As you have known reading my reviews, I am in love with Word.
While I only dabbled into the other Microsoft Ofice 2010 options, I filled a great need to utilize Word for my household and work-at-home needs. It helped me invoice, blog to publish and make birthday party invitations. Word 2010 helped me feel tech savy even though I am not.
I do see that it is a great service to many household with their newest software from Microsoft Office 2010. From the kid needing to do homework projects at home, to the mom balancing her budget while emailing, I recommend for anyone to buy Micrososft Office 2010.
I thank Microsoft and Urban Moms giving me a trial offer to try this amazing Home Office product. I learned so much. I feel empowered,can do and be computer literate.
There are many bells and whistles that you may not need yet- but never say never.