They say when you make a resolution or a goal, you should make it SMART. After I’ve had my morning coffee, I think I’m pretty smart, but this SMART has a different definition. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. These are a few things that I am planning to work on in the New Year.
Being on time for school
This is an area my son’s dad and I fall short as parents. Once he asked me why our son was late fifteen days in a month. The only explanation I could offer is that they might have drawn the data in the middle of the month. He was not amused. To make it SMART, I would say, I resolve to be on time for school at least 2/3 days I drop off per week, increasing on time average gradually within the first month of the year. It’s specific, measurable, relevant and time bound. Achievable? Well, we are not morning people at all. Minecraft has made my son more of a morning person, but nothing turns me into a morning person like the coffee I reward myself with after I drop him off.
Integrating more vegetables into our diet
This is something we could all use. Once upon a time I had to crowdsource an image of a butternut squash (actually), so I feel like we could benefit from a bit more greenery or gourd-ery, as it were. I resolve to include (read: HIDE) vegetables in a minimum of one meal per day, at least five days a week within two months. If I can’t find someway to make peas taste like double chocolate brownies, the kale chips my kid is obsessed with are going to come in handy.
Getting my kid to clean his room more regularly
From the perspective of a continued adherence to fire safety standards, this is important. It also might prepare him to be an archaeologist one day, and they wear some pretty neat hats (think Indiana Jones). Once a week, I’m going to make sure his room is Better Homes and Gardens ready (or at least not so Katrina aftermath-y).
With these SMART objectives, I’m ready to up my parenting game in 2016. If we can get ourselves to school, eat more veggies and clean up after ourselves, we will be on track for a great year. I’m not sure what we will do January 2, but it’s probably going to involve morning coffee and some kale chips.
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