This was the other thing we picked up on our recent jaunt to Toys R Us. Only, it’s not for the children.
This one is for me.
You might know I’ve been riding Oliver’s scooter in the house (and around town) for the past couple of years, and though many of the neighbourhood children own one just like it, ours is worse for wear, what with random toddlers and little kids borrowing it and just letting the thing drop to the ground, the moment they’d finished riding it. The poor handle grips have been torn to shreds, and the alignment is always a bit off. The thing was looking decidedly… ghetto.
My darling husband bought one just for me, and I’ve been riding it EVERYWHERE. So much, that I’ve almost come to loath walking – if I possibly can, I’m riding this thing. And when the kids aren’t with me? I’m riding fast.
I bought a slightly larger messenger-style bag that can hold two bottles of wine *ahem* along with my wallet, keys, iPad, and assorted tidbits like a granola bar, gum, and band-aids for emergencies.
What I love best is riding inside the malls… the marble floors are so fricking smooth, it’s like a miracle. And whenever I pass a security guard, I just shake my head and say, I’m not really riding it. I’m pretty sure I won’t get a ticket – anyway, they’d have to catch me first.
It’s fast. It’s good on gas *snort* and it’s tres handy for my lifestyle – I can keep up with my kids while they’re riding their assorted wheels, and I’m handy for helping the smaller one on and off the curb at traffic lights and such. It’s a total win.
And did I mention that it’s fun?! It soooooo totally is. You should get one.
I mean, seriously. It is F.U.N. yo…
good GOD you’re badass…
I know it. I’m gonna get arrested, sistah… please send bail money. 😉
you need to have your own tv show
Thanks, village – tune into the Grumble Channel later this fall… (Just kidding. As if!!) xox
PS – get a scooter…