Well, summer’s over and we’re back to being urban. We’re back into a routine and actually feeling pretty good about it. It’s interesting though, the summer was often all over the place and I had forgotten about some of the things I loved about the routine – how much I love my morning latte, my fall shopping spree, and my TV. With all of the hustle and bustle and daily change in schedule I barely watched it. We were socializing with friends and family or up at the cottage or the evenings were simply too beautiful and long that I didn’t really think about it. Plus, I was always so pooped by 9pm! But now I feel like I might have missed out. OK…I’ll admit to you my guilty pleasure – Reality TV.
When Survivor first started a zillion years ago I refused to watch it out of principle. I was not going to sink to that level. Well, here I am and boy have I sunk…low. And from what I hear from my friends I missed an awesome summer for Reality TV. My pals got together every week to watch their fave – laughing, sipping cocktails and making predications. The exhausted moms answer to bookclubs!
So now that it’s back to reality I’m planning on getting back to Reality TV! So, what’s your fave? Let me know in the poll below.
Jen, urbanmoms.ca founder, is mom to a 7 year-old son and 3.5 year-old daughter. Share your thoughts below in comments, by email or in the forum.