. But he freaks out when he hears them. Which made this weekend (insert sarcasm here) super great.
FOUR nights of fireworks and toss in a couple of thunderstorms. Good times.
We’re just thrilled that Daddy was back from his trip to help us get through it all!
FOUR nights of fireworks and toss in a couple of thunderstorms. Good times.
We’re just thrilled that Daddy was back from his trip to help us get through it all!
Poor guy! Sorry to hear that one is still going strong.
Hi Pam – thanks SO much for your comment!
So many of Cuyler’s issues stem from his sensory system.
We think that this is just pure anxiety. We have tried the social stories about bad weather (being told when it’s sunny out!), we’ve gotten books on weather to explain why it thunders and what thunder is.
Hubby bought some super expensive noise cancelling headphones for flying and they are amazing. Cuyler just won’t wear them…*sigh* and not because he doesn’t want them on – he just is obsessed with the thunder and has to hear it, yet it freaks the hell out of him…this is one mystery we just can seem to solve. Most auditory issues we’ve faced tend to pass after a while, but this is going on year 3. It is less intense than previous years – but still very hard on him (and the rest of us who actually love a good thunder storm!)
I am hopeful that it won’t be like this forever and we’ll look back and say “Remember when…”
Again, thanks for your input and suggestions!
Och… poor Cuy. And poor you!! I’m so glad to know your husband is back though… poo.
Hi Christine
Sounds like his sensory system — he’s sensitive to certain noises. Might be the pitch etc.
There was a time we couldn’t go to church because of the babies crying/choir.. and at school there was a huge fear of the fire alarm. Couldn’t stand it.
You might play around with different types of ear phones/comfort options/social stories.
Teens these days wear the big oversized earphones (guess they’re cool) for listening to tunes. Maybe he’d be willing to wear a pair of those and listen to some soothing music or even watch a DVD in situations when/where the noise is too intense for him.
Just a thought. : )