Tips for Summering in the City:
1. Be sun safe. Wear a hat. Cover up. If you can’t (or won’t) cover up, do not forget sunscreen. You need to apply it about 20 minutes before exposure to the sun so remember to slather it on before you head out to your destination. Then remember to reapply every few hours and after swimming. You just can’t be too careful when it comes to the sun.
2. Keep hydrated. Don’t forget to pack water bottles (although beware that some amusement parks will not let you bring commercial beverages onto their premises so you’ll want to bring your own reusable bottles). And I know it’s heavy to carry water around all day, but bring about twice as much as you think you’ll need. You won’t regret it.
3. Know your environment. Nothing can ruin your day more than having to head home early because of an unforeseen accident or illness. I’ll never forget the day we had to turn around and head home from the zoo less than half an hour after we got there. My oldest daughter has environmental and animal allergies, and she started to sneeze and cough almost right away, and pretty soon her eyes were watering and she was coming out all over in hives. So now we always give her a dose of antihistamine before we go to the zoo, the farm or anywhere there might be hay or fresh-cut grass.
4. Pack more than they’ll need. If you’re sending your kids off to a day camp for the first time, make sure you go over the checklist they send and don’t miss anything. A change of clothes is never a bad idea and I always pack them an extra big lunch or snack, because they are so busy they’ll be extra hungry. I always include a bottle of sunscreen and a hat (as well as instructions to reapply sunscreen at lunchtime) and a card with emergency numbers in their backpacks, too.
5. Be prepared. In the event you’ll have an unforeseen emergency, keep a properly stocked first aid kit in the car, stroller or backpack that includes all of the essentials you might need in case you hit some bumps along the way. For example, keep a good supply of bandages, antibacterial cream and an antihistamine for unexpected allergic reactions. Make sure your products aren’t passed the expiry date!