There’s a series of these videos out in the internets… Dance Like Nobody’s Watching.
I find some of them rather cute and bold and charming, but this one in particular came to me through the usual social media portals, and I really love this one. I think it’s because this girl’s spirit and dance style reminds me SO MUCH of how my kids and I have been prancing around lately. (We’re like an iPod commercial up in here these days…) I mean, if it can’t be this awesome song, then it might as well be “Telephone” by The Black Angels. Gosh, what a gem of a tune.
Seriously, yo.
[youtube id=”S32bgx36G-0″]
That’s fun, right? I KNOW!!
It’s the first day of SPRING people! The snow is gonna melt one day maybe soonish and we should be rejoicing!! Now, choose a song you love and go dance like nobody’s watching.
Yes, that’s an order.
Boing, boing, boing…
Do YOU ever dance like nobody’s watching? What’s your favourite song?
That’s the spirit, Julie!! 🙂
i dance nia and that’s what it entails…sure there is some structure and a “routine” but you take it and dance with intention and as if no one is watching. you make a mistake, doesn’t matter, you go left when they go right, doesn’t matter, you’re up, they’re down, don’t care…you’re dancing!