I just put Will to bed. He’s in kindergarten. He’s five. He hugged me and said, ‘you’re the best mom a boy could have.’ This is a marked improvement over two weeks ago when he said, ‘I wish I never had a mom.’ But I digress. Let’s go back to the sentence – He’s in kindergarten.
After tomorrow, he’s not any more. In September, he’ll be in the first grade. He won’t be in the Kindergarten Room at daycare either. He’s moving on up to the School Age Room. This starts Monday. I’m not ready.
This is my baby. The one I just bathed in my sink last week wasn’t it? Oh right. Nope. Only his stinky boy feet get washed in the sink now.
This is my little toddler. The one who just got toilet trained last week right? Nope. Now he takes pride in peeing standing up and asks for privacy when he’s having a poop.
This is my preschooler. The one who would cling to me when I would drop him off every Monday at daycare. Nope. This is the one who keeps asking when he gets to walk to school with his friends.
Nope. This is my little boy. My first grader. I’m so proud of the kid he is becoming. And I’m excited to see what the future holds for him. He’s going to do amazing things. I just wish he’d slow down with this growing up thing!

At two…and five…
But I’m so thankful that at night, I can sneak into his room and watch….and he’ll stay my baby, at least until blankie falls apart.
it’s amazing how, when they’re sleeping, they look just like they did when they were so wee. i guess one can imagine anyway 🙂 my oldest baby is going into grade 6! cue screaming 🙂