My name is Carly Cooper and I help first time moms work through some of the challenges that come with motherhood to create a happier more balanced life.
Becoming a mom for the first time is exciting. But it can also be scary, frustrating and very overwhelming. You’re now a mom, a wife, and a housekeeper who hasn’t slept in weeks and is carrying extra baby weight. My life coaching practice is called Listen In Coaching. If you or anyone you know is ready to "Listen In" and bring back the joy of motherhood, we can work together to create a happier more balanced life. I offer one on one coaching sessions or group sessions. Not sure what coaching is all about? Call or email me to book a free 30 minute sample coaching session. I can be reached at (905) 597-5454 or For more information about me and what coaching can do for you visit my website at
Ooops! We originally published this article in August with the wrong contact information. Our sincere apologies to Carly.