Rescue, A Grown-Up Program for New Mothers is a women’s seminar series and group. Rescue is based on my own personal need to discuss issues that were coming up as a result of having a new baby and the realization that I was not alone in these feelings.
Around 6 months after I had my son I noticed that I wasn’t quite the same "girl" that I was before I got pregnant. Not just in the simple and obvious way but in all aspects of my life and body. It took some time before I was able to figure out that not only was I one of millions who go through this but the title "baby blues" or "post-partum depression" wasn’t what was happening to me. I would call it more like "what the hell is going on in my world, my body, my head" – a complete shift in values, a re-evaluation of life. The worst part about it was it didn’t have anything to do with my son or even actually having a new life in our house but much more to do with me as a person and finding my soul again.
After doing some investigation of my own I realized that there wasn’t any information out there that was addressing this and talking about me, about all of me! That is what Rescue does.
My goal for Rescue is to aid women in discussing different issues that arise after having a baby. These issues are often difficult to discuss but really necessary to growing and developing in a happy and healthy way. I also think that being able to talk and connect to people that aren’t involved in your life, that won’t judge you, and are going through the same things, makes it easier to cover topics you might not with those that know and love you.
Rescue is a highly confidential forum. It enables you to get your most honest feelings out on the table and address these changes in your life. Rescue is an 8 week structured series discussing many relevant topics from getting your sex life back on track to handling guilt and making choices that make everyone happy.
I know there is a need for this type of program that allows women to take time to focus on themselves during this whirlwind adventure of parenthood. If you are interested in learning more about Rescue or attending a series, please send me an email. I would love to hear from you!
Laira – Founder of Rescue
Laira is the founder of the Toronto based group Rescue and mother of a 2 year old son, Aiden. Her experiences as an urban mom and her thought provoking seminar series make her a great addition to the Mind and Body section of